Anand Dessai
- Fast komplexe Strukturen auf Mannigfaltigkeiten, Diplomarbeit, Bonn (1992)
- Rigidity theorems for $Spin^c$-manifolds and applications,
Dissertation, Mainz (1996), published by Shaker Verlag (1997)
- Elliptic genera, positive curvature and symmetry,
Habilitation, Augsburg (2002)
- Some remarks on almost and stable almost complex manifolds (PDF), (PS)
Math. Nachr., Vol. 192 (1998) pp.159-172
- On the rigidity theorem for elliptic genera (together with R. Jung) (PDF), (PS)
Trans. AMS, Vol. 350 (1998) pp. 4195-4220
- $Spin^c$-Manifolds with $Pin(2)$-Action (PDF), (PS)
Math. Ann., Vol. 315 (1999) pp. 511-528
- Rigidity Theorems for $Spin^c$-Manifolds
(PDF), (PS)
Topology, Vol. 39 (2000) pp. 239-258
- On the topology of scalar-flat manifolds
(PDF), (PS)
Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001) pp. 203-209
- Bordism-finiteness and semi-simple group actions
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Geometriae Dedicata 90 (2002) pp. 49-62
- Homotopy complex projective spaces with $Pin(2)$-action
(PDF), (PS)
Topology and its applications 122 (2002) pp. 487-499
- Torus actions on homotopy complex projective spaces (together with B. Wilking)
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Math. Zeitschrift 247 (2004) pp. 505-511
- Characteristic numbers of positively curved spin-manifolds with
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Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 133 (2005) pp. 3657-3661
- S^1-actions on highly connected manifolds
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J. Geom. Phys. 56 (2006) pp. 2231-2236
- Obstructions to positive curvature and symmetry
(PDF), (PS)
Adv. in Math. 210 (2007) pp. 560-577
- Nonnegative curvature and cobordism type (together with W. Tuschmann)
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Math. Zeitschrift 257
(2007) pp. 7-12
- Some geometric properties of the Witten genus (PDF), (PS)
Proceedings of the Third Arolla Conference on Algebraic Topology August 18-24, 2008
Cont. Math. 504 (2009) pp. 99-115
- The $\hat A$-genus of $S^1$-manifolds with finite second homotopy group (together with M. Amann) (PDF), (PS)
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 348 (2010) pp. 283-285
- Topology of positively curved 8-dimensional manifolds with symmetry (PDF), (PS)
Pac. J. Math. 249 (2011) pp. 23-47
- Nonnegative curvature, low cohomogeneity and complex cohomology, Münster Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 9.1 (2016) pp. 187-206 (Journal) (article) (arXiv)
- Torus actions, fixed point formulas and elliptic genera, Special Issue "Metric Riemannian
Geometry" of Frontiers of Mathematics in China, Vol. 11 (2016) pp. 1151-1187 (Journal) (article) (arXiv)
- Complete Intersections with S^1-action (together with M. Wiemeler), Transformation Groups, Vol. 22 (2017) pp. 295-320 (Journal) (article) (arXiv)
- Nonconnected moduli spaces of nonnegative sectional curvature metrics on simply connected manifolds (together with St. Klaus and W. Tuschmann), preprint arXiv:1601.04877 (PDF), Bull. London Math Soc. 50 (2018), 96-107 (PDF)
- Moduli space of metrics of nonnegative sectional or positive Ricci curvature on homotopy real projective spaces (together with D. González-Álvaro),
preprint arXiv:1902.08919 (PDF), Transactions of the AMS,
Published: Nov. 3, 2020, TransAMS pre-publication
- Moduli space of nonnegatively curved metrics on manifolds of dimension 4k+1, preprint
arXiv:2005.04741 (PDF), Algebr. Geom. Topol. 22 (2022) pp. 325 - 347 (PDF)
- On the moduli space of nonnegatively curved metrics on Milnor spheres, preprint, arXiv:1712.08821 (PDF)
- A note on nonnegative curvature and (rational) homotopy type (together with W. Tuschmann), preprint arXiv:1103.4514v1
(PDF), (PS)
- Cyclic groups actions and elliptic genera, preprint
(PDF), (PS)
- Obstructions to positive curvature and symmetry, preprint
(PDF), (PS)
- Signature of the Free Loop Space of String-Manifolds: Some
Computations, preprint
- The Witten genus and S^3-actions on manifolds, preprint 1994, Preprint-Reihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Univ. Mainz, Nr. 6, February 1994 (revised February 1995) (PDF)