Powerpoint files of some lectures
Free Electrons and Molecules — a Lifelong Passion
2 June 2020, Portland, Oregon, USA (virtual conference) (PPT, 13 MB)
Two-dimensional electron-energy loss spectra reveal nuclear dynamics of negative ion resonances
18 July 2019, Telluride, Colorado, USA (PPT, 14 MB)
Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Free Electrons
23 February 2011, Basel, Switzerland (PPT, 13 MB)
Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Free Electrons - A personal retrospective
XXVII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2011),
27 July - 2 August 2011, Belfast, Nothern Ireland, (PPT, 11 MB)
Chemistry And Spectroscopy With Free Electrons
"Meeting of the Czech and Slovak Chemical Societies", Pardubice, Czech Republic, 28th - 30th June 2010, (PPT, 9 MB)
On the relation between gas phase electron scattering and processes at the STM tip
ECCL meeting 2009
"Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography "
5th to 8th June 2009
(PPT, 9.1 MB)
Excitation of the Electronic Fine Structure Transitions in NO by Impact of Low Energy Electrons
Fall Meeting of the Swiss Chemical Society, Z¸rich-Irchel, 8. October 2004
(PPT, 2.2 MB)
Recent experiments in low-energy electron-molecule collisions
332th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar
"Processes driven by Low Energy Electron-Molecule Interactions"
1. - 4. September 2004, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
(PPT, 6.8 MB)
21. June 2020 (MA)