Curriculum vitae:

  • 1949 born in Pardubice, Czechoslovakia (today Czech Republic)
  • 1976 Dr. phil II University of Basel (supervisor Professor John P. Maier)
  • 1977-80 Postdoctoral fellow at Yale University, USA
  • 1980 Maitre assistant, University of Fribourg
    (Institut de chimie physique, director Professor Edwin Haselbach)
  • 1989 Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department, University of Fribourg
  • 2016, April: retired
mobile phone: +41 77 401 05 03

I am very priviledged in a number of ways. I was alloved to devote myself to my hobby — look at encounters of free electrons with atoms, molecules, and finally also with liquids — all my life!

And to enjoy academic life, particularly being with students, teaching and guiding them in research. And I was even paid for all of it! (I hereby express my gratitude to the tax-paying citizens of the Canton of Fribourg.)

I have a family with successful children and with grandchildren who go singing through life. I enjoy reasonable health. I never lived through a war (my father did, through two, my mother through one).

portrait portrait

10. February 2020 (MA)