Members and former members of our group
- MSc Martino Van Autryve (Master 2024): Théorème de la Sphère (master thesis)
- MSc Luke Higgins, PhD student (since 15. November 2023)
- Dr. Sam Hagh Shenas Noshari, postdoc (1. October 2022 - 29. February 2024)
- Dr. Philipp Reiser, postdoc (since 1. September 2022)
- MSc Laurence Anstatt Morard (Master 2022): Formules du caractère de Weyl
dans le contexte des algèbres de
Lie de types fini et affine
(master thesis)
- Dr. Leonardo Cavenaghi, postdoc (mid March 2021 - mid January 2022)
- Dr. Jonathan Wermelinger (PhD 2021): Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics of
Positive Ricci and Non-Negative Sectional
Curvature on 5, 7 and 15-dimensional
Manifolds (PhD thesis)
- MSc Séverine Oppliger, (Master 2019): Lawson-Yau
Theorem on positive scalar curvature through Cheeger deformations (master thesis), PhD student 2022
- Dr. Jan-Bernhard Kordass, postdoc (1. September 2019 - 30. August 2020)
- Kevin Kalbermatter (Master 2019): A variational proof of Gromov's non-squeezing theorem (master thesis)
- Dr. David González Álvaro, postdoc (1. September 2017 - 30. August 2019)
- Jan-Bernhard Kordass, visiting PhD student (mid March 2017 - mid July 2017)
- MSc Joé Brendel (Master 2017): Positive Scalar Curvature, Enlargeability and The Positive Energy Theorem (master thesis)
- MSc Adrian Müller (Master 2016): Toruswirkungen auf symplektischen Mannigfaltigkeiten (master thesis)
- MSc Denis Pythoud (Master 2015): An introduction to the conjecture
of Kevin Walker (master thesis)
- Dr. Martin Herrmann, postdoc (October 2014 - March 2015)
- MSc Pascaline Descloux (Master 2014): The signature of an oriented manifold and
Ochanine's Theorem (master thesis)
- Dipl. Math. Martin Herrmann (February - May 2012)
- Dr. Lev Kiwi (PhD 2015): Circle actions on complete intersections (PhD thesis)
- Dr. Nicolas Weisskopf (PhD 2014): Positive curvature and the elliptic
genus (PhD thesis), partially published: Journal article
- PD Dr. Michael Wiemeler (Diplom 2006, PhD 2010): On the classification of torus
manifolds with and without non-abelian symmetries (PhD thesis)
- PD Dr. Manuel Amann (PhD 2009): Positive quaternion Kähler manifolds (PhD thesis)
- Dr. Markus Förster (PhD 2007): On the Stolz conjecture for generalized complete intersections in irreducible, compact, Hermitian,
symmetric spaces (PhD thesis)
Dr. Malte Röer (Diplom 2007): Mannigfaltigkeiten mit flacher
Skalarkrümmung (Diploma thesis)
- Dr. Christoph Meinerding (Diplom 2006): Signatur vollständiger Durchschnitte in Produkten komplex-projektiver Räume (Diploma thesis)