Research seminar on topology
(Oberseminar Topologie)
previous talks
- Tuesday 29.10.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h15, Philipp Reiser (Karlsruhe): Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics with Positive Scalar Curvature on Topological Spherical Space Forms
- Wednesday 20.11.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 10h20, Jochen Lohkamp (Münster): Splitting Principles in Scalar Curvature Geometry
- Tuesday 26.11.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h15, Jan-Bernhard Kordaß (Fribourg): Ebin's slice theorem and homotopy groups of moduli spaces of
riemannian metrics I
- Tuesday 03.12.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h15, Joé Brendel (Neuchâtel): Real Lagrangian Tori and Versal Deformations
- Monday 09.12.2019, Plancherel lecture at 17:30, Andreas Thom (Dresden): Sofic approximations - what's the problem?
- Tuesday 10.12.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h15, Jan-Bernhard Kordaß (Fribourg): Ebin's slice theorem and homotopy groups of moduli spaces of
riemannian metrics II
- Wednesday 18.12.2019, Phys. 2.73 at 17h00, Séverine Oppliger (Fribourg): Lawson-Yau theorem on positive scalar curvature through Cheeger deformations
- Thursday 11.07.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h00, Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): Milnor spheres, involutions and their quotients
- Monday 08.07.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 13h00, Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): The diffeomorphism classification of homotopy RP7
- Thursday 04.07.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 11h00, David Gonzalez (Fribourg):
Non-negative curvature on vector bundles
over cohomogeneity one manifolds
- Monday 20.05.2019, Phys 2.52 at 17h30,
Kevin Kalbermatter (Fribourg): A variational proof of Gromov's non-squeezing theorem
- Monday 11.03.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Georg Frenck (Münster): The action of Diff(M) on the space of psc metrics
- Monday 28.01.2019, Math II (Lonza) at 15h00, Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): A short overview of Surgery Theory III
- Monday 03.12.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Alexander Engel (Regensburg): Exterior products on the analytic structure group
- Monday 26.11.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): A short overview of Surgery Theory II
- Monday 19.11.2018: Schläfli lecture in Bern, Tamar Ziegler (Jerusalem): Approximate cohomology: from dynamics to algebraic geometry
- Riemannian Topology Meeting 8-9.11.2018
- Wednesday 07.11.2018, Math I (Sem 0.102) at 16h00, Adam Moreno (Notre Dame): The Boundary Conjecture for Leaf Spaces
- Monday 05.11.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): A short overview of Surgery Theory I
- Monday 01.10.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Llohann Speranca (Köln/Sao Paulo): On manifolds with a degree of kinship
- Monday 24.09.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Fernando Galaz-Garcia (Karlsruhe): Sufficiently collapsed Alexandrov 3-spaces are geometric
- Monday 07.05.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Mauricio Bustamante (Augsburg):
Bundles with fiberwise negatively curved metrics
- Thursday 03.05.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 15h00, Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe): Nikolaev manifolds and Alexandrov metrics
- Monday 26.03.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Raphael Zentner (Regensburg/FIM): Irreducible SL(2,C)-representations of integer homology 3-sphere
- Monday 19.03.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Jan-Bernhard Kordaß (Karlsruhe): Spaces of Riemannian Metrics satisfying Surgery Stable Curvature Conditions
- Monday 12.03.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Uwe Semmelmann (Stuttgart): The kernel of the Rarita-Schwinger operator on Riemannian spin manifolds
- Monday 05.03.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Anand Dessai (Fribourg): Moduli space of nonnegatively curved metrics on Milnor spheres
- Monday 26.02.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): Milnor's work on spheres and the Eells-Kuiper invariant II
- Monday 19.02.2018, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Jonathan Wermelinger (Fribourg): Milnor's work on spheres and the Eells-Kuiper invariant
- Monday 18.12.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Manuel Amann (Augsburg): Orbifolds with all geodesics closed
- Monday 04.12.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Michael Wiemeler (Münster): On the topology of moduli spaces of non-negative Ricci-curved metrics
- Monday 27.11.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h15, Masoumeh Zarei (Beijing): Equivariant classification of cohomogeneity one Alexandrov spaces in low dimension
- Monday 30.10.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, Michael Joachim (Münster): Twisted spin^c bordism and twisted K-homology
- Monday 23.10.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00, David Gonzalez (Fribourg): Open manifolds with positively curved souls
- Monday 16.10.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Anand Dessai (Fribourg): Topology of moduli spaces of nonnegative curved metrics and eta-invariants II
- Monday 02.10.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
Anand Dessai (Fribourg): Topology of moduli spaces of nonnegative curved metrics and eta-invariants
- Monday 18.09.2017, Math II (Lonza) at 16h00,
David Gonzalez (Fribourg): Non-negative sectional curvature on stable
classes of vector bundles