Upcoming events (organisation or active participation)
Conference "Groups in Madrid 2024", ICMAT Madrid, October 17 - 18, 2024; invited speaker
Workshop on Explicit Methods in Number Theory, Oberwolfach, September 1 - 6, 2024
Research stay (host Prof. Yohei Komori), Waseda University, 1 week, January 2024
Research Seminars
- Oberseminar Geometrie, 2006 - 2024
- Graduate Seminar on Geometry, Andreas Bernig, Bruno Colbois, Ruth Kellerhals, Bern 2004 - 2006
- Oberseminar Geometrie, Ruth Kellerhals, Thomas Zehrt, Fribourg 2000 - 2004
Events (organisation or active participation)
"Leonardo Math Camp" for talented high school pupils, Les Diablerets (Switzerland), 11 - 14 October 2023; conducted together with Matthieu Jacquemet (HES Sion / UniFR), Livio Liechti (UniFR) and Damaris Meier (UniFR); main organiser
Geometry Seminar, Waseda University, 20 January 2023; invited speaker
Conference on geometry, arithmetic and dynamics of discrete groups, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, 12 - 16 December 2022; invited participant - participation cancelled due to the war of Russia against Ukraine
TecDay (SATW), Modul "Dreiecke mit Winkelsumme null?", Kantonsschule Olten, 01.12.2022
TecDay (SATW), Modul "Dreiecke mit Winkelsumme null?", Alte Kantonsschule Aarau, 01.03.2022
COGENT Seminar, October 25, 2021, invited speaker; online seminar organised by Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Graham Ellis, Paul Gunnells and Haluk Sengun
Special Geometry Seminar, speakers Brent Everitt (York University) and John Parker (Durham University), University of Fribourg, October 6, 2021; organiser
Research stay, hosted by Proffs. Stephan Tillmann and Anne Thomas, University of Sydney, 2 weeks January, 2019
- PhD thesis defense of Tomoshige Yukita, 15 November, 2018, Waseda University; external expert
TecDay (SATW),
Modul "Dreiecke mit Winkelsumme null?", Gymnasium Thun, 21.03.2018
Workshop on "Hyperbolic Geometry Beyond Dimension Three", American Institute of Mathematics AIM SQuaRE, San Jose, July 17 - 23, 2017; invited participant
Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, Zürich, June 12 - 17, 2017;
member Nevanlinna Board (together with Kari Astala (University of Helsinki),
Pekka Koskela (Jyväskylä), Eero Saksman (University of Helsinki); Zoltan Balogh (Bern), Urs Lang (ETH Zürich); Toshiyuki Sugawa (Tohoku))
Journées de Géométrie Hyperbolique 2017, Workshop, University of Fribourg, March 23 - 24, 2017;
speakers are
Martin Deraux (Grenoble), Edoardo Dotti (Fribourg), Simon Drewitz (Fribourg; tbc), Vincent Emery (Bern), Anna Felikson (Durham), Michihiko Fujii (Okinawa), Rafael Guglielmetti (Fribourg), Ann Kiefer (Bielefeld), Olivier Mila (Bern)
Workshop on "Discrete Geometry", University of Auckland, February 15 - 16, 2017; invited speaker
Workshop on "Hyperbolic Geometry Beyond Dimension Three", American Institute of Mathematics AIM SQuaRE, San Jose, July 18 - 22, 2016; invited participant
Workshop Growth 3,
Waseda University, Tokyo March 31 - April 1, 2016; invited speaker
TecDay (SATW),
Modul "Dreiecke mit Winkelsumme null?", Bündner Kantonsschule, Chur, 26.02.2016
Journées de Géométrie Hyperbolique 2015, Workshop, University of Fribourg, October 15 - 16, 2015; ;
speakers are
Vincent Emery (Bern), Jordane Granier (Fribourg), Rafael Guglielmetti (Fribourg), John Parker (Durham),
John Ratcliffe (Vanderbilt), Pavel Tumarkin (Durham)
Workshop on "Hyperbolic Geometry Beyond Dimension Three", American Institute of Mathematics AIM SQuaRE, San Jose, July 20 - 24, 2015; invited participant
"Topics in Negative Curvature", a conference in honour of the 70th birthday of
Hans-Christoph Im Hof;
4 - 5 August 2014, Mathematical Institute, University of Basel (Switzerland);
speakers : C. Bavard (Bordeaux), P. Buser (EPF Lausanne), K. Grove (Notre Dame), J. Ratcliffe (Vanderbilt), P. Tumarkin (Durham), E. Vinberg (Moscow);
organiser : R. Kellerhals (Fribourg);
click here for the poster
Mini Workshop "Growth2",
OCAMI, Osaka City University, February 3 - 4, 2014; invited speaker
- PhD thesis defense of Yuriko Umemoto, 30 January, 2014, OCAMI, Osaka City University; external expert
TecDay (SATW), Modul D10 "Dreiecke mit Winkelsumme null?", Collège
St. Michel, Fribourg, 20.11.2013
Geometric and
Analytic Aspects of Group Theory,
Institut Mittag-Leffler, January 16 - May 30, 2012; invited participant
Borel Seminar
"Topics in Real and Complex Hyperbolic Geometry",
22 - 26 August 2011, Les Diablerets (Switzerland); conducted together with
Michelle Bucher (Geneva), Elisha Falbel (Paris), John Parker (Durham)
IMU General Assembly,
16-17 August 2010, Bangalore (India)
The Second W. Killing and K. Weierstrass Colloquium,
24-26 March 2010, Braniewo (Poland)
Geometry and Coxeter Groups, OCAMI Lecture Series 2010,
Osaka City University
XXI Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, Kyoto 2009
14th Meeting European Women in Mathematics EWM, Novi Sad 2009
Swiss Knots 2009, Fribourg 2009
Summer School on Bounded Cohomology, Coxeter Groups and Hyperbolic Geometry, Fribourg 2008
Kovalevskaya Lecture, BMS School of Mathematics, Berlin 2008
Workshop Hyperbolic Volume 2007, Fribourg 2007
XXth Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium, EPF Lausanne 2005
Spaces of Negative Curvature, Bernoulli Center EPF Lausanne, Program 1 July - 31 December 2005
1st Plancherel Lecture, Don Zagier (MPI Mathematik Bonn), Fribourg 2005
Spring Meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society on Analysis on Manifolds, Fribourg 2004
Conference on Aspects of Hyperbolic Geometry, Fribourg 2001