Université de Fribourg, Suisse
Faculté des Sciences
Département de mathématiques
Analysis and geometry of metric spaces I-II
2014 - 2015
Patrick Ghanaat MA.3568 - MA.3569
MA.4568 - MA.4569
Course content

Metric spaces and isometries, topological notions, Baire's theorem, compactness criteria, embedding theorems, dimension theory, Hausdorff distance, Gromov compactness, measures, curvature bounds

Table of contents


Hausdorff: Mengenlehre
Burago, Burago, Ivanov: A course in metric geometry
Heinonen: Geometric embeddings of metric spaces
Brudnyi, Brudnyi: Methods of geometric analysis in extension and trace problems
Hurewicz, Wallman: Dimension theory
Gromov: Metric structures for Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces
Further references will be given in class.