Séminaire: Classes Caractéristiques
Semestre de printemps 2009
Les Jeudis de 13 à 15 heure dans Math II (Lonza)
Plan provisoire des exposés:
- 19.02. Smooth manifolds and vector bundles [MiSt], § 1-2 (Matthieu Jacquemet)
- 26.02 Introduction (Anand Dessai)
- 05.03 Constructions with vector bundles [MiSt], § 3 (Laure Diederich)
- 12.03 Grassmann manifolds and universal bundles [MiSt], § 5 (Michaël Dougoud)
- 19.03 Introduction to (co)homology, [MiSt], Appendix A (Corina Mettler)
- 26.03 Thom isomorphism, § 10 (Malte Röer)
- 02.04 Oriented vector bundles and Euler class, [MiSt], § 9 (Arnaud Fis)
- 09.04 Computations in a smooth manifold I, § 11 (Gautier Berck)
- 16.04 no talk (Easter week)
- 23.04 Computations in a smooth manifold II, § 11 (Gautier Berck)
- 30.04 Complex vector bundles and complex manifolds, § 13 (Anand Dessai)
- 07.05 Chern classes, § 14 (Matthieu Gendulphe)
- 14.05 Pontrjagin classes, § 15 (Michael Wiemeler)
- 21.05 no talk (Ascension Day)
- 28.05 Characteristic numbers and the oriented bordism ring, § 16-17 (Martin Jakob)
Thèmes complémentaires: combinatorial Pontrjagin classes, exotic spheres, obstruction theory, Stiefel-Whitney classes
Bibliographie: [MiSt] Milnor, Stasheff:
Characteristic classes, Princeton
Les personnes intéressées peuvent s'inscrire auprès de Anand Dessai ou Gautier Berck
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