Anand Dessai

Department of Mathematics
University of Fribourg
Ein Bild von mir


Prof. Dr. Anand Dessai
Département de Mathématiques
Chemin du Musée 23
Faculté des sciences
Université de Fribourg, Pérolles
1700 Fribourg (Switzerland)

Phone: +41 / (0)26 / 300 91 84
Fax: +41 / (0)26 / 300 97 44
Room: Pérolles 11, 2.101 (see map)

Research:Topology, geometry, equivariant index theory
short CV

Members and former members of our group (papers on the arXiv)

Teaching 2024/2025

Teaching 2023/2024

For the complete course catalog of the department please consult the time table of the university: Fall 2023 and Spring 2024

Teaching before fall 2023

Oberseminar Topologie (Research seminar on Topology) Montags 17 Uhr in 0.05 (PER 23) (before fall 2023)

Conferences I am coorganizer

Funding and sponsors


last update June 26, 2024