Department of Mathematics
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
On the existence and growth properties
of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
presented to the Faculty of Science and Medicine of the University of
Fribourg (Switzerland)
in consideration for the award of the academic grade of
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Naomi Bredon
Thesis No: 8046
Uniprint Fribourg
Accepted by the Faculty of Science and Medicine of the University of Fri-
bourg (Switzerland) upon the recommendation of the jury:
Prof. Dr. Anand Dessai
University of Fribourg (Switzerland), President of the jury
Prof. Dr. Ruth Kellerhals
University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Thesis supervisor
Prof. Dr. Yohei Komori
Waseda University (Japan), External expert
Dr. Jean Raimbault
University of Aix- Marseille (France), External expert
Prof. Dr. Pavel Tumarkin
Durham University (United Kingdom), External expert
Fribourg, 12.09.2024
Thesis supervisor
Prof. Dr. Ruth Kellerhals
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche
A Coxeter polyhedron in Hnis a convex polyhedron of finite volume all of
whose dihedral angles are integral submultiples of π. The group generated
by the reflections in the facets of a hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron is called
a hyperbolic Coxeter group. While hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra exist only
for n995, they are far from being classified for dimensions beyond 3.
In this thesis, we study hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and their reflection
groups from two different point of views.
In the first part of our work, we consider Coxeter polyhedra with mutually
intersecting facets all of whose dihedral angles are π
3and (at least one) π
Since their associated hyperbolic Coxeter groups satisfy a crystallographic
condition, we call them ADEG-polyhedra. Our first main result provides the
classification of all ADEG-polyhedra in Hn. We discover a new polyhedron
Pin H9, and present various of its properties. Furthermore, for n7, we
show that Coxeter polyhedra in Hnwith mutually intersecting facets have
dihedral angles of the form π
mwith m6, only.
In the second part of our work, we study growth minimality properties of
Coxeter groups acting on Hnfor dimensions n4. To this end, we es-
tablish a new method to identify the groups realizing smallest growth rate
and exploit it subsequently by distinguishing between the cocompact and the
non-cocompact cases. One of our results concerns the cocompact case and
dimensions n= 4 and 5 while the other result describes the non-cocompact
case and dimensions 4 n9. In both settings, we are able to identify
the Coxeter groups of minimal growth rate. It turns out that they are all
intimately related to the fundamental groups of (compact arithmetic resp.
cusped) hyperbolic n-orbifolds of minimal volume.
Un poly`edre de Coxeter dans Hnest un poly`edre convexe de volume fini
dont tous les angles di`edres sont des sous-multiples entiers de π. Le groupe
engendr´e par les r´eflexions par rapport aux facettes d’un poly`edre de Coxeter
hyperbolique est appel´e un groupe de Coxeter hyperbolique. Bien qu’il soit
´etabli que les poly`edres de Coxeter hyperboliques existent seulement pour
n995, ils sont loin d’ˆetre classifi´es au del`a de la dimension 3.
Cette th`ese porte sur l’´etude des poly`edres de Coxeter hyperboliques et leurs
groupes de r´eflexions selon deux points de vue diff´erents.
Dans la premi`ere partie de notre travail, nous consid´erons des poly`edres de
Coxeter hyperboliques dont toutes les facettes s’intersectent, et ce, en des
angles di`edres π
3et (au moins un) π
6. Les groupes de Coxeter associ´es `a de
tels poly`edres satisfont une condition crystallographique, et nous les bapti-
sons poly`edres ADEG. Notre premier r´esultat principal ´etablit la classifica-
tion compl`ete des poly`edres ADEG. Nous d´ecouvrons un nouveau poly`edre
Pdans H9, et pr´esentons plusieurs de ses propri´et´es. De plus, nous mon-
trons que, pour n7, les poly`edres de Coxeter dont toutes les facettes
s’intersectent ont des angles di`edres de la forme π
mpour m6 seulement.
Dans la seconde partie de notre travail, nous ´etudions la propri´et´e de crois-
sance minimale des groupes de Coxeter de covolume fini agissant sur Hn
pour n4. Pour cela, nous ´etablissons une nouvelle ethode pour identifier
les groupes dont le taux de croissance est minimal. Nous exploitons cette
m´ethode en distinguant les cas cocompact et non-cocompact.
Un de nos r´esultats concerne le cas cocompact en dimension n= 4 et 5, tandis
que notre autre r´esultat porte sur le cas non-cocompact pour 4 n9.
Dans les deux cas, nous identifions les groupes de Coxeter de plus petit
taux de croissance. Ces derniers sont en fait ´etroitement li´es aux groupes
fondamentaux des n-orbivari´et´es (compactes arithm´etiques, respectivement
cuspid´ees) hyperboliques de volume minimal.
Ein Coxeter-Polyeder in Hnist ein konvexes Polyeder von endlichem Vol-
umen, dessen Diederwinkel ganzzahlige Teiler von πsind. Die Gruppe,
die durch die Spiegelungen in den Facetten eines hyperbolischen Coxeter-
Polyeders erzeugt wird, heisst eine hyperbolische Coxeter-Gruppe. ahrend
hyperbolische Coxeter-Polyeder nur f¨ur n995 existieren, ist man dennoch
weit entfernt von deren Klassifikation jenseits der Dimension drei.
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir hyperbolische Coxeter-Polyeder und deren
Spiegelungsgruppen aus zwei verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. Im ersten Teil un-
serer Arbeit betrachten wir Coxeter-Polyeder mit sich gegenseitig schneiden-
den Facetten, deren Diederwinkel alle gleich π
3und (mindestens einem)
6sind. Da ihre zugeh¨origen hyperbolischen Coxeter-Gruppen eine kristallo-
graphische Bedingung erf¨ullen, nennen wir sie ADEG-Polyeder. Unser erstes
Hauptergebnis liefert die Klassifikation aller ADEG-Polyeder in Hn. Dabei
entdecken wir ein neues Polyeder Pin H9und pr¨asentieren verschiedene
seiner Eigenschaften. Ausserdem zeigen wir f¨ur n7, dass Coxeter-Polyeder
in Hnmit sich gegenseitig schneidenden Facetten nur Diederwinkel der Form
mmit m6 haben onnen.
Im zweiten Teil unserer Arbeit untersuchen wir die Eigenschaft des mini-
malem Wachstums f¨ur Coxeter-Gruppen, die auf Hnf¨ur Dimensionen n4
operieren. Zu diesem Zweck etablieren wir eine neue Methode, um die Grup-
pen mit minimaler Wachstumsrate zu identifizieren, und wenden diese an-
schliessend an, indem wir zwischen dem kokompakten und dem nicht kokom-
pakten Fall unterscheiden.
Eines unserer beiden Ergebnisse betrifft den kokompakten Fall und die Di-
mensionen n = 4 und 5, ahrend das andere Ergebnis den nicht-kokompakten
Fall und die Dimensionen 4 n9 behandelt. In beiden allen sind wir
in der Lage, die Coxeter-Gruppen mit minimaler Wachstumsrate zu identi-
fizieren. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie alle eng mit den Fundamentalgruppen
von (kompakten arithmetischen bzw. gespitzten) hyperbolischen n-Orbifolds
von minimalem Volumen verkn¨upft sind.
Je tiens `a exprimer ma profonde gratitude envers Ruth Kellerhals pour son
soutien et ses conseils avis´es tout au long de l’´ecriture de ce manuscrit. Ce fˆut
un honneur de travailler avec elle, et je garderai en m´emoire nos nombreux
´echanges stimulants, nos excursions math´ematiques, et tout ce que j’ai appris
`a ses ot´es. Son exp´erience a grandement contribu´e au d´eveloppement de mes
comp´etences ces derni`eres ann´ees, sur les plans acad´emique, professionnel, et
mˆeme personnel. Pour tout cela, je lui suis infiniment reconnaissante.
Je remercie les membres du jury Yohei Komori, Jean Raimbault et Pavel
Tumarkin d’avoir accept´e de constituer le jury et pour leur soutien dans mon
projet. J’aimerais aussi remercier Anand Dessai qui pr´eside le jury.
Ma gratitude s’´etend ´egalement envers ma famille pour leur ´ecoute et leurs
nombreux encouragements. Merci `a vous mes chers parents, mes ch`eres sœurs
et mon cher fr`ere, pour votre soutien in´ebranlable. Plus largement, je remer-
cie mes amis, d’ici et d’ailleurs, et tous ceux qui m’ont accompagn´ee dans
cette aventure.
Quant `a chacun des membres du epartement, et `a ceux d’autres instituts,
qui ont crois´e ma route, merci pour ces moments de convivialit´e. Finalement,
merci `a mes ´etudiants pour leur dynamisme et leur investissement, vos ques-
tionnements m’ont moi-mˆeme souvent enrichie. Vous tous avez contribu´e `a
rendre chaque ´etape de ce voyage m´emorable et significative.
Merci `a chacun d’entre vous
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
I Preliminaries 5
1 Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra 6
1 Geometric spaces of constant curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Hyperplanes, polyhedra and Gram matrix . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1 The Coxeter diagram of a Coxeter group . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 Spherical and Euclidean Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 Root systems and fundamental weights 24
1 Root systems and Weyl groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2 Dynkin diagrams and extended Dynkin diagrams . . . . . . . 27
3 Classification of root systems of type A,D,Eand G2..... 27
II On the existence of hyperbolic Coxeter groups 32
3 Some classification results 33
1 Inlowdimensions......................... 34
2 In higher dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1 Coxeter polyhedra with a small number of facets . . . . 37
2.2 Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets . . 42
4 Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
1 The general strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2 Proof of the main theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.1 Firststeps......................... 49
2.2 Existence of a component e
G2.............. 50
2.3 From a G2-face to an admissible set of vectors . . . . . 50
2.4 The classification of ADEG-polyhedra . . . . . . . . . 55
3 Further results and comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1 Properties of the polyhedron P............. 69
3.2 An angular obstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
III On the growth rates of hyperbolic Coxeter groups 74
5 The growth rates of Coxeter groups 75
1 Growth series and growth rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
2 About the arithmetic nature of growth rates . . . . . . . . . . 80
3 Comparing growth rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.1 Partial order and growth monotonicity . . . . . . . . . 82
3.2 Ausefullemma...................... 85
6 Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups 87
1 Inlowdimensions......................... 88
2 In higher dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3 Proofs of the two main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.1 The cocompact case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.2 The non-cocompact case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
IV Appendices 95
A Data for Prokhorov’s formula 96
B Admissible pairs 98
C Normal vectors and Vinberg form 114
D The two reprints 119
Bibliography 148
Let Hnbe the hyperbolic space of dimension n2. A Coxeter polyhedron
PHnis a convex polyhedron of finite volume all of whose dihedral angles
are integer submultiples of π. Associated with Pis the discrete group Γ(P)
in IsomHngenerated by the reflections in the facets of P. Such groups are
called hyperbolic Coxeter groups and form a natural but important family
of transformation groups arising in several different contexts, ranging from
algebra, geometry to topology. However, in contrast to the Euclidean and
the spherical cases, hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra are far from being entirely
Our thesis is devoted to this theme and consists of three parts. While Part
I contains the preparatory material, our two key achievements are presented
in Part II and in Part III.
Firstly, we consider a class of Coxeter polyhedra in Hnwith prescribed com-
binatorial and angular structure. In fact, instead of fixing the number of
their facets in terms of the dimension n, as happened often in works of other
authors, we suppose that the polyhedra have mutually intersecting facets
and dihedral angles given by π
3and (at least one) π
6. Motivated by work of
Prokhorov, and in view of their relation to crystallographic Coxeter groups
of type A, D, E and G2, we call them ADEG-polyhedra. Our central result
can be stated as follows.
Theorem. Let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron. Then, Pis one of the 24
Coxeter polyhedra depicted in Table 4.0.1. In particular, Pis non-compact
for n > 2, non-simple for n > 3, and Pis of dimension n11. Furthermore,
Pis combinatorially equal to one of the following polyhedra.
Pis a triangle.
Pis a tetrahedron.
Pis a doubly-truncated 5-simplex.
Pis a pyramid over a product of two or three simplices.
Pis the polyhedron PH9with 14 facets depicted as follows.
The polyhedron PH9is a new discovery, and it is given here by its Coxeter
diagram. Such a diagram can be read as follows. The nodes correspond to
facets, and they are joined by a simple edge or an edge with label m4 if the
facets are not orthogonal but intersect under the angle π
3or π
m, respectively.
The proof of the classification theorem above is in parts based on Prokhorov’s
work in the ADE-case and given in Chapter 4. Of fundamental importance to
us are the results of Felikson and Tumarkin characterizing the combinatorics
of Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets, as well as Borcherds’
theorem helping us to identify faces of codimension two as Coxeter polyhedra.
At the end of Part II, we present a few properties of Pand of its associated
Coxeter group Γ= Γ(P). We show that its volume is a rational multiple q
of ζ(5)/22,295,347,200 with qQ>1. Moreover, the group Γis arithmetic
(over Q), and its commensurability class contains all Coxeter simplex groups
and all Coxeter pyramid groups as well as the group related to Prokhorov’s
Let us add that our proof methods are general and can be applied to Coxeter
polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets and for any set of dihedral angles.
However, as we proved in Proposition 4.3.3, the dihedral angles of Coxeter
polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets of dimensions beyond 6 must
be of the form π
mwith m6. Although a complete classification of these
polyhedra can therefore be realized in finite time and for all dimensions, we
did not pursue this direction of research.
Secondly, we present in Part III our results about hyperbolic Coxeter groups
of minimal growth rate in dimensions beyond three. Since these results have
already been published at an earlier stage of this thesis work, we are content
to summarize them in a condensed but nevertheless complete way. The first
result1in this context is given by Theorem 6.2.1 and identifies the cocompact
hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rate in dimensions n= 4 and 5.
More precisely, for dimension 4, it is the group Γc
4associated with the compact
simplex with Coxeter symbol [5,3,3,3] while for dimension 5, it is the group
5associated with the compact prism with Coxeter symbol [5,3,3,3,3,].
The second result2, given by Theorem 6.2.2, identifies the non-cocompact
hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rate in dimensions 4 n9.
The minimizing groups Γnare depicted below.
In both cases, the minimizers are unique and closely related to the funda-
mental groups of compact arithmetic and cusped hyperbolic n-orbifolds of
minimal volume, respectively.
The work finishes with several appendices. Appendix A and Appendix B
display some material and lists in connection with the proof of the above
Theorem. Appendix C contains the technical details relevant for the proof
of Proposition 4.3.1 about the commensurability class of Γ. Lastly, the
two articles mentioned about constitute Appendix D. Let us indicate that
we contributed significantly to the research in our joint work with Ruth
1N. Bredon, R. Kellerhals, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in
dimensions four and five, Groups Geom. Dynamics 16 (2022), 725–741.
2N. Bredon, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions,
Canad. Math. Bull. 66 (2023), 232–242.
In our times, geometers are still exploring
those new Wonderlands, partly for the
sake of their applications to cosmology
and other branches of science, but much
more for the sheer joy of passing through
the looking glass into a land where
the familiar lines, planes, triangles,
circles and spheres are seen to behave
in strange but precisely determined ways.
H. S. M. Coxeter
Part I:
Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
Let Xnbe a geometric space of dimension n2 and of constant sectional
curvature 0,1 or 1. Let IsomXnbe the isometry group of Xn. We are
interested in discrete groups in IsomHngenerated by finitely many reflections
with respect to hyperplanes of Xn.
For their characterization, we first present vector models for the spaces Xn.
Our interest lies especially in the case Xn=Hn. After that, we describe
hyperplanes and polyhedra in Xn.Then, we introduce the important notion
of Coxeter groups. We first consider them as abstract objects, and then rep-
resent some of them as geometric Coxeter groups, that is, Coxeter groups
realized as discrete subgroups of IsomXngenerated by reflections in hyper-
planes in Xn. We characterize geometric Coxeter groups in terms of their
Coxeter diagrams and by means of the Gram matrix of their fundamental
As general references for this chapter, we quote [16, 37, 82, 83, 84].
1 Geometric spaces of constant curvature
Let n2. The only simply connected complete Riemannian manifolds of
constant sectional curvature of dimension nare, up to isometry, the Euclidean
space En, the sphere Snand the hyperbolic space Hn. In what follows, we
consider each of these spaces as a metric space.
Denote by K {0,1,1}the constant sectional curvature of the space Xn.
1. Geometric spaces of constant curvature
For x= (x1, x2, . . . , xn+1) and y= (y1, y2, . . . , yn+1)Rn+1, define the
bilinear form
x, yK:=
xiyi+Kxn+1yn+1 .
We denote by || · ||Kthe associated (pseudo-)norm. If the context is clear,
we simply write ⟨·,·⟩ := ⟨·,·⟩Kand || · || := || · ||K.
The bilinear form ., .0is positive semidefinite, and the bilinear form ., .1
is positive definite. The bilinear form ., .1is indefinite of signature (n, 1),
and it is called the Lorentzian form.
The spaces Xnadmit the following linear models.
(i) We identify the space Enwith the hyperplane
En={xRn+1 |xn+1 = 0}
in Rn+1. It is naturally endowed with the metric dE(x, y) = pxy, x y0
for any x, y En.
(ii) The space Snis given by
Sn={xRn+1 | x, x1= 1},
together with the usual angular metric dS(x, y) = arccosx, y1for x, y Sn.
(iii) Denote by Rn,1the Lorentz-Minkowski space, that is, the space Rn+1
endowed with the Lorentzian product ⟨·,·⟩1; see Figure 1.1.1.
Future light-cone
Past light-cone
Figure 1.1.1: The Lorentz-Minkowski space Rn,1
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
A vector vRn,1\ {0}is said to be
spacelike if v, v1>0,
timelike if v, v1<0,
lightlike if v, v1= 0.
In Figure 1.1.1, we depict a spacelike vector v, a timelike vector t, and a
lightlike vector vin the Lorentz-Minkowski space Rn,1.
We usually identify the hyperbolic space Hnas the upper shell Hnof the
two-sheeted hyperboloid in Rn+1, that is,
Hn={xRn+1 | x, x1=1, xn+1 >0},(1.1)
with the metric d(x, y) = dH(x, y) = arccosh(−⟨x, y1) for any x, y Hn.
The boundary of Hn, denoted by Hn, can then be identified with
Hn={xRn+1 | x, x1= 1,x, x1= 0, xn+1 0}.(1.2)
We denote the compactification of Hnby Hn=HnHn.
Let us mention that in this linear model, the volume element of Hnis given
p1 + x2
1+. . . +x2
A point pHnis called an ordinary point, and a point qHnis called
an ideal point. A metric sphere centered at an ordinary point pcarries a
spherical structure in a natural way. A metric sphere internally tangent
to an ideal point qcarries a Euclidean structure and is called a horosphere
Sqcentered at q. Horospheres as Euclidean spaces are best treated in the
upper half space model Un={xRn|xn= 0}endowed with the metric
n. Indeed, a horosphere centered at q=is a hyperplane
Ht={xn=t},t > 0, with induced metric ds2
1+. . . +dx2
Let us emphasize that the group O(n, 1) of Lorentzian matrices acting by
isometries on Rn,1admits four connected components. Among them, the sub-
group O+(n, 1) of positive Lorentz-matrices preserves each of the two sheets
of the hyperboloid. It can be verified that the group IsomHnis isomorphic
to O+(n, 1).
In order to complete the picture, let us mention the well-known projective
model that will also be useful to describe Hn. For
C:= {xRn+1 | x, x1<0, xn+1 >0},(1.3)
2. Hyperplanes, polyhedra and Gram matrix
we have the isometry
In this way, we interpret Hnas space of classes represented by timelike rays
of the future light-cone Cof Rn,1. Similarly, any point on the boundary Hn
can identified with a lightlike ray belonging to C.
2 Hyperplanes, polyhedra and Gram matrix
Assume that Xn=En,Snor Hn. It is well known that any element of IsomXn
can be written as a finite product of hyperplane reflections. Any hyperplane
in Xnseparates the space into two closed convex half-spaces, and there is a
reflection which fixes the hyperplane and exchanges the two half spaces. In
this section, we start with the description of hyperplanes in Xn, and then
characterize convex polyhedra in Xn.
In En, a hyperplane is an affine hyperplane given by a normal vector
vSn1and a translational vector uEnas follows.
Hu,v ={xEn| x, v1= 0}+u .
Observe that each Hu,v is isomorphic to Hv:= H0,v.
For a hyperplane Hvin En, the reflection svwith respect to Hvis given by
sv(x) = x2v, x
||v||2v , x En.(1.5)
For any two unit vectors v1, v2En, we say that the hyperplanes Hv1and
Hv2are parallel if and only if v1, v21=1. For Hv1Hv2=, the dihedral
angle (Hv1, Hv2) is given by
cos (Hv1, Hv2) = −⟨v1, v21.
In the case of constant curvature K= 0, given a vector vRn+1 such
that v, vK= 1, its orthogonal complement is given by
Xv=v:= {xRn+1 | x, vK= 0}.(1.6)
The intersection Hv:= XvXngives a hyperplane in Xnwith normal vector
v. Any hyperplane of Xnis obtained in such a way. If not otherwise stated,
we always assume vto be a unit vector. For a hyperplane Hvin Xn, we can
associate the (oriented) closed half-space
v:= {xXn| x, vK0},
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
bounded by Hv, and where vis pointing outwards.
The reflection svwith respect to Hvgiven by
sv(x) = x2v, xv , x Xn,
is an isometry of Xn.
If Xn=Sn, any two spherical hyperplanes Hv1, Hv2intersect in Sn. Their
dihedral angle is given by
cos (Hv1, Hv2) = −⟨v1, v21.
If Xn=Hn, two hyperbolic hyperplanes Hv1, Hv2intersect inside Hnif
and only if
|⟨v1, v21|<1.
Furthermore, their dihedral angle is given by
cos (Hv1, Hv2) = −⟨v1, v21.(1.7)
Two hyperbolic hyperplanes Hv1, Hv2intersect at a point on the boundary
Hn, and are called (hyperbolic-)parallel, if and only if |⟨v1, v21|= 1. This
condition is equivalent to the fact that Hv1and Hv2intersect at a dihedral
angle 0.
Lastly, two hyperplanes Hv1and Hv2do not intersect in Hn=HnHnif
and only if |⟨v1, v21|>1. In this case, they are called ultraparallel, and
they give rise to a unique hyperbolic line Lorthogonal to both of them. The
distance between Hv1and Hv2is then given by
cosh d(Hv1, Hv2) = |⟨v1, v21|.
Observe that we have v1, v21<0 if and only if v1and v2are of opposite
Let kbe a positive integer. For a k-dimensional vector subspace VRn,1,V
is called hyperbolic if it has nonempty intersection with Hn. More specifically,
the intersection VHnis a hyperbolic (k1)-plane. In a similar way,
VRn,1is elliptic if VHnis empty, and it is parabolic in the remaining
It is not difficult to see but important to note that the orthogonal complement
of Vis elliptic if and only if Vis hyperbolic. In particular, a hyperplane Hv
is hyperbolic if and only if the normal vector vis spacelike.
The following elementary lemma will be useful later on.
2. Hyperplanes, polyhedra and Gram matrix
Lemma 1.2.1. Any two Lorentz-orthogonal lightlike vectors are collinear.
Proof. Assume that v, vRn,1are two Lorentz-orthogonal lightlike vectors.
Let wbe a timelike vector of squared norm 1. Then, the Lorentz-Minkowski
space Rn,1decomposes as Rww. Hence, there exist λ, λR\ {0}and
two spacelike vectors x, xRn,1such that v=λw +xand v=λw+x.
Since v, w=λw, w+x, w=λ, we derive that
x, x=vλw, v λw
=v, v λ2w, w
and, similarly, x, x=λ2and x, x=λλ. Now, one has
λxλx, λxλx=λ2x, x+λ2x, x 2λλx, x= 0 .
It follows that λxλx= 0, as λxλxbelongs to the elliptic subspace
w. Therefore,
λvλv=λxλx= 0 .
Now, we introduce the important concept of (convex) polyhedra in Xnas
Definition 1.2.2. Apolyhedron of dimension nor an n-polyhedron PXn
is the non-empty intersection of finitely many closed half spaces H
viin Xn
bounded by Nn+ 1 hyperplanes Hviin Xn, that is,
In the sequel, we often suppose PXnto be of dimension n. By con-
struction, Pis convex and entirely determined by its normal vectors up to
The dihedral angles of Pare the angles associated with the normal vectors
of two intersecting hyperplanes in the boundary of P; see (1.7).
Depending on whether Xn=En,Snor Hn, a polyhedron PXngiven
by (1.8) is said to be Euclidean,spherical, or hyperbolic. In what follows,
we assume polyhedra to have finite volume, except if mentioned otherwise.
Observe that a polyhedron PHnis of finite volume if and only if Pis the
(hyperbolically) convex hull of finitely many points in Hn.
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
Definition 1.2.3. For 0 kn1, a k-face of Pis the non-empty
intersection of nkbounding hyperplanes of Pwith Hn. A facet of Pis a
(n1)-face of P, an edge is a 1-face of P, and an ordinary vertex is a 0-face
of P.
Definition 1.2.4. An ideal point qHnis an ideal vertex of PHnif
qPand the intersection PSqof Pwith a sufficiently small horosphere Sq
centered at qis compact when considered as an (n1)-dimensional Euclidean
Remark 1.2.5. As a consequence of the famous volume differential for-
mula of Schl¨afli, the volume of a hyperbolic polyhedron Pis a monotonously
decreasing function with respect to each dihedral angle of P; see [47] for
For completeness, let us introduce the f-vector of a polyhedron PXn.
Definition 1.2.6. Let PXnbe a polyhedron, and let fkbe the number
of k-faces of P. The f-vector of Pis the vector given by
(f0, . . . , fn1).
By the celebrated formula of Euler-Scafli, we have the following result.
Proposition 1.2.7. Let PXnbe a polyhedron. Then,
(1)kfk= 1 (1)n.
Next, we introduce a very useful tool for the characterization of a polyhedron
in Xn, its Gram matrix.
Definition 1.2.8. Let PXnbe a polyhedron as given by (1.8). The Gram
matrix Gr(P) of Pis the Gram matrix of the system of unit normal vectors
{v1, . . . , vN}given by
Gr(P)=(gij)1i,jNwhere gij := vi, vjK.
Remark 1.2.9. As defined above, Gr(P) is a real symmetric matrix with
diagonal entries equal to 1. At times, we use a different normalization of the
vectors viin order to get a matrix with integer coefficients.
2. Hyperplanes, polyhedra and Gram matrix
A polyhedron Pis said to be non-degenerate if its bounding hyperplanes do
not share a common point, and there is no hyperplane orthogonal to all of
them. A non-degenerate polyhedron is said to be indecomposable if and only
if its Gram matrix Gr(P) is indecomposable in the classical sense. Observe
that any hyperbolic polyhedron of finite volume is indecomposable.
From now on we focus on acute-angled polyhedra, that is, polyhedra
whose bounding hyperplanes either intersect at a dihedral angle not exceeding
2or are disjoint.
Assume that PXnis a non-degenerate indecomposable acute-angled poly-
hedron. Depending on Xn, we have the following characterization of the
Gram matrix Gr(P).
For Xn=En,Gr(P) is positive semi-definite of rank n.
For Xn=Sn,Gr(P) is positive definite of rank n+ 1.
For Xn=Hn,Gr(P) is indefinite of signature (n, 1).
Observe that in the hyperbolic case, only, the matrix Gr(P) of PHncan
be arbitrarily large in comparison with n.
Assume that PXnis decomposable. For Xn=En,Gr(P) is made of
several block matrices, each one positive semi-definite of rank ki, say, but
such that Piki=n. For Xn=Sn, the Gram matrix Gr(P) is made of
several positive definite block matrices of rank kisuch that Piki=n+ 1.
If a polyhedron PXnis bounded by precisely N=n+ 1 hyperplanes, P
is called a simplex.
As a consequence of the Perron-Frobenius theory, we have the following re-
Theorem 1.2.10. Let nbe a positive integer. Let G= (gij )1i,jn+1
Mat(n+ 1,R)be an indecomposable symmetric matrix such that gii = 1 for
i= 1, . . . , n + 1 and such that 1gij 0for 1i=jn+ 1. Then,
one has the following properties.
If Gis positive semi-definite of rank nsuch that, for all 1i, j n+1,
the (i, j)-th cofactor of Gis positive, then Gis the Gram matrix of a
Euclidean simplex in Enwhich is unique up to isometry.
If gij =1for all 1i, j n+ 1,i=j, and Gis positive definite,
then Gis the Gram matrix of a spherical simplex in Snwhich is unique
up to isometry.
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
If Ghas signature (n, 1) such that, for all 1i, j n+ 1, the (i, j)-
th cofactor of Gis positive, then Gis the Gram matrix of a compact
hyperbolic simplex in Hnwhich is unique up to isometry.
For the cases Xn=Snand En, we cite the following additional results.
Theorem 1.2.11. Any acute-angled non-degenerate spherical (respectively,
Euclidean) polyhedron Pis a simplex (respectively, a direct product of sim-
Let PHnbe a polyhedron and k1. Each k-face Fof Pgives rise to a
principal submatrix Gr(F) of the matrix Gr(P). Here, Gr(F) is the matrix
formed by the columns and rows corresponding to the facets of Pcontaining
F. As a consequence, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set
of k-faces of Pand the set of positive definite principal submatrices of Gr(P)
of rank k. A similar result holds for ordinary vertices as they correspond to
positive definite principal submatrices of rank nof Gr(P).
Let PHnbe acute-angled and of finite volume. An ideal vertex of Pgives
rise to a neighbourhood in Pthat is a cone over a direct product of simplices.
As a consequence, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of
ideal vertices of Pand the set of positive semi-definite principal submatrices
of rank n1 of Gr(P).
Finally, a vertex of a polyhedron PXnis said to be simple if it is the
intersection of precisely nbounding hyperplanes of P. The polyhedron Pis
called simple if all of its vertices are simple. It follows from the above that
any compact acute-angled hyperbolic polyhedron is simple.
3 Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
Definition 1.3.1. An abstract Coxeter group Γ = (W, S) of rank Nis a
finitely generated group Wwith generating set Sof cardinality Nand a
presentation according to
i= 1,(sisj)mij = 1,(1.9)
where mij =mji {2,3,··· ,∞} for all i=j.
Observe that the set Sof generators of a Coxeter group is symmetric, that
is, S=S1.
3. Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
Let Γ = (W, S) be an abstract Coxeter group. For any subset TS, the
group WTgenerated by the elements of Tis a subgroup of W, and WTis
itself a Coxeter group. We say that WTis a parabolic subgroup of W.
We are interested in Coxeter groups that admit a geometric representation
as discrete subgroups of IsomXngenerated by hyperplane reflections.
A natural approach is to consider a polyhedral arrangement of hyperplanes
as follows.
Definition 1.3.2. ACoxeter polyhedron P=TN
i=1 H
viXnis a polyhedron
all of whose dihedral angles are zero or of the form π
kfor kZ2.
Given a Coxeter polyhedron PXnas in Definition 1.3.2, we denote
by s1, . . . , sNIsomXnthe reflections with respect to the hyperplanes
Hv1, . . . , HvNbounding P. Let Γ be the group generated by S={s1, . . . , sN}.
If two hyperplanes Hvi, Hvjintersect at a dihedral angle π
mij , then the compo-
sition sisjis a rotation of angle 2π
mij . Furthermore, if two hyperplanes do not
intersect in Hn(that is, they are parallel or ultraparallel), the composition
sisjhas infinite order. In this way, we deduce that Γ admits a presentation
as a Coxeter group
Γ = s1, . . . , sN|s2
i= 1,(sisj)mij = 1.(1.10)
Definition 1.3.3. Let PXnbe a Coxeter polyhedron. The Coxeter
group Γ IsomHngenerated by reflections with respect to the bounding
hyperplanes of Pis called the geometric Coxeter group associated with P.
The Gram matrix Gr(Γ) of Γ is defined to be the Gram matrix Gr(P) of P.
Depending on whether Xn=En,Snor Hn, the geometric Coxeter group Γ
is said to be Euclidean,spherical, or hyperbolic. Observe that a spherical
Coxeter group is always finite.
The Coxeter group Γ IsomXnis called cocompact if the associated Coxeter
polyhedron PXnis compact, and non-cocompact otherwise. In addition,
Γ is called cofinite if the associated Coxeter polyhedron Phas finite volume.
In what follows, we assume hyperbolic Coxeter groups to be cofinite, except
if mentioned otherwise.
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
3.1 The Coxeter diagram of a Coxeter group
Now, we introduce the notion of Coxeter diagram for an abstract Coxeter
group Γ = (W, S) of rank Npresented by
i= 1,(sisj)mij = 1.
Definition 1.3.4. The Coxeter diagram Σ of Γ is the (non-oriented) graph
whose nodes correspond to the generators s1, . . . , sNof Γ. Any two nodes
νiand νjin the graph are connected by an edge labelled by mij when the
corresponding generators satisfy (sisj)mij = 1 for mij {3,...,∞}. In other
words, two nodes are not connected if the corresponding generators commute.
We omit the label when mij = 3 since it occurs frequently.
If a Coxeter diagram is a linear graph with consecutive edges labelled by
k1, . . . , kr, we describe the corresponding Coxeter group (or Coxeter polyhe-
dron) by its Coxeter symbol [k1, . . . , kr].
Each parabolic subgroup of (W, S) gives rise to a subdiagram σof Σ. Note
that Coxeter diagrams and/or some of their subdiagrams need not to be
connected graphs. However, a Coxeter diagram Σ is connected if and only if
its Coxeter group (W, S) is irreducible.
In the case of a geometric Coxeter group Γ IsomXn, its Coxeter diagram
Σ is called affine,spherical, or hyperbolic, depending on whether Xn=En,Sn
or Hn.
Furthermore, in this geometric context and by (1.8) and (1.9), the Coxeter
diagram Σ coincides with the graph whose nodes correspond to the bounding
hyperplanes of the associated Coxeter polyhedron PXn, where two nodes
are joined by an edge labelled by mij when the corresponding hyperplanes
share a dihedral angle π
mij for mij 3. An edge is labelled by when the
corresponding hyperplanes are disjoint inside Xnfor Xn=Sn.
Example 1.3.5. A simple but prominent example is given by the Coxeter
group Γ with Coxeter symbol [7,3] based on the hyperbolic Coxeter triangle
7). In fact, the group Γ is of minimal co-area among all discrete
groups in IsomH2, and has minimal growth rate given by Lehmer’s number;
see Chapters 3 and 5.
In the sequel, for a geometric Coxeter group Γ, we do not distinguish between
Γ, its Coxeter polyhedron P, the Coxeter diagram Σ, and the Gram matrix
3. Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
The number Nof nodes is called the order of the Coxeter diagram Σ, and it
coincides with the rank of Γ. The rank of the Gram matrix Gr(Γ) is called
the rank of Σ.
Note that if the polyhedron Pis indecomposable, its Coxeter diagram Σ is
connected and the group Γ is irreducible, and vice versa.
3.2 Spherical and Euclidean Coxeter groups
In the fundamental work [16], H. S. M. Coxeter classified all spherical and
Euclidean Coxeter groups. In Tables 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, we give the list of all
irreducible spherical and Euclidean Coxeter groups in terms of their Coxeter
n1Ann= 3 H3
4n= 4 H4
n3Dnn= 6 E6
n= 2 G(m)
mn= 7 E7
n= 4 F4
4n= 8 E8
Table 1.3.1: The irreducible spherical Coxeter groups of rank n
The following theorems have been established by Coxeter [16]; see also the
work of Vinberg [84].
Theorem 1.3.6. Let PSn1be a spherical Coxeter polyhedron with asso-
ciated Coxeter group Γ. Then, Pis a simplex, and its Coxeter diagram is a
disjoint union of Coxeter diagrams of irreducible spherical Coxeter groups of
rank kisuch that Pki=n.
In contrast to the spherical case, by Theorem 1.2.10, any connected affine
Coxeter diagram of rank nhas order n+ 1.
Theorem 1.3.7. Let PEnbe a Euclidean Coxeter polyhedron of finite
volume with associated Coxeter group Γ. Then, Pis a product of simplices,
and its Coxeter diagram is a disjoint union of Coxeter diagrams of irreducible
affine Coxeter groups of rank kisuch that Pki=n.
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
n= 1 e
A1n= 2 e
Ann= 4 e
n= 6 e
4 4 n= 7 e
Dnn= 8 e
Table 1.3.2: The irreducible affine Coxeter groups of rank n
3.3 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Let P=TN
i=1 H
vibe a Coxeter polyhedron in Hnand Γ its associated Coxeter
group of rank N. Assume that all the vectors vinormal to the bounding
hyperplanes Hi=Hviof Phave Lorentzian norm 1.
The Gram matrix Gr(Γ) Mat(N, R) of Γ (and of the polyhedron P) has
the following coefficients off the diagonal; see Section 2.
vi, vj1=
cos π
mij if (Hi, Hj) = π
mij = 0
1 if Hi, Hjare parallel
cosh lif dH(Hi, Hj) = l > 0
Vertices and faces
In what follows we describe vertices and faces of a hyperbolic Coxeter polyhe-
dron and cite important correspondences at the level of its Coxeter diagram.
Theorem 1.3.8. Let Pbe a Coxeter polyhedron in Hn, and let Σbe its
Coxeter diagram. Then, for 1kn, there is a one-to-one correspondence
between (nk)-faces of Pand spherical subdiagrams σof Σof rank k.
In particular, any ordinary vertex corresponds to a spherical subdiagram of
rank n. In addition, ideal vertices of Pcorrespond to affine subdiagrams σ
of rank n1.
Let us add that an ideal vertex of a hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron is non-
simple if and only if σis made of at least two affine components.
3. Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
By Theorem 1.3.8, a spherical subdiagram σof rank kof Σ corresponds to
an (nk)-face F=F(σ) of P; see Table 1.3.1. The face Fitself is an
acute-angled polyhedron of finite volume, but it is not necessarily a Coxeter
polyhedron in Hnk.
The following important theorem provides a condition for the face Fto
be a Coxeter polyhedron. It was first proven by Borcherds [5] in a more
general context, and has been reformulated by Allcock [1] as follows.
Theorem 1.3.9. Let Pbe a hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron with Coxeter dia-
gram Σ. Let F=F(σ)be a face of Pcorresponding to a spherical subdiagram
σof Σ. Assume that σdoes not contain any component of type Al, for l1,
or D5. Then, Fis itself a Coxeter polyhedron.
The facets of FPcorrespond to all those nodes of Σ that, together with
σ, form a spherical subdiagram of Σ. We say that a node νΣ\σis a good
neighbour of σif the subdiagram spanned by σand νis spherical. Otherwise,
νis said to be a bad neighbour. As a consequence, the facets of Fcorrespond
to the good neighbours of σ.
Let ν1, ν2be two good neighbours of σ. Then, the nodes ν1, ν2correspond
to facets f1=F1F, f2=F2Fof F, where F1, F2are facets of P. Their
dihedral angle (f1, f2) is less than or equal to (F1, F2).
More precisely, according to Allcock [1], the dihedral angles (f1, f2) of the
facets f1, f2of Fare given as follows.
Theorem 1.3.10. Let Pbe a Coxeter polyhedron, and let F=F(σ)be
a face of Pwith facets f1, f2as above. Assume that σdoes not contain
any component of type Al, for l1, or D5. Then, one has the following
1. If neither ν1nor ν2attaches to σ, then (f1, f2) = (F1, F2).
2. Assume ν1, ν2attach to different components of σ. If (F1, F2) = π
then (f1, f2) = π
2. Otherwise, f1and f2are disjoint.
3. Assume ν1, ν2attach to the same component σ0of σ. If ν1and ν2are
not joined by an edge and {σ0, ν1, ν2}yields a diagram E6(respectively,
E8or F4), then (f1, f2) = π
3(respectively, π
4). Otherwise, f1and f2
are disjoint.
4. Assume ν1attaches to a component σ0of σ, and ν2does not attach to
σ. If (F1, F2) = π
2, then (f1, f2) = π
2. If ν1and ν2are joined by a
simple edge and {σ0, νi, νj}yields a diagram Bk(respectively, Dk,E8
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
or H4), then (f1, f2) = π
4(respectively, π
6or π
10 ). Otherwise, f1
and f2are disjoint.
Remark 1.3.11. Let m6 be an integer. Then, any node connected to
the subdiagram G(m)
2= [m] of Σ is a bad neighbour. As a result of Theorem
1.3.9, it is easy to identify each (n2)-face F(G(m)
2) of a hyperbolic Coxeter
polyhedron PHn. Furthermore, by Theorem 1.3.10, its dihedral angles
are precisely given by the dihedral angles of P.
Example 1.3.12. Let PH5be the Coxeter pyramid depicted below.
6 6
By Theorem 1.3.9 and Remark 1.3.11, each 3-face of Pcorresponding to
one of the two subdiagrams G2=G(6)
2= [6] is a Coxeter tetrahedron with
Coxeter symbol [6,3,3] (or [3,3,6]) .
Example 1.3.13. For the Coxeter 7-pyramid depicted below, the 5-face
F(G2) is a pyramid over a product of two simplices of type e
A2; see also
Table 3.2.2.
Criteria for compactness and finite volume
Recall that a hyperbolic Coxeter n-polyhedron Phas finite volume if it is the
convex hull of a finite number of points in Hn. The polyhedron Pis compact
if all of its vertices are ordinary points in Hn. Otherwise, Pis non-compact
(but of finite volume) and has at least one ideal vertex; see Definition 1.2.4.
The following criteria were established by Vinberg [82].
Theorem 1.3.14 (Compactness criterion).A polyhedron PHnis compact
if and only if the following holds.
1. Phas at least one ordinary vertex.
2. For every vertex vof Pand every edge of Pemanating from v, there
is precisely one other vertex of Pon that edge.
3. Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
Theorem 1.3.15 (Finite-volume criterion).A polyhedron PHnhas finite
volume if and only if the following holds.
1. Phas at least one (ordinary or ideal) vertex.
2. For every (ordinary or ideal) vertex vof Pand every edge of Pema-
nating from v, there is precisely one other (ordinary or ideal) vertex of
Pon that edge.
For a Coxeter polyhedron Pwith Coxeter diagram Σ, Theorem 1.3.15 can
be reformulated as follows.
1. Σ contains at least one spherical subdiagram of rank nor one affine
subdiagram of rank n1.
2. Each spherical subdiagram of rank n1 of Σ can be extended in exactly
two ways to a spherical subdiagram of rank nor to an affine subdiagram
of rank n1.
Remark 1.3.16. By exploiting Theorems 1.3.14 and 1.3.15, Guglielmetti
[30, 31] developed the software CoxIter, which, for a given hyperbolic Cox-
eter diagram Σ = Σ(P), indicates whether the polyhedron Pis compact or
of finite volume. The software CoxIter provides some more important infor-
mation. For example, the Euler characteristic of the group Γ(P) is displayed,
which, in the even dimensional case, is well known to be proportional to the
volume of P.
Finally, let us add another non-trivial result, due to Felikson and Tu-
markin [25], which will be very useful for us in the sequel; see Chapter 4.
Proposition 1.3.17. Let Pbe a hyperbolic Coxeter n-polyhedron (of finite
volume), and let Σbe its Coxeter diagram. Then, no proper subdiagram of
Σis the Coxeter diagram of a finite-volume Coxeter n-polyhedron.
Arithmeticity of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
The general theory of arithmetic groups is a broad field which we present
here only briefly and this in the restricted case of hyperbolic Coxeter groups.
We refer to [57, 58, 81], for example.
We begin by the following definition, comparing two discrete groups Γ1,Γ2
in IsomHn. The groups Γ1and Γ2are commensurable (in the wide sense) if
there is an element γIsomHnsuch that Γ1γΓ2γ1has finite index in both
Chapter 1. Coxeter groups and Coxeter polyhedra
Γ1and γΓ2γ1. Commensurability preserves properties such as discreteness
and finite covolume.
A fundamental theorem of Margulis states that a cofinite group Γ in IsomHn,
n3 is non-arithmetic if and only if its commensurator
Comm(Γ) = {γIsom Hn|Γ and γΓγ1are commensurable }
is a discrete subgroup of finite covolume in IsomHn; see [87], for example.
Margulis’ result can be taken as a definition of a cofinite discrete group
ΓIsomHnto be (non-)arithmetic.
There are several arithmeticity criteria and results. For instance, in dimen-
sion n= 2, Takeuchi [58, Appendix 13.3] classified all discrete triangle groups
up to arithmeticity.
Example 1.3.18. The four cocompact triangle groups (p, q, r) where p, q, r
{2,3,6}and with at least one entry equal to 6, are all arithmetic.
Let Γ IsomHnbe a non-cocompact Coxeter group of finite covolume. In
this restricted context, the arithmeticity property can be characterized in an
easy way. For its formulation, we consider the Gram matrix Gr(Γ) of Γ and
its related cycles.
Definition 1.3.19. For an arbitrary matrix A= (aij )i,j∈{1,...,N}, a cycle in
Ais an element of the form
ai1i2···aik1ikaiki1for i1, . . . , ik {1, . . . , N}, k 2.
A cycle in Ais said to be irreducible if all i1, . . . , ikare distinct.
The following arithmeticity criterion is due to Vinberg [84].
Theorem 1.3.20 (Arithmeticity criterion).Let ΓIsomHnbe a non-
cocompact Coxeter group of finite covolume. Denote its Gram matrix by
G=Gr(Γ). Then, Γis arithmetic (and defined over Q) if and only if all
cycles in 2Gare rational integers.
In view of Chapter 4, we specialize the context even more, and consider hy-
perbolic Coxeter groups Γ as in (1.9) which satisfy the conditions of Theorem
1.3.20, and whose Coxeter polyhedra PHnhave no pair of ultraparallel
facets. Then, Guglielmetti [32] added the following characterization.
Theorem 1.3.21. Let PHnbe a non-compact Coxeter polyhedron with
no pair of ultraparallel facets. Then, its Coxeter group Γis arithmetic if and
only if mij {2,3,4,6,∞} for all distinct i, j, and any irreducible cycle in
2Gof length at least 3is an integer.
3. Abstract and geometric Coxeter groups
The following example gives an illustration of Theorem 1.3.21.
Example 1.3.22. The Coxeter pyramid group [6,3,3,3,3,6] in IsomH5is
arithmetic. However, the Coxeter 5-simplex group depicted in Figure 1.3.22
is non-arithmetic.
Figure 1.3.2: The non-arithmetic Coxeter simplex group in IsomH5
Root systems and fundamental weights
In this chapter, we provide a brief survey of the classical theory of root
systems in Euclidean vector spaces. Their classification including details
about their simple root systems, highest root and fundamental weights will
play an important role in Chapter 4.
As references for this chapter, we quote [6, 37].
1 Root systems and Weyl groups
From now on, we denote by Va Euclidean vector space of finite dimension.
Definition 2.1.1. Aroot system Ris a finite subset of Vmade of non-zero
vectors, called roots, such that the following conditions hold.
1. Rgenerates V.
2. RRα={α, α}.
3. For any root αR, the reflection sαalong αRas given by (1.5)
permutes the elements of R, that is, sα(β)Rfor all βR.
The rank of the root system Ris defined to be the dimension of V. The root
system Ris reducible if there exist non-empty, disjoint root systems R1, R2
such that R=R1R2and span(R) = span(R1)span(R2). Otherwise, the
root system Ris said to be irreducible.
1. Root systems and Weyl groups
We often impose the crystallographic condition for R, ensuring that the vector
sα(β) is obtained from βby adding an integral multiple of α.
Definition 2.1.2 (Crystallographic condition).Aroot system Ris said to
be crystallographic if for any roots α, β Rone has
kα,β := 2α, β
α, αZ.(2.1)
In fact, it is sufficient to require the condition (2.1) for a set of simple roots
in Ras follows. Let us first introduce the notion of positive roots.
Let R+Rsatisfy the following properties.
1. For each αR, exactly one of αand αbelongs to R+;
2. For any distinct α, β R+such that α+βR, one has α+βR+.
The elements of R+are called positive roots.
Definition 2.1.3. Asimple root is a positive root that cannot be decom-
posed as the sum of two positive roots. We denote by B=B(R) the set of
simple roots.
Note that every system R+of positive roots contains a unique set Bof simple
roots. Furthermore, the set Bof simple roots is a basis of V.
Definition 2.1.4. The group W=W(R) generated by the reflections sα
through the hyperplanes αassociated with the roots αBis called the
Weyl group of R.
Proposition 2.1.5. The Weyl group Wis finite.
For a fixed system Bof simple roots in R, the Weyl group Wsatisfies the
(sαsβ)mα,β = 1 for α, β B, (2.2)
where mα,β is the order of the composition sαsβin W. Hence, Wcan be
identified with a spherical Coxeter group; see Section 3.2 in Chapter 1.
Let us mention the following two well-known results.
Proposition 2.1.6. Any positive root βR+can be written as a linear
combination of simple roots, that is,
mαα , (2.3)
where each mαis a non-negative integer.
Chapter 2. Root systems and fundamental weights
Proposition 2.1.7. For any two distinct simple roots α, β B, one has
α, β 0.(2.4)
We consider the following natural partial ordering on Rwith respect to R+.
For two roots α, β R, one says that αβif and only if βαis a sum of
simple roots with non-negative coefficients; see Proposition 2.1.6.
If Ris an irreducible root system, there exists a unique highest root with
respect to this ordering, and we will denote it by ¯α. In view of Proposition
2.1.7, the highest root ¯αforms a non-obtuse angle with every simple root
From now on, we consider a crystallographic root system R; see (4).
As α, β=||α|| · ||β||cos(α, β), it follows that
kα,βkβ = 4cos2(α, β)Z0.(2.5)
Since kα,β and kβ are integers, one gets
kα,βkβ {0,1,2,3,4}.(2.6)
The crystallographic condition for Rimplies that its simple roots can be of
at most two different lengths, and they are called short and long roots. In
fact, the quotient of the squared lengths of two simple roots can be equal to
2 or 3, only.
Furthermore, the Weyl group Wgenerated by sα,αB, is a finite reflection
group with mα,β {2,3,4,6}for any two distinct simple roots α, β B;
see (2.2). The group Wis said to be crystallographic, and Wstabilizes the
Z-lattice spanned by B.
Definition 2.1.8. Let Λ be the set of vectors wVsuch that kw Z
for all αR. The elements of Λ are called weights, and a weight wΛ is
dominant if all the integers kw,α are nonnegative for all αR+.
Lastly, we define the notion of fundamental weights as follows. Let nbe the
rank of R, and write B={α1, . . . , αn}.
Definition 2.1.9. The fundamental weights w1, . . . , wnΛ are the domi-
nant weights defined by the condition kwij=δij for all 1 i, j n, where
δij is the Kronecker symbol.
2. Dynkin diagrams and extended Dynkin diagrams
2 Dynkin diagrams and extended Dynkin diagrams
Let Rbe an irreducible crystallographic root system in V, and let W=W(R)
be its Weyl group.
The Dynkin diagram of such a root system encodes all the information about
the relative root lengths of simple roots of Rand their angles. In the fol-
lowing, we restrict the context to the subfamily of Weyl groups used in this
work, that is, the Weyl groups of type A, D, E and G2.
In this context, the Dynkin diagram of Rwill coincide with the Coxeter
diagram of Wexcept for the case G2.
Definition 2.2.1. The Dynkin diagram of Ris the graph whose nodes corre-
spond to the simple roots of R, and where two nodes are joined as follows. If
the roots are orthogonal, there is no edge between the corresponding nodes.
If the angle between the two roots is 2π
3, there is a simple edge between the
nodes. If the angle is 5π
6, the two nodes are joined by a triple edge, and there
is an arrow on the edge pointing from the long root to the short root.
When all roots have the same length, the Dynkin diagram has simple edges
and is called simply laced. It corresponds to one of the Coxeter diagrams
occurring in Figure 1.3.1.
Note that a root system is irreducible if and only if its Dynkin diagram is
The extended Dynkin diagram of Rcontains additional information in view
of an extra root added to the set Bof simple roots of Ras follows.
Definition 2.2.2. The extended Dynkin diagram of Ris the diagram ob-
tained by adding the node to the Dynkin diagram of Rthat corresponds to
the inverse ¯αof the highest root ¯α.
Since ¯αis a linear combination of the simple roots of R, the extended Dynkin
diagram is closely related to a connected affine Coxeter diagram; see Table
3 Classification of root systems of type A,D,Eand G2
In this section, we consider some particular irreducible crystallographic root
systems. We choose a natural system of simple roots, establish the highest
root and provide the fundamental weights. In addition, we depict the associ-
ated extended Dynkin diagram decorated by the corresponding root at each
Chapter 2. Root systems and fundamental weights
Let us first introduce the ADE-root systems. Their Dynkin diagrams are
simply laced.
Denote by ϵithe i-th vector of the standard basis of Rk.
Definition 2.3.1. Let Vbe the subspace of vectors in Rn+1 whose coordi-
nates sum up to 0. The An-root system Anis the set of vectors in Vof length
2 with integer coordinates given by
An={ϵiϵj|1i=jn+ 1}.
The natural simple roots are α1=ϵ1ϵ2, . . . , αn=ϵnϵn+1. Then, the
highest root is given by α=α1+. . .+αn=ϵn+1 ϵ1=: αn+1. The notation
αn+1 =¯αwill also be used in the subsequent cases. The fundamental
weights of Ancan be expressed as
wi=ϵ1+. . . +ϵii
n+ 1
ϵjfor 1 in .
The extended Dynkin diagram is given as follows, where each node is indexed
by the corresponding root.
Definition 2.3.2. Let V=Rn. The Dn-root system Dnis the set of vectors
in Vof length 2 with integer coordinates given by
Dn={ϵiϵj|1i=jn} (ϵi+ϵj)|1i<jn},
and the natural simple roots are α1=ϵ1ϵ2, . . . , αn1=ϵn1ϵn,αn=
ϵn1+ϵn. The highest root satisfies
α=α1+ 2α2+. . . + 2αn2+αn1+αn=ϵ1+ϵ2,
and the fundamental weights are given by
wi=ϵ1+. . . +ϵifor i<n1
2(ϵ1+. . . +ϵn1ϵn)
2(ϵ1+. . . +ϵn1+ϵn)
3. Classification of root systems of type A,D,Eand G2
The extended Dynkin diagram is given as follows.
αn+1 α2αn2
Definition 2.3.3. Let V=R8, and consider the lattice L=L0+Z(1
where L0consists of all vectors P
ciϵiwith ciZand P
The E8-root system E8is the set of vectors of length 2 in L. One has
ηiis even },
and the natural simple roots are given by
2(ϵ1ϵ2 ··· ϵ7+ϵ8)
αi=ϵi1ϵi2for 3 i8
The highest root can be expressed as
α= 2α1+ 3α2+ 4α3+ 6α4+ 5α5+ 4α6+ 3α7+ 2α8=ϵ7+ϵ8,
and the fundamental weights are
w1= 2ϵ8
2(ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ6+ϵ7+ 5ϵ8)
2(ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ6+ϵ7+ 7ϵ8)
w4=ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ6+ϵ7+ 5ϵ8
w5=ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ6+ϵ7+ 4ϵ8
w6=ϵ5+ϵ6+ϵ7+ 3ϵ8
w7=ϵ6+ϵ7+ 2ϵ8
The extended Dynkin diagram is given as follows.
Chapter 2. Root systems and fundamental weights
Definition 2.3.4. Let Vbe the hyperplane in R8generated by the first seven
simple roots α1, . . . , α7of E8; see Definition 2.3.3. Then, Vis orthogonal to
w8. The E7-root system E7is defined as E7=E8V. One has
E7=ϵi±ϵj|1ij6}∪{ ±(ϵ7ϵ8)}∪{1
ηiis odd},
and the natural simple roots are α1, . . . , α7. The highest root is given by
α= 2α1+ 2α2+ 3α3+ 4α4+ 3α5+ 2α6+α7=ϵ8ϵ7,
and the fundamental weights are
2(ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ62ϵ7+ 2ϵ8)
2(ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ63ϵ7+ 3ϵ8)
w4=ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5+ϵ62ϵ7+ 2ϵ8
The extended Dynkin diagram is given as follows.
Definition 2.3.5. Let Vbe the hyperplane generated by α1, . . . , α6in R8.
Then, Vis orthogonal to w7and w8. The E6-root system E6is defined as
E6=E8Vand has the natural simple roots α1, . . . , α6.
The highest root is given by
α=α1+ 2α2+ 2α3+ 4α4+ 2α5+α6,
and the fundamental weights are
2(ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3+ϵ4+ϵ5) + 5
3. Classification of root systems of type A,D,Eand G2
The extended Dynkin diagram is given as follows.
Lastly, we introduce the G2-root system G2, whose natural simple roots will
have different lengths.
Definition 2.3.6. Let Vbe the hyperplane in R3consisting of all vectors
whose coordinates add up to 0. The G2-root system G2is the set of vectors
in Vwith integer coordinates and of length 2 or 6 given by
G2=(ϵiϵj)|1i<j3} (2ϵiϵjϵk)|1i,j,k3},
and the natural simple roots are α1=ϵ1ϵ2, α2=2ϵ1+ϵ2+ϵ3. Then, the
highest root can be written according to
α= 3α1+ 2α2=ϵ1ϵ2+ 2ϵ3,
and the fundamental weights are given by w1= 2α1+α2and w2= 3α1+2α2.
We do not discuss the crystallographic root systems of type F4,Bnand Cn
as they will not be used in this work; for more details about them, see [37].
We adore chaos because we love to
produce order.
M.C. Escher
Part II:
On the existence of
hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Some classification results
The classification of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra is far from being complete.
In fact, for dimensions beyond 3, only a comparatively small quantity of them
is known.
We begin this chapter by quoting some general non-existence results for hy-
perbolic Coxeter polyhedra of finite volume. Then, we present the most
important classification results for hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra serving for
our purposes. The first section is a brief survey of some of the results in
dimensions 2 and 3. The second section is devoted to hyperbolic Coxeter
polyhedra in higher dimensions.
Main references for this chapter are [6, 15, 21, 24, 37, 70, 84]; see also the
webpage survey of Felikson [23].
The following non-existence results for hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra have
been established by Khovanski [49] and Prokhorov [69] for the finite-volume
case, and by Vinberg [83] in the compact case.
Theorem 3.0.1. Hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra of finite volume do not exist
in dimensions bigger than 995.
Theorem 3.0.2. Compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra do not exist in di-
mensions bigger than 29.
However, in dimensions beyond 3, examples of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra
are known for dimensions 19 and in dimension 21 in the finite volume case,
and for dimensions 8 in the compact case, only.
Chapter 3. Some classification results
Note that throughout this chapter, and as usually, Coxeter polyhedra are
considered to have finite volume.
1 In low dimensions
In dimensions 2 and 3, there exist infinitely many Coxeter polyhedra. There
are fundamental results, proven by Poincar´e and Andreev, that characterize
their existence.
In dimension 2
Theorem 3.1.1 (Poincar´e [68]).Let NZ3. A hyperbolic (convex) N-gon
PH2with angles αiexists if and only if
αi< π(N2).
From Theorem 3.1.1, we deduce the following for Coxeter polygons. For
N= 3, there exist infinitely many Coxeter triangles in H2, as there are
infinitely many integers m1, m2, m32 such that
The Coxeter diagram of a compact Coxeter triangle is then given by
where 1
For a non-compact Coxeter triangle, the Coxeter diagram has the form
for (arbitrarily large) m12 and m23.
Example 3.1.2. As a consequence of Theorem 3.1.1, there exist no compact
hyperbolic squares, as the sum of the angles should not exceed 2π. However,
there exist right-angled N-gons in H2for any N5.
1. In low dimensions
Remark 3.1.3. Observe that for N4, a Coxeter N-gon admits at least
one pair of ultraparallel edges.
Let Pbe a hyperbolic triangle with angles α1, α2and α3. Then, the
well-known defect formula for the area of Pyields
area(P) = π(α1+α2+α3).
Let us situate hyperbolic Coxeter triangles in the context of fundamental
polygons of discrete groups in IsomH2. It is a classical result due to C. L.
Siegel [73] that the smallest co-area of a discrete group in IsomH2is achieved
by the Coxeter triangle group [7,3]. Furthermore, one has
area([7,3]) = π(π
7) = π
42 .
In the non-cocompact case, the smallest co-area is realised by the Coxeter
triangle group [,3] closely related to the modular group SL2(Z). One has
area([,3]) = π(π
3) = π
In dimension 3
By a fundamental result of Andreev [2], we dispose of a complete descrip-
tion of Coxeter polyhedra in H3. In fact, the existence of an acute-angled
polyhedron of finite volume in H3can be deduced from the mutual inter-
section behaviour of its facets and the resulting angular inequalities. As a
consequence, any family of Coxeter polyhedra of fixed combinatorial type in
H3can be listed in detail. In what follows, we give an overview of the most
important families of interest for our work.
All hyperbolic Coxeter tetrahedra have been classified. This result is mainly
due to Lann´er [54] in the compact case, and to Chein [15] and Koszul [53] in
the non-compact case. They are listed in Figures 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
In addition, all Coxeter 3-pyramids have been established by Tumarkin [78].
Their Coxeter diagrams are given in Figure 3.1.3. Note that all of them
admit a pair of disjoint facets.
Observe that for all Coxeter polyhedra mentioned above, their dihedral an-
gles are bigger than or equal to π
6. This phenomenon holds for all Coxeter
polyhedra with at most 5 facets in H3; see [23].
Chapter 3. Some classification results
5 5 5 5 4 5
4 5
Figure 3.1.1: The compact Coxeter tetrahedra
4 6 4 4 4 4 4
6 6 6 5 6 6
4 6
Figure 3.1.2: The non-compact Coxeter tetrahedra
k= 2,3,4 ; m= 2,3,4;
l= 3,4 ; n= 3,4
k= 5,6 ; m= 2,3;
l= 2,3,4,5,6
Figure 3.1.3: The Coxeter pyramids in H3
2. In higher dimensions
2 In higher dimensions
In dimensions beyond 3, only a few essentially different examples are known.
In this section, we summarize the classification results of interest to us.
2.1 Coxeter polyhedra with a small number of facets
The compact Coxeter simplices were classified by Lann´er, and they exist only
in dimensions n4, while non-compact Coxeter simplices were classified by
Chein [15] and Koszul [53], and exist in dimensions n9. The latter sim-
plices are sometimes called quasi-Lann´er. Moreover, all Coxeter polyhedra
in Hnwith precisely n+ 2 facets (respectively, n+ 3 facets in the compact
case) are known due to the works of Esselmann [20, 21], Kaplinskaya [42]
and Tumarkin [78, 79, 80].
This section contains the lists of all Coxeter polyhedra in Hnfor n4 with
facet number fn1=n+ 1, together with classification results and sublists
relevant for this thesis when the facet number satisfies fn1n+ 2.
The case fn1=n+ 1
As mention above, compact Coxeter simplices exist for dimensions n4
only; see Figure 3.2.4.
5 5 4 5 5
Figure 3.2.4: The compact Coxeter simplices in H4
In the non-compact case, we know that simplices exist up to dimension n= 9.
We give their Coxeter diagrams in Table 3.2.1. Observe that all of them have
dihedral angles π
4or π
6, only.
Let us add that the covolumes of all hyperbolic Coxeter simplex groups have
been determined by Johnson, Kellerhals, Ratcliffe and Tschantz [40].
The case fn1=n+ 2
Let now Pbe a Coxeter polyhedron in Hnwith precisely n+ 2 facets. Then,
Pis combinatorially a product of two simplices or a pyramid over a product
of two simplices.
Chapter 3. Some classification results
44 4
4 4
4 4
Table 3.2.1: The non-compact Coxeter simplices in Hnfor n4
2. In higher dimensions
Let us first consider products of simplices. All simplicial prisms have been
classified by Kaplinskaya [42] and exist up to dimension n= 5. We emphazise
that all of them contain one pair of disjoint facets.
10 4
5 5
58 4
8 84 4
Figure 3.2.5: The Esselmann polyhedra
Assume that Pis combinatorially a product of two simplices each of dimen-
sion greater than 1. If Pis compact, then Pis one of the polyhedra listed in
Figure 3.2.5. They were found by Esselmann [21] and are called Esselmann
polyhedra. There are exactly seven Esselmann polyhedra, and they are all of
dimension 4.
The unique non-compact Coxeter polyhedron being a product of two sim-
plices is the Coxeter polyhedron P0H4found by Tumarkin [78] and de-
picted in Figure 3.2.6.
Figure 3.2.6: The Coxeter polyhedron P0H4
All Coxeter pyramids over a product of two simplices have been classified by
Tumarkin [78]. They are non-compact and exist in Hnfor dimensions n13
and n= 17. In dimension n= 4, all of them contain one pair of parallel
facets, and in particular, their Coxeter diagrams contain a subdiagram of
type e
A1= [].
In dimension beyond 4, we emphasize that all of their dihedral angles are
equal to π
4or π
Table 3.2.2 contains all Coxeter pyramids over a product of simplices in Hn
having no pair of disjoint facets and no dihedral angle π
4. These pyramids
exist only for 5 n17. They will play a crucial role in Chapter 4.
Chapter 3. Some classification results
6 6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6
Table 3.2.2: The Coxeter pyramids with mutually intersecting facets
and having only dihedral angles of the form π
3or π
6in Hn
2. In higher dimensions
The case fn1=n+ 3
For a Coxeter polyhedron PHnwith n+ 3 facets, the classification is
complete in the compact case (see [21, 79]), but it is not complete in the
non-compact finite volume case. In fact, Coxeter polyhedra with n+ 3 facets
and non-simple vertices are not entirely known; see also [72].
In the compact case, Esselmann [20] showed that Coxeter n-polyhedra with
n+3 facets do not exist in dimensions n > 8, and Tumarkin [80] classified all
of them. The unique polyhedron in dimension n= 8 is the one found earlier
by Bugaenko [11].
In the non-compact case, Coxeter n-pyramids with n+ 3 facets are pyramids
over a product of three simplices and have been classified by Tumarkin [79]
as well. They exist for dimensions n13. Table 3.2.2 contains the examples
of Coxeter pyramids with mutually intersecting facets and having dihedral
angles π
3or π
6, only. Observe that they exist only for n= 7.
Another class of non-compact Coxeter polyhedra with n+3 facets of interest
to us are special Napier cycles found by Im Hof [38]. These are doubly-
truncated orthogonal simplices, all of whose dihedral angles are bigger than
or equal to π
Finally, Tumarkin [80] proved that Coxeter polyhedra with n+3 facets do not
exist in dimensions n17, and that there exists a unique one in dimension
n= 16.
As for Coxeter polyhedra with at most n+ 3 facets, there are the following
All compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra with at most n+ 3 facets are
classified; see the above sections.
In [26], Felikson and Tumarkin consider compact Coxeter polyhedra with
ultraparallel facets and proved the following result.
Theorem 3.2.1. A compact Coxeter polyhedron in Hnwith exactly one pair
of ultraparellel facets has at most n+ 3 facets.
As a consequence, all compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra with a unique
pair of disjoint facets are known, and compact Coxeter polyhedra with more
than n+ 3 facets admit at least two pairs of non-intersecting facets.
About fn1n+ 4
Let us first mention that, in general, Coxeter n-polyhedra with at least n+4
8 facets and no further restrictions are not well understood.
Chapter 3. Some classification results
One result which we would like to cite here is due to Jacquemet and Tschantz
[39]. They classified all the Coxeter hypercubes in Hnand showed that they
exist up to dimension n= 5.
A second and important observation concerns the result on pyramids of
Mcleod [61], who completed the classification as follows. A pyramid over
a product of more than three simplices is necessarily a pyramid over a prod-
uct of four simplices, and they exist only in dimension 5. Again, each of
them admits a pair of disjoint facets. This fact will be used later on.
For dimensions n= 4 and 5, Coxeter polyhedra with precisely n+ 4 facets
are classified by works of Burcroff [12] and Ma-Zheng [55, 56]. For dimension
n= 7, there is a unique Coxeter polyhedron with n+ 4 facets, and there are
no such polyhedra for n8, as proven by Felikson and Tumarkin in [27].
2.2 Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets
In this section, we consider Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting
facets, that is, admitting no pair of disjoint facets in HnHn. In other
words, their Coxeter diagrams have only finite labels.
In the following, we provide some important results due to Felikson and Tu-
markin concerning the minimal number of pairs of non-intersecting facets
in the subclass of simple Coxeter polyhedra. Then, we discuss the classifi-
cation result due to Prokhorov [70] who considered Coxeter polyhedra with
mutually intersecting facets and dihedral angles π
2and π
3, only.
Some important results
Let PHnbe a (finite-volume) Coxeter polyhedron all of whose facets are
mutually intersecting.
The following results due to Felikson and Tumarkin [24] are of fundamental
importance for this thesis.
Theorem 3.2.2. Let PHnbe a compact Coxeter polyhedron. If all facets
of Pare mutually intersecting, then Pis either a simplex, or it is an Essel-
mann polyhedron.
In the non-compact case, a similar result holds for simple polyhedra; see [24].
Theorem 3.2.3. Let PHnbe a non-compact simple Coxeter polyhedron.
Assume that all facets of Pare mutually intersecting. Then, Pis either
a simplex, or it is isometric to the polyhedron P0whose Coxeter graph is
depicted in Figure 3.2.7.
2. In higher dimensions
Figure 3.2.7: The Coxeter polyhedron P0H4
As a consequence of Theorem 3.2.2 and Theorem 3.2.3, we deduce the fol-
lowing by-product. In fact, for n4, one can drop the simplicity condition
from the combinatorial structure of ideal vertices.
Corollary 3.2.4. Let n4. If PHnis a finite-volume Coxeter polyhe-
dron with mutually intersecting facets, then Pis a simplex, an Esselmann
polyhedron, or Pis isometric to the polyhedron P0depicted in Figure 3.2.7.
Proof. Let PHnbe a Coxeter polyhedron with mutually intersecting
facets for 2 n4. If Pis simple, by Theorems 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, Pis
either a simplex, an Esselmann polyhedron, or P0, and we are done. Suppose
therefore that Phas a non-simple vertex v, that is, vis the intersection
of at least n+ 1 facets. As any Coxeter polygon is simple, we can assume
that n > 2.
In the Coxeter diagram Σ of P, the vertex vcorresponds to an affine Coxeter
subdiagram σof rank n1 satisfying
rank(σ) = order(σ)m, (3.1)
where mis the number of connected affine components of σ; see Theorem
1.3.8. Since vis non-simple, one has that order(σ)n+ 1. By means
of (3.1), we deduce that the subdiagram σadmits at least m2 affine
components. Since n4, it follows that σhas at least one affine component
of rank 1. More precisely, for n= 3, σ=e
A1, and for n= 4, σis
either e
G2, or e
A1. Therefore, we derive that Padmits
at least one pair of parallel facets.
By Corollary 3.2.4, all Coxeter polyhedra in Hnwith mutually intersecting
facets are known for n4.
The classification of ADE-polyhedra
Among all Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets, a specific
subfamily - very important for our research - has been classified by Prokhorov
in [70]. This family comprises the so-called ADE-polyhedra.
Definition 3.2.5. An ADE-polyhedron is a Coxeter polyhedron PHnof
finite volume satisfying the following properties.
Chapter 3. Some classification results
1. All facets of Pare mutually intersecting.
2. All dihedral angles of Pare equal to π
2or π
The terminology is inspired by the spherical and affine cases where Coxeter
polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets and with dihedral angles π
2or π
are of type An,Dnor E6, E7, E8, as well as of type e
An, for n > 1, e
Dn, for
n3, or e
E8; see Tables 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.
By use of the classification results for ADE-lattices due to Nikulin [64],
Prokhorov [70] derived that ADE-polyhedra do not exist in Hnfor n > 17,
and he proved the following classification result.
Theorem 3.2.6 (Prokhorov [70]).Let Pbe an ADE-polyhedron. Then, P
is either a simplex, a pyramid, or one of the Coxeter polyhedra depicted in
Figure 3.2.8.
Figure 3.2.8: The ADE-polyhedra P1H8and P2H9
In total, there are 34 hyperbolic ADE-polyhedra. The 32 ADE-simplices
and ADE-pyramids can be found in the previous sections; see Figure 3.1.2,
Table 3.2.1 and Table 3.2.2. The highest dimensional ADE-polyhedron is the
Coxeter pyramid in H17 depicted Table 3.2.2.
In the following chapter, we shall extend substantially Prokhorov’s algorithm
and develop further strategies in order to classify so-called ADEG-polyhedra.
These are Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets all of whose
dihedral angles are π
3and (at least one) π
Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting
facets and dihedral angles π
3and π
In this chapter, we provide the complete classification of the following family
of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra.
Definition 4.0.1. A polyhedron PHnis an ADEG-polyhedron if Pis of
finite volume and satisfies the following properties.
1. All facets of Pare mutually intersecting.
2. All dihedral angles of Pare equal to π
3or π
3. Phas at least one dihedral angle π
The terminology is inspired by Prokhorov’s work [70] on the classification of
Let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron and consider the Coxeter group Γ
associated with Pwith its natural presentation given by (1.9), that is,
s1, . . . , sN|s2
i= 1,(sisj)mij = 1.
The ADEG-property of Pimplies that Γ satisfies the crystallographic con-
dition which says that mij {2,3,4,6}for all i, j {1, . . . , N}; see Chapter
2. The irreducible spherical and affine subgroups of Γ and the related root
systems are hence well understood.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
6 6
6 6
Figure 4.0.1: Two Napier cycles in H5
In Chapter 3, we already mentioned some examples of ADEG-polyhedra.
For instance, the two special Napier cycles depicted in Figure 4.0.1 describe
ADEG-polyhedra in H5; see [38].
We state now our main result providing the complete classification of ADEG-
polyhedra; see [10].
Theorem 4.0.2. Let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron. Then, Pis one of the
24 Coxeter polyhedra depicted in Table 4.0.1. In particular, Pis non-compact
for n > 2, non-simple for n > 3, and Pis of dimension n11. Furthermore,
Pis combinatorially equivalent to one of the following polyhedra.
Pis a triangle.
Pis a tetrahedron.
Pis a doubly-truncated 5-simplex.
Pis a pyramid over a product of two or three simplices.
Pis the polyhedron PH9with 14 facets depicted in Figure 4.0.2.
Figure 4.0.2: The Coxeter polyhedron PH9
Remark 4.0.3. Apart from the two-dimensional case and one tetrahedron,
all ADEG-polyhedra give rise to Coxeter groups which are arithmetic over
Q; see Chapter 1. The four compact ADEG-triangle groups are arithmetic
as well, but their field of definition is Q(3); see Example 1.3.18.
6 6
6 6
36 6 6 6
6 6
6 6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6
Table 4.0.1: The ADEG-polyhedra in Hn
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Remark 4.0.4. The Coxeter polyhedron PH9is a new discovery. It has
14 facets and 134 vertices with 6 of them being ideal. It will turn out that the
group Γ= Γ(P) is commensurable to the group associated with the ADE-
polyhedron P2found by Prokhorov, as well as to all Coxeter simplex groups
and all Coxeter pyramid groups in H9; see Figure 3.2.8 and Proposition 4.3.1.
In particular, we will see that the volumes of all these polyhedra are of the
form q·ζ(5)
22,295,347,200 with qQ1.
1 The general strategy
The proof of our main result as stated in Theorem 4.0.2 is very involved and
has several ingredients of structural and of quite technical nature. In this
section, we provide a rough overview and the different ideas which will show
up. Later on, we will give all details. Some auxiliary data are collected in
the two Appendices A and B.
Let PHnbe a candidate for an ADEG-polyhedron, and let Σ be its
Coxeter diagram.
As Pmust have mutually intersecting facets, we have full control if P
is simple or of dimension n4, in view of the results of Felikson and
Tumarkin. Therefore, we will henceforth assume that Pis a non-simple
(and hence non-compact) polyhedron of dimension n5.
As Pmust have at least one dihedral angle equal to π
6, the diagram
Σ contains a subdiagram σ= [6] of type G2. This property has two
fundamental consequences.
A first consequence is of combinatorial-metrical nature. By Borcherds’
theorem, σcorresponds to a face F(σ) of codimension 2 in Pwhich is
itself an ADE- or an ADEG-polyhedron. We shall call F(σ) = F(G2)
The second consequence is of algebraic nature. We show that σ= [6]
gives rise to an affine subdiagram [6,3] of type e
G2in Σ.
The subdiagram e
G2can be completed to an affine subdiagram σof
rank n1 in Σ, and σdescribes a non-simple ideal vertex vof P.
The vertex vappears as the apex of a polyhedral cone CHnover
a product of several simplices, each of dimension 2.
2. Proof of the main theorem
The cone Cis of infinite volume and has to be truncated by additional
hyperplanes Hx, x Rn,1, not passing through v, in order to yield P.
For two such hyperplanes Hx, Hy, one has (Hx, Hy) {π
The first hyperplanes Hxwhich we detect have to belong to the bound-
ary of the G2-face F(σ). This set is completed by hyperplanes Hy
subject to the imposed angular condition.
The related Lorentzian product x, yis controlled by Prokhorov’s for-
mula in terms of the (reducible) root lattice corresponding to σ. In
this way, one finds several but finitely many so-called admissible pairs
of vectors {x, y}.
By truncating the cone Cwith all hyperplanes indexed by pairwise ad-
missible vectors, one obtains a polyhedral object P. Finally, it remains
to test if Pis the realisation of a finite-volume hyperbolic n-polyhedron.
The above procedure is constructive relating Pto its G2-faces, and it yields
all but finitely many polyhedral candidates in each dimension.
Obviously, by the non-existence result stated in Theorem 3.0.1, the algorithm
will not furnish ADEG-polyhedra of dimensions n996. In fact, it stops
much earlier, namely for n= 20.
2 Proof of the main theorem
2.1 First steps
By the results of Felikson and Tumarkin, and by Corollary 3.2.4, all ADEG-
polyhedra in Hnare known for n4, and they are all simple. In fact, all
simple ADEG-polyhedra are known in any dimension, and they are given by
certain Coxeter simplices. They exist up to dimension 3. More precisely, in
dimension 2, there are four compact triangles, and in dimension 3, there are
seven non-compact tetrahedra, all depicted in Table 3.2.1.
Moreover, all Coxeter pyramids are classified, and we can extract all ten
ADEG-pyramids from Table 3.2.2.
In the sequel we will consider ADEG-polyhedra of dimensions n5, only.
They are non-simple, and we can suppose that they are different from (the
known) Coxeter pyramids. We point out that all of their G2-faces are non-
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
2.2 Existence of a component e
Let Pbe an ADEG-polyhedron in Hnfor n5. Let Σ be its Coxeter
diagram. By hypothesis, it contains a subdiagram σ= [6] of type G2in Σ.
We show that Σ contains in fact a subdiagram [6,3] of type e
G2. This result
will be essential.
Lemma 4.2.1. Let n5, and let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron. Then,
the Coxeter diagram of Pcontains at least one subdiagram of type e
Proof. Let n5, and let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron. Denote by Σ its
Coxeter diagram. Since Pis an ADEG-polyhedron, Σ contains a subdiagram
σ= [6].
By Borcherds’ result stated in Theorem 1.3.9, σyields a G2-face F=F(G2)
of dimension n2 which is an ADE- or an ADEG-polyhedron. As n23,
Fis non-compact. Denote by σFthe Coxeter diagram of F, and notice that
σFis disjoint from σ.
Now, σFcontains an affine subdiagram σ
Fof rank n3 which appears as
a component in an affine diagram of rank n1 in Σ. As the complement
Σ\σFcontains σ, the affine subdiagram of Σ\σ
Fcoincides with the diagram
[6,3] of type e
2.3 From a G2-face to an admissible set of vectors
Let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron for n5, and let Σ be its Coxeter
By Lemma 4.2.1, there is an affine subdiagram in Σ of the form
σ=σ1σ2 ··· σm=e
G2σ2 ··· σm, m 2.
As before, denote by rithe rank of σiso that Pm
i=1 ri=n1.
In our setting, each affine component σican be interpreted as the extended
Dynkin diagram of a root system Riof type A, D, E or G2; see Chapter 2.
Denote by ei
1, . . . , ei
rithe natural simple roots (with their prescribed lengths),
together with ei
ri+1 given by the opposite of the highest root of Ri.
The diagram σcorresponds to a non-simple ideal vertex vof the poly-
hedron P. The vectors ei
jassociated with σican be interpreted as spacelike
vectors normal to hyperplanes Hei
jpassing through v. Furthermore, we
treat vas a lightlike vector in Rn,1. In particular, vis Lorentz-orthogonal
2. Proof of the main theorem
to all ei
j, and it can be expressed in terms of certain lightlike vectors vi
related to the affine components σifor i= 1,...m as follows.
Lemma 4.2.2. For each 1im, there exist positive integers ci
1, . . . , ci
with ci
ri+1 = 1 such that the vector vi
:= ci
1+··· +ci
ri+1 Rn,1is
collinear with v.
Proof. Let ci
1, . . . , ci
riZbe the integers such that
eri+1 =ci
1+. . . +ci
riRri; (4.1)
see Chapter 2 for their explicit form. The vector vi
1+. . .+ci
(suitably extended to a non-zero vector in Rn,1) satisfies vi
, vi
= 0 by
properties of the highest root. In addition, vi
, v= 0 as ei
j, v= 0 for
all j= 1, . . . , ri+ 1. Now, we conclude by means of Lemma 1.2.1.
As a consequence of Lemma 4.2.2, and for each i, the vectors vand vi
are collinear and define the same lightlike ray, symbolized by vvi
. In
particular, for i= 1 and σ1=e
G2, we derive that
= 3e1
1+ 2e1
3; (4.2)
see Definition 2.3.6.
Let us come back to the set of hyperplanes Hei
jwith 1 jri+ 1 and
1im. The goal is to complete this set by at least two additional
hyperplanes Hx, Hy, where x, y Rn,1are spacelike vectors, in order to form
the boundary of an ADEG-polyhedron.
In what follows, we will always consider xand yto have squared norm 2.
We characterize the vectors x, y Rn,1in terms of their Lorentzian products
j:= x, ej
iand li
j:= y, ej
iwith the vectors ei
More precisely, we encode xand yby strings in the following way.
1, k1
2, k1
1, . . . , k2
r2+1;. . . ;km
1, . . . , km
1, l1
2, l1
1, . . . , l2
r2+1;. . . ;lm
1, . . . , lm
Since (Hx, Hei
j) and (Hy, Hei
j) vary within the set {π
6}, one has
j, li
j {0,1,3,3}. More specifically, the quantities ki
j=x, ei
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
as follows.
x, ei
0 if (Hx, Hei
j) = π
1 if (Hx, Hei
j) = π
3and ||ei
j||2= 2
3 if (Hx, Hei
j) = π
6and ||ei
j||2= 2
3 if (Hx, Hei
j) = π
3and ||ei
j||2= 6
3 if (Hx, Hei
j) = π
6and ||ei
j||2= 6
Similar expressions hold for li
j=y, ei
In this setting, the Lorentzian product x, ycan be expressed in terms of
the string coefficients of xand ygiven by (4.3). This point of view is taken
from work of Nikulin [65] and Prokhorov [70], and we provide the technical
details in what follows.
Fix two spacelike vectors x, y Rn,1such that x, v = 0 ,y, v = 0, that
is, the hyperplanes Hxand Hydo not pass through the vertex v.
Consider now the quantities Λ and Λi, 1 im, defined as follows.
Λ=Λxy := x, v
y, vand Λi:= x, vi
y, vi
=x, Pri+1
k=1 ci
y, Pri+1
k=1 ci
where the lightlike vectors vi
are defined in Lemma 4.2.2.
In particular, in our setting where σ1=e
G2, one has
1+ 2k1
1+ 2l1
Since vi
vby Lemma 4.2.2, one immediately deduces that
Λi= Λ for i= 1, . . . , m . (4.6)
With these preparations, we are able to write down Prokhorov’s formula [70]
for the Lorentzian product x, y.
Prokhorov’s formula.
x, y=x, x
+y, y
2Λ(∆1+. . . + m),(4.7)
ij .(4.8)
2. Proof of the main theorem
The quantities sp
ij in (4.8) depend on the fundamental weights of the root
system Rpas follows; see [70]. Let w1, . . . , wrpbe the fundamental weights
of the root system Rpas described in Chapter 2, and let cp
jbe the integers
according to (4.1). Then,
ij =wi, wj wi, wicp
iwj, wjcp
for 1 i, j rp,
irp=wi, wi
for i= 1, . . . , rp,
ii = 0 for i= 1, . . . , rp+ 1 .
In the following example we give the explicit form of these quantities for a
component of type e
G2. For the affine components of type e
A, e
Dor e
E, we refer
to Appendix A.
Example 4.2.3. For the root system G2underlying e
G2, the roots indexing
the nodes of the diagram e
G2, as depicted below, are such that ||e1||2= 2,
and ||e2||2=||e3||2= 6; see Definition 2.3.6. One has e1, e2=e2, e3=3
and e1, e3= 0.
Furthermore, c1= 3, c2= 2 and c3= 1, and the fundamental weights for G2
are given by w1= 2e1+e2
w2= 3e1+ 2e2.
Hence w1, w1= 2,w2, w2= 6, w1, w2= 3. From (4.9), it follows that
s12 =13
6, s23 =1
3and s13 =3
Let us return to the non-simple ideal vertex vof the ADEG-polyhedron
PHnand its associated affine diagram
G2σ2 ··· σm, m 2.
In this context, consider two spacelike vectors x, y of squared norm 2 such
that x, v = 0 ,y, v = 0, together with their strings (4.3).
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Definition 4.2.4. The vectors x, y form an admissible pair, denoted by
{x, y}, if they fulfil the following conditions.
1+ 2k1
1+ 2l1
=··· =Pjcm
= Λm= Λ ,(4.10)
x, y= Λ + 1
Λ(∆1+. . . + m) {0,1,3},(4.11)
where 1,...,mare given by (4.8).
A set of vectors {z1, . . . , zt}is said to be admissible if its elements are pairwise
admissible, that is, {zi, zj}is an admissible pair for all i, j {1, . . . , t},i=j.
Now, consider the subdiagram σ= [6] of the component e
G2in σ, and let
F=F(σ) be the G2-face with Coxeter diagram σF. By Borcherds’ result,
σFcontains the affine diagram σ2 ··· σm, and it is hyperbolic.
Denote by x1, . . . , xtall the nodes in σF\(σ2 ··· σm). They represent
hyperplanes Hx1, . . . , Hxtnot containing v, and we take them of squared
norm 2. Furthermore, they are good neighbours of σimplying that
xi, e1
1=xi, e1
2= 0 for i= 1, . . . , t .
To begin with, suppose that t= 1, and write x=x1. Since xis a good
neighbour of σ, its string can be written as
x(0,0, a;k2
r2+1;. . . ;km
1, . . . , km
where we abbreviate a:= k1
3=x, e1
3⟩∈{0,3,3}; see (4.4). Observe
that a= 0, since otherwise the complement of σFin Σ is not equal to σ.
By assumption, the ADEG-polyhedron Pis not a pyramid; see Section 2.1.
Therefore, there is at least one additional hyperplane Hythat is not passing
through v. The corresponding node is a bad neighbour of σ, and obviously
outside of σF.
Suppose that yis of squared norm 2, and put
1, l1
2, l1
1, . . . , l2
r2+1;. . . ;lm
1, . . . , lm
for its string. As yis a bad neighbour of σ,l1
1and l1
2are not simultaneously
Notation. In what follows, for simplicity, we replace ki
jby its opposite and
write ki
j=−⟨x, ei
jfrom now on. Similarly, we denote li
j=−⟨y, ei
2. Proof of the main theorem
Since Pshould be an ADEG-polyhedron, the vectors xand yform an admissi-
ble pair {x, y}. If the hyperplanes Hxand Hycombined with the hyperplanes
j,1jri+ 1,1im, bound a finite-volume polyhedron in Hn,
we realised an ADEG-polyhedron whose combinatorial-metrical structure is
explicit. Otherwise, for t= 1, we have to search for additional vectors yi
such that {x, yi}and {yi, yj},i=j, are admissible pairs.
Next, suppose that t2. The vectors x1, . . . , xtare all encoded by strings
according to (4.12) where
ai:= −⟨xi, e1
Since Pis an ADEG-polyhedron, the set {x1, . . . , xt}is admissible. As above,
either the hyperplanes Hxi, together with the hyperplanes Hei
j, bound a
finite-volume polyhedron in Hn, or one has to add vectors yito {x1, . . . , xt}
to produce an admissible set.
Remark 4.2.5. Each G2-face FPis an ADE- or ADEG-polyhedron
of dimension n23. By fixing one such polyhedron, we fix the string
coefficients of the corresponding vectors x1, . . . , xtup to the terms given by
(4.13). In this way, and by comparing with Prokhorov’s way, our classification
procedure in the ADEG-case is more efficient.
2.4 The classification of ADEG-polyhedra
Let n5, and let PHnbe an ADEG-polyhedron with Coxeter diagram
Σ. Assume that Pis not a pyramid. As in the previous sections, denote by
va non-simple vertex of Pwhose associated subdiagram is of the form
G2σ2 ··· σm, m 2.
Recall that the G2-face F=F(σ)Hn2, where σ= [6] e
G2, is a non-
compact ADE- or ADEG-polyhedron. Denote by σFits Coxeter diagram.
We work inductively on the dimension n5 by taking into account the
knowledge of all ADE- and ADEG-polyhedra of dimensions 3 and 4.
This induction process finishes in dimension nif there exists neither an ADE-
polyhedron nor an ADEG-polyhedra in Hn2which could serve as a G2-face
of an ADEG-polyhedron in Hn. A priori, the procedure has to be performed
at least up to dimension n= 19, as there exists one ADE-pyramid in H17.
In practice, we fix a face G2-face F, and denote by x1, . . . , xtthe nodes which,
together with σ2 ··· σm, constitute the diagram σF.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Observe that in the case where Fis a simplex or a pyramid, one necessarily
has t= 1, and one has t2 otherwise.
By means of Prokhorov’s formula, and with the help of the software Mathe-
matica [85], we find all the vectors ywhich together with the vectors corre-
sponding to x1, . . . , xtform an admissible set; see Section 2.3.
Then, for each admissible set, we verify if the arrangement of the different hy-
perplanes of the form Hei
j,Hxand Hygive rise to a finite-volume polyhedron
in Hn. To this end, we apply one of the following three criteria.
The signature of the Gram matrix is (n, 1).
Vinberg’s finite-volume criterion stated in Theorem 1.3.15.
Each (n2)-face has to be of finite volume.
For example, spherical subdiagrams of rank > n cannot appear, and any
affine subdiagram is a component of an affine subdiagram of rank n1.
We are now ready to start the induction procedure.
Assume that n =5
By Lemma 4.2.1, the affine diagram σ=σ1σ2of rank 4 is either e
or e
A2. In addition, we know that the 3-face F=F(G2) is a finite-volume
Coxeter polyhedron whose Coxeter diagram σFcontains σ2. Therefore, Fis
an ADE- or ADEG-tetrahedron, and there are ten possibilities for σF; see
Figure 3.1.2.
Consider the vector xR5,1,||x||2= 2, that together with e2
1, e2
2and e2
forms σF. For the string of x, we have
x(0,0, a;k2
1, k2
2, k2
3) (4.14)
where a=−⟨x, e1
3⟩∈{3,3}and k2
j=−⟨x, e2
Table 4.2.2 contains all relevant strings for xto be considered, written as
in (4.14). In fact, we omit the ones that lead to symmetric configurations.
Notice also that in some cases the coefficient a=3 for xcan be excluded.
The reason will become clear in part (i) below; see Remark 4.2.6.
Suppose that σ=e
G2. Then, Fis one of the seven ADEG-
tetrahedra; see Figure 3.1.2. In what follows, we describe the two most
important cases, only. For all other cases, we give just a few details, but
display all the admissible pairs in Table 4.2.3.
2. Proof of the main theorem
σString for x σString for x
G2(0,0,3; 0,0,3) e
A2(0,0,3; 1,0,0)
(0,0, a; 1,0,0) (0,0, a; 1,0,1)
(0,0,3; 0,0,3) (0,0, a; 1,1,1)
(0,0, a; 0,3,0) (0,0, a;3,0,0)
(0,0, a; 1,0,3)
(0,0, a; 1,0,3)
Table 4.2.2: Strings for dimension n= 5
(i) Assume that Fis the Coxeter tetrahedron with Coxeter symbol [3,3,6].
The situation can be described with the following diagram.
3x e2
6 6
We get x(0,0, a; 0,0,3) for a {3,3}.
A vector y(l1
1, l1
2, l1
1, l2
1, l2
3), ||y||2= 2, forms an admissible pair with xif
1+ 2l1
1+ 3l2
= Λ2= Λ ,
and if x, y= Λ + 1
Λ(∆1+ 2) {0,1,3}with 1and 2as in
Remark 4.2.6. For a=3, the Coxeter diagram of a 5-pyramid of finite-
volume appears as a proper subdiagram of Σ which is impossible in view of
Proposition 1.3.17.
As a consequence of Remark 4.2.6, we can assume that a= 3. There is a
unique solution so that {x, y}is admissible, and it is given by
1, l1
2, l1
1, l2
2, l2
3)=(3,0,0; 1,0,0)
for which Λ = 1
3, 1=3 and 2=1
3, and one gets x, y= 0.
This configuration corresponds to the Napier cycle depicted below wherein
the red nodes correspond to the vectors xand y.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
6 6
(ii) Assume that Fis the tetrahedron with Coxeter symbol [3,6,3]. The
situation can be described with the following diagram.
6 6
For x(0,0,3; 1,0,0), there is unique vector ysuch that the pair {x, y}
is admissible. It is given by y(0,3,3; 1,0,0) and yields x, y= 0.
This configuration, depicted below, does not correspond to a finite-volume
6 6
In fact, this can be easily deduced from the Coxeter diagram as it contains
an affine subdiagram e
A2which cannot be completed to yield an affine sub-
diagram of rank 4. This contradicts Theorem 1.3.15.
For x(0,0,3; 1,0,0), there is again a unique solution y(1,0,0; 0,0,3)
which satisfies x, y= 0. This gives rise to the Napier cycle depicted below.
6 6
For all of the remaining cases, the admissible pairs are listed in Table 4.2.3.
However, none of them gives rise to a 5-polyhedron of finite volume. Fur-
thermore, there exists no admissible set of cardinality >2.
In the case where σ=e
A2, none of the admissible pairs yields a
finite-volume polyhedron. In addition, we find one admissible set formed by
three vectors. The set of their strings is as follows.
{(0,0,3; 1,0,0),(3,0,0; 0,0,3),(0,0,3; 3,0,0)}.
However, also in this case, we do not obtain a finite-volume polyhedron.
This finishes the proof for n= 5.
2. Proof of the main theorem
σx y x, y
G2(0,0,3; 0,0,3) (3,0,0; 1,0,0) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,3,3) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
(0,0,3; 0,0,3) (1,0,0; 1,0,0) 0
(0,0,3; 0,3,3) (3,0,0; 1,3,0) 0
A2(0,0,3; 1,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
(0,0,3; 3,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
(0,0,3; 3,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,3,0) 0
Table 4.2.3: Admissible pairs {x, y}for n= 5
Assume that n =6
By means of Lemma 4.2.1, there is a unique case to consider given by σ=
A3. Hence, there are two possibilities for F, since σFhas to contain
to component e
A3. More precisely, σFis one of the two corresponding ADE-
simplices; see Table 3.2.1.
By Remark 4.2.6, we only have to consider the strings x(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0)
and x(0,0, a; 1,0,1,0) for a {3,3}. In both cases, we find that there
is no admissible pair.
Hence, apart from a single pyramid, there are no further ADEG-polyhedra
in H6.
Assume that n =7
There are eight possibilities for the diagram σF. Namely, Fis one of the
three ADE-simplices, the three ADEG-pyramids and the two Napier cycles
in H5given in Figure 4.0.1.
If Fis a simplex or a pyramid, there is only one vector xto be added to the
set {ei
j}i,j in order to form σF. If Fis a Napier cycle, two vectors x1and x2
are added to {ei
j}i,j to form σF. By taking into account Remark 4.2.6, we
list all corresponding strings in Table 4.2.4.
In what follows, we only give the details for the case where σ=e
Hence, Fis the pyramid with the Coxeter symbol [6,3,3,3,3,6], or one of
the two Napier cycles.
For all the other cases, the admissible pairs are summarized in Table 4.2.5.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
σStrings for x
(0,0, a; 0,1,0,0,0)
A2(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0)
G2(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3)
{x1(0,0, a1; 0,0,3; 1,0,0),
x2(0,0, a2; 1,0,0; 3,0,0)}
{x1(0,0, a1; 0,0,3; 0,0,3),
x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,3; 1,0,0)}
Table 4.2.4: Strings for dimension n= 7
(i) Assume that σF= [6,3,3,3,3,6]. By Remark 4.2.6, we consider the vector
xwith the string
x(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) .
There are two vectors yisuch that {x, yi}is an admissible pair, namely
y1(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0) , y2(3,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3),
and one has x, y1=x, y2= 0. Moreover, we verify that {y1, y2}is also an
admissible pair. However, there is no admissible set giving rise to a finite-
volume 7-polyhedron.
(ii) Assume that Fis the Napier cycle depicted below.
In this case, we can choose
x1(0,0, a1; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) and x2(0,0, a2; 1,0,0; 3,0,0) .
Then, we determine the coefficients a1, a2 {3,3}so that {x1, x2}is an
admissible pair. As Λ1=a1
a2and Λ2= Λ3=1
3, this yields a1=a2
3, that
is, a1=3 and a2= 3. It follows that x1, x2= 0. However, the resulting
polyhedron does not have finite volume.
2. Proof of the main theorem
Next, we search for all vectors ysuch that {x1, x2, y}is an admissible set.
The only solution is given by y(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0), and again, we do
not get a finite-volume polyhedron.
(iii) Assume that Fis the Napier cycle given below.
6 6
We write x1(0,0, a1; 1,0,0; 0,0,3) and x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,3; 1,0,0).
As above, since Λ2= Λ3= 1, this amounts to a1=a2 {3,3}. As
a consequence, 1= 0, and for each a:= a1=a2 {3,3},{x1, x2}is
admissible and such that x1, x2= 0. None of the resulting configurations
yields a finite-volume polyhedron.
For a=3, we find one vector y(1,0,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0) such that
{x1, x2, y}is admissible. Also, this configuration does not give rise to a
finite-volume polyhedron.
For a= 3, we find all the vectors zisuch that {x1, x2, zi}is admissible. They
are given by
z1(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) , z2(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) ,
z3(3,0,3;3,0,3; 3,0,3) .
In addition, {z1, z2}and {z1, z3}are admissible pairs. However, for each of
the different admissible sets, we do not obtain a finite-volume polyhedron.
σx y x, y
D4(0,0,3; 0,1,0,0,0) (0,3,3; 1,1,1,1,1) 0
A2(0,0,3;1,0,0;1,0,0) y1(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0) 0
y2(3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0) 0
A2(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0) 0
Table 4.2.5: The remaining admissible pairs {x, y}for n= 7
For the remaining cases, we list all admissible pairs in Table 4.2.5. Notice
that there is no admissible pair for σ=e
The pair {y1, y2}as given in Table 4.2.5 for σ=e
A2is not admis-
sible. Again, none of the admissible pairs yields a finite-volume polyhedron
in H7.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Assume that n =8
By means of Lemma 4.2.1, σFis either one of the two ADE-simplices or one
of two ADEG-pyramids. The corresponding strings are listed in Table 4.2.6.
σString for x
A5(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0)
D5(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0)
A3(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 1; 0,0,0)
A3(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 1; 0,0,0)
Table 4.2.6: Strings for dimension n= 8
Let us give some details for the case where σ=e
A5, only. By Table 4.2.7,
there are six admissible pairs of the form {x, yi}. We determine which of the
vectors y1, . . . , y6form admissible pairs and give their Lorentzian products
yi, yjin Table 4.2.8. Empty boxes correspond to inadmissible pairs.
σx y x, y
A5(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 0,0,0,1,1,1) -1
y2(0,3,3; 0,1,1,1,0,0) 0
y3(0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,1) 0
y4(1,3,3; 3,0,0,3,3,3) 0
y5(1,3,3; 3,3,3,3,0,0) 0
y6(3,3,0; 1,1,1,0,0,1) 0
D5(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0) (0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0) 0
(3,3,0; 1,1,0,1,1,0) 0
A3(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1; 0,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0,0) 0
(3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0,0) 0
A3(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1; 0,0,0) (0,3,3; 3,0,0; 1,1,0,1) -1
(3,0,0; 0,3,3; 1,1,0,1) -1
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1; 0,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0,0) 0
Table 4.2.7: Admissible pairs {x, y}for n= 8
By looking at each admissible set, we see that that none of them gives rise
to a finite-volume polyhedron in H8.
2. Proof of the main theorem
y10 0 30
y30 0
Table 4.2.8: The Lorentzian products yi, yj
We proceed similarly for the other diagrams σ, with the difference that, in
these cases, there are no admissible sets of cardinality >2. The conclusion
remains the same, and the proof for n= 8 is finished.
Interlude. For n9, the number of admissible pairs increases and ad-
missible sets of big cardinality show up. Despite the considerable amount of
cases to test, only a single one will finally provide a realisation of a hyperbolic
polyhedron of finite volume. As announced in Theorem 4.0.2, it will be the
polyhedron PH9.
In view of all the lengthy work performed, we will just summarize our find-
ings, apart from a few cases, in Appendix B. The cases which we explain in
some more details are the ones where the G2-face FHn2, for n= 9, is
neither a simplex nor a pyramid, and where FH7is the pyramid with
apex vof type e
In Appendix B, we list all admissible pairs {x, yi}for a given σ, together
with the Lorentzian products x, yj, as well as the products yi, yjwhen
the pair {yi, yj}is admissible and of further relevance; see Table 4.2.8, for
Assume that n =9
By means of Lemma 4.2.1, there are twelve possibilities for F. Namely, there
are three simplices, five pyramids over a product of two simplices, and four
pyramids over a product of three simplices; see Tables 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. The
corresponding strings are listed in Table 4.2.9; see Remark 4.2.6.
Remarquable is the case where σ=e
G2, and where Fis the
7-pyramid over a product of three simplices depicted below.
6 6
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
σString for x
A6(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0)
D6(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0)
E6(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0)
A3(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0)
A4(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0)
A4(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0)
D4(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0)
D4(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0)
A2(0,0, a; 0,0,1; 0,0,1; 0,0,1)
A2(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 0,0,1; 0,0,1)
A2(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0)
G2(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3)
Table 4.2.9: Strings for dimension n= 9
As before, we denote x(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) for a {3,3}.
By applying Borcherds’ theorem to one of the subdiagrams [6] in (the sym-
metric) diagram σF, one immediately deduces that a=3.
We find that there is a unique and beautiful admissible pair {x, y}with y
given by
y(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) ,
and we have x, y= 0. The corresponding diagram is depicted below.
By means of Theorem 1.3.15, we verify that this polyhedron is a Coxeter
polyhedron of finite volume in H9! We call it P. For more details and
further results about P, see Section 3.1.
For all other cases, see Tables 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.5, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.0.3, 2.0.8,
2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.0.11 and 2.0.12 in Appendix B.
Assume that n =10
There are seven possibilities for F. Namely, there are three ADE-simplices,
three ADEG-pyramids and the ADE-polyhedron P1of Prokhorov in H8.
2. Proof of the main theorem
All corresponding strings are listed in Table 4.2.10.
σString for x
A7(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
{x1(0,0, a1; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0),
x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0),
x3(0,0, a3; 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0),
x4(0,0, a4; 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0)}
D7(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
E7(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
D4(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0)
D5(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0)
D5(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0)
Table 4.2.10: Strings for dimension n= 10
Consider the case σ=e
A7. When the face Fis an ADE-simplex, we
refer to Table 2.0.13 in Appendix B.
Of interest here is the case where the face Fis given by Prokhorov’s polyhe-
dron P1depicted below.
Let us denote
x1(0,0, a1; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) , x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0) ,
x3(0,0, a3; 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0) , x4(0,0, a4; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) ,
where ai {3,3}for i= 1,2,3,4. It is easy to see that the set {x1, x2, x3, x4}
is admissible if and only if a1=a2=a3=a4. Let a:= ai, 1 i4. In both
cases, for a=3 and a= 3, the corresponding diagram does not encode a
finite-volume polyhedron. Furthermore, we do not find any additional vector
ysuch that the set {x1, x2, x3, x4, y}is admissible.
For all other cases, see Tables 2.0.14, 2.0.15, 2.0.16, 2.0.17 and 2.0.18 in
Appendix B.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Assume that n =11
There are eight possibilities for F. Namely, there are three ADE-simplices,
three ADEG-pyramids, the ADE-polyhedron P2of Prokhorov and the ADEG-
polyhedron Pin H9. The corresponding strings are listed in Table 4.2.11.
We provide details only for F=P2and F=P.
σString for x
A8(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
{x1(0,0, a1; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0),
x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0),
x3(0,0, a3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1)},
D8(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
E8(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
D4(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0)
E6(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0)
E6(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0).
G2{x1(0,0, a1; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3)
x2(0,0, a2; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0)}
Table 4.2.11: Strings for dimension n= 11
(i) Assume that σ=e
A8and that F=P2is as depicted below.
For a1, a2, a3 {3,3}, write
x1(0,0, a1; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0),
x2(0,0, a2; 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0),
x3(0,0, a3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1).
As we require {x1, x2, x3}to be an admissible set, we derive that a:= a1=
a2=a3. For both a=3 and a= 3, it turns out that the resulting
polyhedron is not of finite volume.
Next, we search for vectors yisuch that the set {x1, x2, x3, y}is admissible.
2. Proof of the main theorem
For a=3, we find eight vectors yilisted in Table 4.2.12. In addition, we
give the Lorentzian products yi, yjwhen {yi, yj}is an admissible pair in
the Table 4.2.13. However, we see that none of the admissible sets gives rise
to a finite-volume polyhedron.
Admissible vectors for a=3x1, yi x2, yi x2, yi
y1(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,3,0) 3 0 0
y2(1,0,0; 0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,3) 0 0 0
y3(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0,0,0,3,0,0) 0 0 0
y4(1,0,0; 0,3,0,0,0,0,0,3,0) 0 3 0
y5(1,0,0; 0,3,0,0,3,0,0,0,0) 0 0 3
y6(1,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0) 0 0 0
y7(3,0,0; 0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1) 0 0 0
y8(3,0,0; 1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0) 0 0 0
Admissible vectors for a= 3 x1, y x2, y x2, y
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0) -1 0 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1) 0 0 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0) 0 0 0
(1,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0) 0 -1 0
(1,0,0; 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0) 0 0 -1
(1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) 0 0 0
Table 4.2.12: Admissible sets {x1, x2, x3, yi}for σF=P2
y1- 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0
y2-1 -1 -1 -1 0 0
y3-1 -1 -1 0 0
y4- 1 -1 0 0
y5-1 0 0
y60 0
Table 4.2.13: Lorentzian products yi, yj
For a= 3, we find six vectors ylisted in Table 4.2.12. Again, none of the
admissible sets {x1, x2, x3, y}leads to a polyhedron of finite volume.
Furthermore, there is no admissible set of cardinality >4.
(ii) Assume that σ=e
G2and that F=P.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
For a1, a2, a3 {3,3}, write
x1(0,0, a1; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) ,
x2(0,0, a2; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) .
As {x1, x2}should be an admissible pair, this forces a2to be equal to 3a1,
that is, a1=3 and a2= 3. We obtain x1, x2= 0. However, these data
do not yield a finite-volume polyhedron.
Next, we find the following vectors y1, . . . , y4such that the pairs {x1, yi}and
{x2, yi}are admissible.
y1(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0),
y2(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0),
y3(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0),
y4(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3) .
They all are orthogonal to both x1and x2, and they are pairwise admissible.
However, there is no admissible set giving rise to a finite-volume polyhedron.
Assume that 12 n18
There is nothing to check in dimension n= 12 as there is neither an ADE-
polyhedron nor an ADEG-polyhedron in H10 serving as a G2-face F.
For dimension n= 13, there are two possibilities for the face F. Either F
is an ADE-pyramid or an ADEG-pyramid. The strings are listed in Table
4.2.14. If σ=e
E8, we find no admissible pair, and in the case
E8, the admissible pairs are listed in Appendix B, Table
2.0.26. None of them yields a finite-volume polyhedron.
For dimension n= 14, Fhas to be the (unique) ADE-pyramid in H12. The
corresponding string is given in Table 4.2.14, and we find no admissible pairs.
Hence, there is no ADEG-polyhedron.
For dimension n= 15, Fhas to be the (unique) ADE-pyramid in H13. The
corresponding string is given in Table 4.2.14, and again, we find no admissible
pairs and therefore no ADEG-polyhedron.
For dimensions n= 16,17 and 18, there is neither an ADE-polyhedron nor
an ADEG-polyhedron in Hn2serving as a G2-face F.
This finishes the proof for n18.
3. Further results and comments
n σString for x
13 e
E8(0,0, a; 1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
E8(0,0, a; 0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
14 e
E8(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
15 e
E8(0,0, a; 1,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
Table 4.2.14: Strings for dimensions 12 n18
Assume that n 19
Let n= 19. The single possibility for the G2-face FH17 is given by the
ADE-pyramid depicted below.
We have σ=e
E8, and we write
x(0,0, a; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) , a {3,3}.
For a= 3, there is a unique admissible pair which, however, does not yield a
finite-volume polyhedron; see Table 2.0.27 in Appendix B.
For a=3, we find 26 vectors ysuch that {x, y}is an admissible pair. They
are all listed in Table 2.0.27. Apart from a few exceptions, each admissible
set gives rise to a spherical subdiagram of rank >19. For the few exceptions
left, we do not find any finite-volume polyhedron.
Finally, when n= 20, the inductive procedure stops, since there are no
ADEG-polyhedron in dimensions 18 and 19.
This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.0.2.
3 Further results and comments
3.1 Properties of the polyhedron P
The ADEG-polyhedron PH9depicted in Figure 4.0.2 and its associated
Coxeter group Γ= Γ(P) have some interesting properties which we shall
develop in what follows.
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Let us start with a rough combinatorial information about Pprovided by
the software CoxIter [30, 31]. The f-vector of Pis given by
f= (134,671,1480,1909,1606,917,356,91,14) ,
where among the 134 vertices of P, six of them are ideal; see Figure 4.3.3.
Figure 4.3.3: CoxIter’s output for P
As a supplementary information, the growth rate τ3.029708 of Γis a
Perron number whose minimal polynomial has degree 51 and integral coef-
ficients in the interval [217,283]. We will come back to growth rates and
Perron numbers in Part III.
As for the volume of P, we can derive that
vol(P)Q·ζ(5) ,(4.15)
where ζ(5) denotes Riemann’s zeta function evaluated at 5. In fact, the non-
cocompact group Γis arithmetic (over Q) by the criterion stated in Theorem
1.3.20, and Γacts on hyperbolic space of odd dimension 5. The property
(4.15) is now an immediate consequence of Emery’s Proposition 2.1 [19], in
view of the quadractic form qassociated to P; see the proof of Proposition
4.3.1 below.
More precisely, we shall see that
vol(P) = q·ζ(5)
22,295,347,200 with qQ>1.(4.16)
To this end, consider the Coxeter simplex 9H9given by the Coxeter
diagram depicted in Figure 4.17.
3. Further results and comments
Figure 4.3.4: The Coxeter simplex 9H9
Alike Γ, the Coxeter group Γ9= Γ(∆9) is arithmetic (over Q), and it is dis-
tinguished by the property that among all cusped hyperbolic 9-orbifolds, the
space H9/Γ9has minimal volume and is as such unique; see [35]. Moreover,
the volume of H9/Γ9is given by the volume of 9and has been computed
in [40] according to
vol(∆9) = ζ(5)
22,295,347,200 .(4.17)
As a consequence, the identity (4.16) is verified.
Recall from Chapter 1 the concept of (widely) commensurable groups of hy-
perbolic isometries. Moreover, commensurability is an equivalence relation
which preserves properties such as arithmeticity, cocompactness and cofinite-
Our aim is to show that Γand Γ9are commensurable. We will prove even
more by looking also at the group Γ(P2) associated with the ADE-polyhedron
P2of Prokhorov in H9, depicted in Figure 3.2.8.
The group Γ(P2) is also arithmetic (over Q), and hence, we obtain
vol(P2) = q·vol(∆9) withQ>1.(4.18)
A natural question is whether all three groups Γ, Γ(P2) and Γ9are com-
mensurable. In fact, this question can be answered positively as follows.
Proposition 4.3.1. The Coxeter groups Γ,Γ(P2)and Γ9are pairwise com-
Proof. By Maclachlan’s work [57], there is a complete set of commensurability
invariants for arithmetic groups of hyperbolic isometries. His work has been
exploited by Guglielmetti, Jacquemet and Kellerhals [33] who established
these invariants in many cases and also for the group Γ9. Hence, it is sufficient
to show that the sets of invariants for Γand Γ(P2) coincide with the one of
Since we are in dimension 9, which is odd, and since all three groups un-
der consideration are defined over Q, the set of commensurability invariants
according to Maclachlan can be described briefly as follows. First, one es-
tablishes the Gram matrix Gand the different cycle coefficients for each
Chapter 4. Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Coxeter polyhedron in terms of its normal vectors and passes then to the
Vinberg form qassociated to G; see Definition 1.3.19 and Appendix C.
Then, one computes the signed determinant δ=det(q) of qin Q/Q2. The
next step is to determine the Hasse invariant s(q) and the Witt invariant c(q)
of q. More precisely, by expressing q=< a1, a2, . . . , a10 >in diagonal form,
one has
s(q) = O
(ai, aj)
in terms of the different quaternion algebras (ai, aj). In our case, s(q) and
c(q) coincide. Choose a quaternion algebra Brepresenting c(q), and finally
establish the ramification set Ramq(B) resp. Ramq(BQQ(δ)) according
to whether δis a square in Qor not.
The complete set of commensurability invariants is then given by
{Q, δ, Ramq(B)}if δis a square in Q;
{Q, δ, Ramq(BQQ(δ))}if δis not a square in Q.
For the group Γ9, the invariant set is known and equals to {Q,1,∅}.
For the group Γ, the Vinberg form is given by
see Appendix C for its computation. Therefore, the signed determinant of q
equals 1 in Q/Q2.
By the properties of quaternion algebras, the Hasse invariant s(q) given by
(2,2) ·(3,3) ·(6,6) ·(10,10) can be identified with (5,1).
We derive that the ramification set of (5,1) is empty, and that the complete
set of invariants for Γis given by {Q,1,∅}.
For the group Γ(P2) we proceed in a similar way. The Vinberg form,
established in Appendix C, is given by
q2=<1,1,3,6,7,10,10,15,21,10 > ,
which yields 1 for the signed determinant of q2. Again, we obtain c(q2) =
(5,1), whose ramification set is empty. Therefore, the set of invariants for
Γ(P2) is given by {Q,1,∅} as well.
We conclude that all three groups Γ9, Γand ΓP2are pairwise commensurable.
3. Further results and comments
Remark 4.3.2. By [33, 41] and Proposition 4.3.1, it follows that the com-
mensurability class of Γ= Γ(P) contains all Coxeter simplex groups and
all Coxeter pyramid groups in IsomH9.
3.2 An angular obstruction
In this section, we present an angular obstruction to the existence of hyper-
bolic Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets.
The following result provides a universal bound from below for dihedral an-
gles of Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting facets in dimensions
beyond 6.
Proposition 4.3.3. Let n7, and let PHnbe a Coxeter polyhedron with
mutually intersecting facets. Then, any dihedral angle of Pis of the form π
with m6.
Proof. Let n7, and assume that all facets of Coxeter polyhedron PHn
are mutually intersecting. Let Σ be the Coxeter diagram of P, and denote
by σm= [m] a subdiagram of type G(m)
2in Σ. Suppose that Phas a dihedral
angle π
mfor m7.
As in the proof of Lemma 4.2.1 and by means of Theorem 1.3.9, we deduce
that the G(m)
2-face F=F(σm) of Pis an (n2)-Coxeter polyhedron with
mutually intersecting facets.
As n25, the face Fis a non-compact Coxeter polyhedron; see Theorem
3.2.2 and Theorem 3.2.3. Therefore, its Coxeter diagram σFcontains an affine
subdiagram σ
Fof rank n3, which is a component of an affine subdiagram
of rank n1 in Σ. As Σ \σ
Fcontains σm, which cannot be extended to
yield an affine component, we get a contradiction.
Final comments. The method we developed in order to classify all ADEG-
polyhedra is general and can be applied to Coxeter polyhedra with mutually
intersecting facets whose dihedral angles are prescribed.
By Proposition 4.3.3, for dimensions 7, all dihedral angles of such poly-
hedra are uniformly bounded from below by π
6. Therefore, it is realistic to
obtain a complete classification of all Coxeter polyhedra with mutually inter-
secting facets and for all dimensions in finite time. Observe, however, that
the presence of a dihedral angle π
4makes the classification task much more
My work is a game, a very serious game.
M.C. Escher
Part III:
On the growth rates of
hyperbolic Coxeter groups
The growth rates of Coxeter groups
In this chapter, we provide the necessary background for the study of growth
rates of Coxeter groups. We start with basic definitions about the growth
series and growth rates of Coxeter groups. Then we present the tools for
comparing growth rates of Coxeter groups that will be fundamental for the
next chapter about growth minimality. Main references for this chapter are
[17, 37, 60, 76].
1 Growth series and growth rates
Let Γ = (W, S) be an abstract Coxeter group of rank Ngenerated by S,
presented as in (1.9).
Denote by lSthe length function of Γ with respect to S, that is, for wW,
lS(w) = min{kZ>0| s1, . . . , skS , w =s1···sk}, lS(1) = 0 .(5.1)
Define akNto be the number of elements wWwith S-length k, that is,
ak={wW|lS(w) = k} Z[t].(5.2)
Definition 5.1.1. The growth series fS(t) of Γ = (W, S) is the power series
defined by
fS(t) = 1 + X
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
Notice that if Γ = (W, S) is finite, then fS(t) is a polynomial. More specifi-
cally, by a classical result of Solomon [74], the growth polynomial fS(t) can
be expressed by means of its exponents {m1, m2, . . . , mn}according to the
fS(t) =
[mi+ 1] ,(5.4)
where [m] = 1 + t+. . . +tm1and [m1, . . . , mr] := [m1]···[mr] . The
exponents of all irreducible spherical Coxeter groups are listed in Table 5.1.1.
Group Exponents Group Exponents
An1,2,··· , n E61,4,5,7,8,11
Bn1,3,··· ,2n1E71,5,7,9,11,13,17
Dn1,3,··· ,2n3, n 1E81,7,11,13,17,19,23,29
21, n 1
H41,11,19,29 F41,5,7,11
Table 5.1.1: Exponents of the irreducible spherical Coxeter groups
The following well-known formula due to Steinberg [75] allows one to
express the growth series fS(t) of an arbitrary Coxeter group (W, S) in terms
of its finite parabolic subgroups.
Theorem 5.1.2 (Steinberg’s formula).
where W={1}.
As a consequence, in its disk of convergence, the growth series fS(t) is a
rational function, which can be expressed as the quotient of two coprime
monic polynomials p(t), q(t)Z[t] of the same degree.
Definition 5.1.3. The growth rate τΓ=τW:= τ(W,S)is defined as the inverse
of the radius of convergence of the growth series fS(t) of (W, S).
1. Growth series and growth rates
By Hadamard’s formula, we have
τΓ= lim sup
ak1/k .(5.6)
Furthermore, the growth rate τΓcan be identified with the inverse of the
smallest positive real pole of fS(t). Hence, τΓis an algebraic integer.
For a reducible group, the growth series fS(t) satisfies the following product
Proposition 5.1.4. The growth series of a reducible Coxeter group (W, S)
with factor groups (W1, S1),(W2, S2)such that S= (S1×{1W2})({1W1S2)
fS(t) = fS1(t)·fS2(t).
In particular, τW= max
Let Γ IsomXnbe a (cofinite) geometric Coxeter group, as usually with
its canonical system Sof generating reflections; see (1.9). If Xn=Sn, then
τΓ= 0, while for Xn=En,τΓ= 1. In both cases, Γ is of polynomial growth.
For the case Xn=Hn, results of Milnor [63] and de la Harpe [17] imply that
Γ has exponential growth, that is, τΓ>1. More precisely, it was proven by
Terragni [76, 77] that for any hyperbolic Coxeter group Γ,
τΓτΓ91.138078 ,(5.7)
where Γ9is the Coxeter 9-simplex group depicted in Figure 5.1.1; see also
Chapter 4.
Figure 5.1.1: The Coxeter simplex group Γ9IsomH9
Example 5.1.5. Let Γ = [7,3] be the cocompact hyperbolic triangle group
with Coxeter diagram
Recall that the group Γ has smallest co-area among all discrete groups in
IsomH2; see Chapter 3.
As easily read from the Coxeter diagram above, Γ contains six finite parabolic
subgroups. Namely, it contains the three dihedral subgroups A1×A1, A2and
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
2, each with multiplicity 1, and the subgroup A1with multiplicity 3. By
means of Steinberg’s formula (5.5) and Table 5.1.1, we derive
fS(t1)= 1 3
[2] +1
[2,2] +1
[2,3] +1
[2,7] .
It follows that
fS(t) = C(t)
1 + tt3t4t5t6t7+t9+t10 (5.8)
where C(t) is a certain product of cyclotomic polynomials, and where L(t)
is Lehmer’s polynomial. It is the minimal polynomial of the Lehmer number
αL1.17628, which is the smallest known Salem number; see Section 2. As
a result of (5.8), we derive τ[7,3] =αL.
For dimensions n= 2 and 3, there are closed formulas for the growth series
of cofinite hyperbolic Coxeter groups as follows.
Let us first discuss the 2-dimensional cocompact case.
Theorem 5.1.6 (Floyd, Plotnick [28]).Let PH2be a compact Coxeter
N-gon with interior angles π
k1,..., π
kN. Let Γbe the planar hyperbolic Coxeter
group associated with P. Then, the growth series of Γis given by
fS(t) = [2, k1, . . . , kN]
(tN+ 1)[k1, . . . , kN] + PN
i=1[k1, . . . , ki1][ki+1, . . . , kN].
As for a formula in dimension 3, let us recall that compact Coxeter polyhedra
are simple. Therefore, given a compact Coxeter polyhedron Pin H3, each
vertex vof Pis the intersection of precisely three hyperplanes, giving rise
to the stabilizer Γvwhich is a spherical Coxeter subgroup of rank 3 in Γ.
Denote by m1= 1, m2and m3the exponents of Γvaccording to Table 5.1.1.
Theorem 5.1.7 (Parry [67]).Let PH3be a compact Coxeter polyhe-
dron with associated Coxeter group Γ. Then, the growth series of Γcan be
expressed as
fS(t) = t1
t+ 1 1
2t(t1) X
(tm1+1 1)(tm2+1 1)(tm3+1 1) .
1. Growth series and growth rates
In the non-cocompact cofinite case, similar results for dimensions n= 2 and
3 are available and due to Floyd [29] and Kellerhals [46].
For a non-compact polyhedron PHn, denote by f0=fo
0the number
of vertices of P, where fo
0is the number of ordinary vertices, and f
0is the
number of ideal vertices of P. When n3, ideal vertices may be non-simple.
Again, the stabilizer of an ordinary vertex vof Pis a finite subgroup Γvof
Γ, generated by the reflections in the hyperplanes passing through v.
For the 2-dimensional case, there is the following result.
Theorem 5.1.8 (Floyd [29]).Let PH2be a non-compact Coxeter polygon
of finite volume with f0=fo
0vertices. Let Γbe the hyperbolic Coxeter
group associated with P. Then, the growth series of Γsatisfies
fS(t)= 1 t
where 2kvis the order of the dihedral stabilizer group Γvof the ordinary vertex
vof P.
As for the 3-dimensional case, some preparation is necessary.
Let PH3be a non-compact Coxeter polyhedron with associated Coxeter
group Γ and Coxeter diagram Σ. If Phas an ordinary vertex v, its stabilizer
Γvin Γ is a spherical Coxeter group with exponents m1= 1, m2and m3
as above. As for the ideal vertices of P, they can be either simple or non-
simple. Suppose that Phas a non-simple vertex v. Then, its subdiagram
σin Σ is of type f
A1. Now, the polyhedron Pcan be obtained by a
deformation process from a sequence of Coxeter polyhedra PkH3which
all have the same combinatorial structure as P, apart from a finite edge with
vertices both of type A1×A1×G(k)
2that collapses to yield the vertex v
when k . As for the corresponding growth functions f(t) of Γ and fk(t)
of Γ(Pk), a result of Kolpakov [50] shows that
t+ 12
for all k .
As a consequence, it is primarly of interest to have a closed formula for the
growth series of a non-compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron with simple
vertices, only.
Theorem 5.1.9 (Kellerhals [46]).Let PH3be a non-compact simple
Coxeter polyhedron of finite volume with associated Coxeter group Γ. Then,
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
the growth series of Γsatisfies
1 + t1t
[m2, m3]
[m2+ 1, m3+ 1] +X
[nw1] + tnw2
nw= max (nw
1, nw
2, nw
3) =
3if Γw=e
4if Γw=e
6if Γw=e
is defined in terms of the dihedral angles π/nw
iat the three edges giving rise
to the simple ideal vertex w, and where Γwis the stabilizer of w.
Let us point out that one does not dispose up to now of similar closed formulas
for growth series of Coxeter groups Γ IsomHnfor n4, except for the case
related to right-angled compact Coxeter polyhedra; see the work of Kellerhals
and Perren [45].
2 About the arithmetic nature of growth rates
In this section we discuss the arithmetic nature of the growth rate of a (cofi-
nite) hyperbolic Coxeter group Γ = (W, S). Recall that the growth rate τΓis
an algebraic integer which can be identified with the inverse of the smallest
positive real pole of the growth series fS(t).
Definition 5.2.1. The growth series fS(t) is said to be reciprocal if it satisfies
fS(t1) = fS(t). It is called anti-reciprocal if fS(t1) = fS(t).
In the cocompact case, it is known by works of Charney and Davis [14] that
the growth series is reciprocal in even dimensions, and anti-reciprocal in odd
dimensions. However, this property does not hold in the non-cocompact case
Let us now consider growth rates of hyperbolic Coxeter groups. In low
dimensions, they appear to be Salem numbers, Pisot numbers (or Pisot-
Vijayaraghavan numbers), or Perron numbers. These algebraic integers are
defined as follows.
Definition 5.2.2. An algebraic integer τ > 1 is a Salem number if it is
either a quadratic unit, or its inverse τ1is a Galois conjugate of τand the
other Galois conjugates lie on the unit circle.
2. About the arithmetic nature of growth rates
Definition 5.2.3. An algebraic integer τ > 1 is a Pisot number if τis either
an integer, or if all of its other Galois conjugates are contained in the unit
open disk.
Definition 5.2.4. An algebraic integer τ > 1 is a Perron number if τis
either an integer, or if all of its other Galois conjugates are strictly less than
τin absolute value.
In particular, Salem numbers and Pisot numbers are Perron numbers.
Let us turn back to hyperbolic Coxeter groups.
In [67], Parry proved that the growth rate of any cocompact hyperbolic
Coxeter group in IsomHnis a Salem number when n= 2 or 3.
The smallest known Salem number is the Lehmer number αLwhich is also the
growth rate of the Coxeter triangle group [7,3]; see Example 5.1.5. However,
by a result of Kellerhals and Liechti [44], not every Salem number appears
as the growth rate of a cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter group.
In the non-cocompact case, Floyd [29] proved that the growth rates of cofi-
nite hyperbolic Coxeter groups in IsomH2are Pisot numbers. However, the
analogous result does not hold anymore in IsomH3; see [46] for instance.
Nevertheless, the growth rate of any cofinite hyperbolic Coxeter group in
IsomH3is a Perron number. This result was proven in the special case of
ideal Coxeter polyhedra by Komori and Yukita [52], as well as by Nonaka
and Kellerhals [66]. Soon later, it was proven by Yukita [86] in full generality.
Remark 5.2.5. Related is our joint work with Yukita [9], wherein we ex-
tended the results of Parry [67] and Floyd [29] to abstract Coxeter groups
having 2-dimensional Davis complexes. Namely, we proved that if the Euler
characteristic χof the nerve of a Coxeter group is zero, then its growth rate
is a Salem number. If χis positive, then its growth rate is a Pisot num-
ber. For negative Euler characteristic, we provided infinitely many families
of Coxeter groups of index of inertia >1 whose growth rates are Perron
numbers. These families contain so-called -spanned Coxeter groups whose
growth rates have already been identified with Perron numbers by Kolpakov
and Talambutsa [51].
However, in higher dimensions, only some partial results are available but
several questions arise.
The growth rates of cocompact Coxeter groups in IsomH4of rank at most 6
are Perron numbers, as shown by Kellerhals and Perren [45]. The following
problem extends their conjecture in the cocompact case to the cofinite setting
in a natural way.
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
Conjecture. Let ΓIsomHnbe a cofinite Coxeter group. Then the growth
rate τΓwith respect to the natural set of generating reflections of Γis a
Perron number.
A proof of this Conjecture seems to be hard. One reason is the lack of explicit
formulas for the growth series for n > 3. Other reasons are the number-
theoretical difficulties concerning the irreducibility of integer polynomials.
Nevertheless, for any known Coxeter group Γ IsomHn, the software Math-
ematica [85] or the program CoxIter of Guglielmetti [30, 31] allows one to
test whether the growth rate τΓis a Perron number.
Example 5.2.6. Consider the Coxeter group Γ= Γ(P) in IsomH9. By the
software CoxIter, the minimal polynomial of the growth rate τ3.029708
of Γhas degree 51. The program shows that τis neither a Salem number
nor a Pisot number, but it is a Perron number; see Figure 4.3.3.
3 Comparing growth rates
In this section, our goal is to compare growth series and growth rates of
abstract Coxeter groups. This will be essential when studying minimality
aspects of growth rates of cofinite hyperbolic Coxeter groups.
3.1 Partial order and growth monotonicity
In [60], McMullen introduced the following partial order on the set of Coxeter
Let (W, S) and (W, S) be two Coxeter groups. Define (W, S)(W, S) if
there exists an injective map ι:SSsuch that
mst m
ι(s)ι(t)for all s, t S.
As mst {2,3,...,∞} for all distinct s, t S, this partial order satisfies the
descending chain condition. Therefore, any strictly decreasing sequence of
Coxeter groups is finite.
In addition, one defines (W, S)<(W, S) if (W, S)(W, S) and ιcannot
be extended to an isomorphism. In other words, one has (W, S)<(W, S)
if |S|<|S|, or if mst < m
ι(s)(t)for some s, t S,s=t.
The following result, established by Terragni [76, 77], is of major importance
for the subsequent study of minimal growth rates.
3. Comparing growth rates
Theorem 5.3.1. If (W, S)(W, S), then τ(W,S)τ(W,S).
In particular, the growth rate of any parabolic subgroup (WT, T ) of (W, S)
satisfies τ(WT,T )τ(W,S).
Remark 5.3.2. Terragni’s growth monotonicity result stated in Theorem
5.3.1 is really convenient for the comparison of growth rates. However, this
monotonicity property is not proven in its strict sense. Indeed, Terragni’s
proof is based on Hadamard’s limit formula (5.6) for the coefficients in the
respective growth series which does not allow one to deduce the strict mono-
tone behaviour as we observed in practice. Motivated by this, we formulate
the following conjecture.
Conjecture. Let (W, S),(W, S)be two non-spherical, non-affine irreducible
Coxeter groups such that (W, S)<(W, S). Then,
τ(W,S)< τ(W,S).(5.9)
Remark 5.3.3. The conjectured strict monotonicity property (5.9) for the
growth rate of a Coxeter group Γ IsomHncomes from the comparison with
the strict monotonicity of the volume, with respect to the dihedral angles, of
the Coxeter polyhedron associated with Γ; see Remark 1.2.5.
As a preparation for the subsequent investigations, let us introduce the notion
of extension of a Coxeter diagram.
Definition 5.3.4. Let Σ be a Coxeter diagram. An extension of Σ is a
Coxeter diagram Σobtained by adding one node linked with a (labelled)
edge eto Σ. The extension Σis said to be simple if the edge ehas no label.
Let Wbe a Coxeter group with Coxeter diagram Σ. By definition, any
extension Σof Σ encodes a Coxeter group Wsuch that W < W . Hence,
by Theorem 5.3.1, we get τWτW.
Furthermore, if Σ
0is a simple extension of Σ by an edge e, the extension
Σof Σ obtained by adding a label on the edge eof Σ
0yields the following
where, by abuse of notation, the growth rate of Σ equals the growth rate of
its Coxeter group W.
Next, we reproduce the statements concerning the simple extensions of affine
Coxeter diagrams of small ranks stated in [8].
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
Example 5.3.5. Consider a connected affine Coxeter diagram Σ of rank n;
see Table 1.3.2. Then, one verifies that any extension Σof Σ corresponds to
a non-cocompact Coxeter simplex group in IsomHn+1. However, notice that
the resulting group might not be cofinite.
Nevertheless, we observe that for rank n3, the resulting Coxeter simplex
groups in IsomHn+1 are always cofinite; see Theorem 3.1.1 and Table 3.2.1.
If Σ = [] is of rank 1, there is a unique simple extension, up to symmetry,
and it corresponds to the Coxeter triangle group [,3]. For ranks 2 and 3,
all resulting simple extensions are depicted in Figure 5.3.2 and Figure 5.3.3.
4 4 4 4
6 6 6
Figure 5.3.2: The simple extensions of e
C2and e
4 4
4 4 4 4
Figure 5.3.3: The simple extensions of e
B3and e
In the case where Σ is affine of rank n4, some simple extensions of Σ
yield hyperbolic groups of infinite covolume. Note that for ranks 9, any
extension gives rise to a group of infinite covolume.
4 4 4 4 4
Figure 5.3.4: The Coxeter groups 1,...,4of infinite covolume
For rank 4, there are fifteen simple extensions of connected affine Coxeter
diagrams. There are exactly eleven simple extensions each giving rise to a
cofinite Coxeter simplex group in IsomH5, and there are four more extensions
corresponding to simplex groups i, 1 i4, of infinite covolume depicted
in Figure 5.3.4.
3. Comparing growth rates
3.2 A useful lemma
Let Γ = (W, S) and Γ= (W, S) be two abstract Coxeter groups. By
means of Steinberg’s formula (5.5), one can express their growth series in an
effective way allowing one to derive the following lemma which provides a
tool to compare the growth rates of Γ and Γ.
Lemma 5.3.6. Assume that for all t > 0, one has
Then, τΓ< τΓ.
Proof. The inequality (5.10) implies that for all x=t1(0,1), the smallest
zero of the function g(x) := 1
fS(t1)is strictly bigger than the smallest zero of
g(x) := 1
fS(t1). As these two zeros correspond to the radii of convergence of
the growth series fS(t) and fS(t), when passing from xto t, we immediately
deduce that their growth rates satisfy τΓ< τΓ.
We now reproduce in Examples 5.3.7 and 5.3.8 two applications of Lemma
5.3.6 taken from the articles [7, 8].
Example 5.3.7. Consider the Coxeter groups (W1, S1),(W2, S2) and (W3, S3)
given by simple extensions of [,3] as follows.
By Steinberg’s formula (5.5), we compute
fS1(t1)= 1 4
[2] +3
[2,2] +2
[2,3] 1
[2,2,3] 1
[2,3,4] ,
fS2(t1)= 1 4
[2] +3
[2,2] +2
[2,3] 2
[2,2,3] ,
fS3(t1)= 1 4
[2] +3
[2,2] +2
[2,3] 1
[2,2,2] 1
[2,3,4] .
We get positive difference functions for all t > 0, according to
[2,2,3] 1
[2,3,4] =t2+t3
[2,2,3,4] ,
Chapter 5. The growth rates of Coxeter groups
[2,2,2] 1
[2,2,3] =t2
[2,2,2,3] .
By Lemma 5.3.6, we deduce that τW1< τW2and τW1< τW3.
Example 5.3.8. Consider the Coxeter groups (W1, S1),(W2, S2) and (W3, S3)
given by (-labelled) extensions of [,3].
W1 W2 W3
By means of Steinberg’s formula (5.5), we have
fS1(t1)= 1 4
[2] +3
[2,2] +1
[2,3] ,
[2,2,3] ,
[2,2,2] .
As above, Lemma 5.3.6 implies that τW1< τW2and τW1< τW3.
Minimal growth rates for
hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Let Γ IsomHnbe a cofinite Coxeter group. Let τΓbe its growth rate with
respect to the canonical system Sof generators for Γ; see (1.9) and Chapter
5. Then, τΓis always bounded from below by the growth rate τΓ91.138078
of the simplex group Γ9; see Figure 5.1.1 and (5.7).
In this chapter, we are interested in providing a sharp lower bound, for fixed
dimension n, for the growth rate of a hyperbolic Coxeter group in IsomHn.
First, we discuss the low dimensional cases where we dispose of results due to
Hironaka [36] and Kellerhals–Kolpakov [43] in the cocompact case, and due
to Floyd [29] and Kellerhals [46] in the non-cocompact case. An important
observation, motivating our work in higher dimensions, is the following one.
In all known cases, the group achieving minimal growth rate is a Coxeter
simplex group, and it is distinguished by the fact of being closely related
to the fundamental group of minimal covolume when considering (compact,
respectively cusped) hyperbolic orbifolds.
The next section is devoted to the study of minimal growth rates in higher
dimensions, where we reproduce our results in the joint work with Kellerhals
[7] in the cocompact case, and in our work [8] in the non-cocompact case.
Chapter 6. Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups
1 In low dimensions
It is well known by Siegel’s work [73] that the group of minimal co-area
among all discrete groups in IsomH2is the planar Coxeter group Γc
2= [7,3].
In the non-cocompact case, the smallest co-area is achieved by the Coxeter
triangle group Γ2= [,3] intimately related to the modular group SL2(Z).
In dimension 3, it was proven by Martin and his collaborators that the Z2-
extension of the Coxeter group Γc
3= [3,5,3] gives rise to the smallest volume
compact hyperbolic orbifold; see [59] for example. For cusped 3-orbifolds,
Meyerhoff [62] showed that the smallest volume is achieved by the orbifold
H3/Γ3, where Γ3is the Coxeter group with Coxeter symbol [6,3,3].
These Coxeter simplex groups are also distinguished by the fact of having
minimal growth rates among all Coxeter groups acting on hyperbolic space.
In the cocompact case, this is due to Hironaka [36] for dimension 2, and to
Kellerhals and Kolpakov [43] for dimension 3. More precisely, their results
are as follows.
Theorem 6.1.1. Let n= 2 or 3. Among all cocompact Coxeter groups in
IsomHn, the Coxeter simplex group Γc
ndepicted in Figure 6.1.1 has minimal
growth rate, and as such it is unique.
Figure 6.1.1: The cocompact Coxeter simplex groups Γc
2and Γc
In the non-cocompact case, as similar result is due to Floyd [29] in dimension
2, and to Kellerhals [46] in dimension 3.
Theorem 6.1.2. Let n= 2 or 3. Among all non-cocompact cofinite Coxeter
groups in IsomHn, the Coxeter simplex group Γndepicted in Figure 6.1.2 has
minimal growth rate, and as such it is unique.
Figure 6.1.2: The non-cocompact Coxeter simplex groups Γ2and Γ3
The results stated in the previous theorems rely upon explicit formulas for
the growth series in dimension 2 and 3, as described in Theorems 5.1.6, 5.1.7,
5.1.8 and 5.1.9. Since in higher dimensions, no such formulas exist, up to
now, one needs to develop another, new, strategy to identify minimal growth
2. In higher dimensions
2 In higher dimensions
Motivated by Theorems 6.1.1 and 6.1.2, and in view of Remarks 1.2.5 and
(5.9), it is guessed that small covolume and small growth rate are intimately
In this context, let us mention that in general compact hyperbolic n-orbifolds
of minimal volume are not known for dimensions n4. However, by restrict-
ing to arithmetically defined (orientable) hyperbolic n-orbifolds, minimizers
for the volume have been detected, for instance, for n= 4 and 5, by ex-
ploiting Prasad’s formula. These results are due to Belolipetsky [3, 4] and to
Emery and Kellerhals [18]; see also [47, 48].
More precisely, among all arithmetic compact hyperbolic 4-orbifolds, the
fundamental group of minimal covolume is given by the Coxeter simplex
group Γc
4= [5,3,3,3]. In dimension 5, the minimizing group is the Coxeter
prism group Γc
5= [5,3,3,3,3,]. Here, the component in the Coxeter
symbol of Γc
5symbolizes the presence of a pair of ultraparallel facets in the
underlying Coxeter prism.
In the non-compact case, cusped hyperbolic orbifolds of minimal volume are
known up to dimension 9. This result was established by Hild and Kellerhals
[34] in dimension 4, and by Hild [35] for dimensions up to 9. They showed
that the cusped n-orbifolds of minimal volume are related to the Coxeter
simplex groups ΓnIsomHn(up to a Z2-extension for n= 7) given in
Figure 6.2.3.
Figure 6.2.3: The non-cocompact Coxeter n-simplex groups ΓnIsomHn
Let us now announce our two main results, proved in [7, 8], concerning min-
Chapter 6. Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups
imal growth rate for cofinite Coxeter groups in IsomHnfor n4, which
complement the volume minimality results described above.
In a joint work with Kellerhals [7], we established the following result in the
cocompact case.
Theorem 6.2.1 (Bredon, Kellerhals [7]).Let n= 4 or 5. Among all cocom-
pact Coxeter groups in IsomHn, the Coxeter group Γc
ngiven in Figure 6.2.4
has minimal growth rate, and as such the group is unique.
Figure 6.2.4: The cocompact Coxeter groups Γc
4and Γc
In the non-cocompact case, we were able to extend the tools developed for
the proof of Theorem 6.2.1 in a suitable way in order to derive the following
Theorem 6.2.2 (Bredon [8]).Let 4n9. Among all non-cocompact
Coxeter groups of finite covolume in IsomHn, the Coxeter simplex group Γn
given in Figure 6.2.3 has minimal growth rate, and as such the group is
3 Proofs of the two main results
In this section, we describe the keys arguments for the proofs of Theorem
6.2.1 and Theorem 6.2.2. In Appendix D, the original articles [7] and [8] are
Let n4, and let Γ IsomHnbe a cofinite hyperbolic Coxeter group.
Denote by PHnthe associated Coxeter polyhedron and by Σ the Coxeter
diagram of Γ and P.
If Pis simple, which is always the case when Pis compact, we dispose of some
explicit results of Felikson and Tumarkin about the combinatorial structure
of P; see Section 2.2 in Chapter 3. The presence of a pair of disjoint facets
yields a subdiagram [] in Σ whose simple extensions will play an important
3. Proofs of the two main results
If Pis non-simple, then Phas at least one non-simple ideal vertex which
comes with a disconnected affine subdiagram of Σ. In this case, we consider
simple extensions of its components of small rank.
In both situations, these extension diagrams with their growth rates, when
combined with Terragni’s monotonicity result, allow us to complete the proofs
of Theorem 6.2.1 and Theorem 6.2.2.
3.1 The cocompact case
By Theorem 3.2.2 of Felikson and Tumarkin, there are only finitely many
compact Coxeter polyhedra PHn,n4, that do not contain any pair
of disjoint facets. In fact, they exist only for n= 4 and consist of the five
compact simplices and the seven Esselmann polyhedra; see Figure 3.2.4 and
Figure 3.2.5 for their diagrams.
It is known that the growth rate of Γc
4is minimal among all Coxeter simplices;
see [45], for example.
For the Esselmann groups E1, . . . , E7, we observe that they all contain a
cocompact hyperbolic triangle subgroup with Coxeter symbol [8,3],[10,3],
[5,4],[5,5] or given by a cyclic Coxeter diagram of order 3 with label set
{4,3,3}or {5,3,3}, respectively. It is easy to verify that the group [8,3] has
minimal growth rate among all of them, and that it satisfies
4< τ[8,3] .(6.1)
By Theorem 5.3.1 of Terragni, and by inequality (6.1), we derive that
4< τ[8,3] τEi
for all i= 1,...,7.
Assume now that PHnhas at least one pair of ultraparallel facets, and
suppose that its Coxeter group Γ is not equal to Γc
4. It follows that the
Coxeter diagram Σ of Pnecessarily contains a subdiagram σof the form
where p > 2 and q {2,3,...,∞}. As [8,3] [,3] σΓ by the partial
ordering of Coxeter groups, we derive by the same argument as above that
4< τ[3,8] τ[3,]τστΓ.
This proves the first part of Theorem 6.2.1 about the group Γc
Chapter 6. Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups
For the second part about n= 5, observe that PH5has at least 7 facets,
and Pis either one of the two simplicial prisms K1, K2found by Kaplinskaya,
or Phas at least 8 facets; see Chapter 3. A direct computation shows that
5< τKifor i= 1,2.
In the case where Phas at least 8 facets, Theorem 3.2.1 of Felikson and
Tumarkin implies that Phas at least two pairs of disjoint facets.
Hence, we deduce that Σ necessarily contains a subdiagram σof the form
where p, q, r, s, t {2,3,...,∞}, and where at least one of them is greater
than 2 and at least one of them equals .
For comparison, consider the diagram [,3,], which satisfies the inequality
5< τ[,3,]. This can be seen by a direct computation.
By means of Theorem 5.3.1 and Example 5.3.8, we derive that
5< τ[,3,]τστΓ,
and the proof of Theorem 6.2.1 is complete.
3.2 The non-cocompact case
In the non-compact case, if PHnis simple, Theorem 3.2.3 implies that
Pis either a simplex, isometric to P0H4depicted in Figure 3.2.6, or it
contains a pair of disjoint facets in Hn.
Let 4 n9. By results of Terragni [77], we know that Γnhas minimal
growth rate among all non-cocompact Coxeter n-simplex groups. Further-
more, we notice that the growth rates of the Coxeter groups Γnsatisfy the
strictly decreasing sequence
τΓ9< τΓ8<··· < τΓ5< τΓ4.(6.2)
Next, we compute the growth rate τ0of the Coxeter group associated with
P0H4, and we see that τΓ4< τ0.
Assume now that Pis neither a simplex nor isometric to the polyhedron P0.
As already said, if Pis simple, then we know that it admits at least one
pair of disjoint facets. In this case, we find that the Coxeter diagram Σ of P
contains a subdiagram of type Wi, 1 i3, as depicted in Example 5.3.7.
3. Proofs of the two main results
By use of Lemma 5.3.6, we verify that τΓ4< τW1. From Example 5.3.7, and
(6.2), we derive that
τΓn< τW1τΓ.
Assume now that Pis non-simple. If Pcontains a pair of disjoint facets in
Hn, we conclude as before. In particular, this finishes the proof for n= 4, as
we showed in the proof of Corollary 3.2.4 that non-simple Coxeter polyhedra
in H4always admit a pair of parallel facets.
From now on, we assume that n5 and that Pdoes not contain any pair
of disjoint facets. Observe the following important inequality refining (6.2)
τΓ5< τΓ3< τΓ4,(6.3)
where Γ3= [6,3,3].
As Pis non-simple, Σ contains an affine subdiagram of rank n14 which
is made of at least two affine components; see Theorem 1.3.8. By assumption,
each of these affine components differs from e
A1= []. By (3.1), one verifies
that Σ contains at least one connected affine subdiagram of rank 2,3 or 4.
Therefore, as Σ is connected, it contains at least one (possibly non-simple)
extension σof such a diagram.
In Example 5.3.5, we have seen that any simple extension of a connected
affine diagram of rank 2 or 3 encodes a cofinite Coxeter simplex group in
IsomH3or IsomH4, whose growth rate is bounded from below by τΓ3or τΓ4.
Therefore, whenever Σ contains an affine diagram of rank r= 2 or 3, we
derive from (6.3) that
τΓn< τΓr+1 τστΓ.
Assume that the smallest rank for a connected affine diagram in Σ is 4. By
means of (3.1), it follows that n7. Recall that any simple extension of
an affine Coxeter diagram of rank 4, up to the four exceptions 1,...,4,
gives rise to cofinite Coxeter simplex group in IsomH5whose growth rate is
bounded from below by τΓ5; see Example 5.3.5. A straightforward computa-
tion shows that τΓ5< τifor i= 1,...,4. Finally, by Terragni’s Theorem
5.3.1 and by (6.2), we deduce that
τΓn< τΓ5τστΓ.
This finishes the proof of Theorem 6.2.2.
Chapter 6. Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Final comments. For the proof of Theorem 6.2.1 and Theorem 6.2.2, we
developed a new strategy to identify Coxeter groups of minimal growth rate
in IsomHnfor 4 n9. These methods differ completely from the ones
exploited for dimensions 2 and 3, and they are applicable to abstract Coxeter
groups of arbitrarily large rank as well.
However, in the hyperbolic case, as the potential candidates for minimal
growth rate in large dimensions are not simplex groups anymore and have
a comparatively big growth rate value, the finding of suitable comparison
diagrams causes high computational cost.
In the work of Hild [35], a similar phenomenon showed up in the context
of minimal volume cusped hyperbolic n-orbifolds. He developed a general
method to identify the minimizers, however, he exploited it for dimensions
n9, only. The reason there was that the minimizer orbifolds turned out
to be quotients related to the Coxeter simplex groups Γnwhose properties
are most beautiful in various ways.
Only those who attempt the absurd...
will achieve the impossible.
M.C. Escher
Part IV:
Data for Prokhorov’s formula
In this appendix, we provide the quantities involved in Prokhorov’s formula
for affine components of type e
A, e
Dor e
E. For a component of type e
G2, they
are computed in Example 5.3.8.
In the sequel, we use the representation sn
ij =sn
jfor a specific root system
Rnwhich is justified by the following fact. In (4.9), the scalars sn
ij are ex-
pressed in terms of the fundamental weights wn
i, wn
jand the coefficients cn
i, cn
of Rn, however they were originally defined as products sn
i, sn
jof specific
vectors sn
i, sn
jdisplayed in explicit form in [70]. In order to simplify notations,
we write sij instead of sn
ij for a fixed root system R=Rn.
For a component of type e
sij =sisj=(ji)(n+ 1 (ji))
2(n+ 1) .
Note that for the proof of Theorem 4.0.2, we need these quantities for e
n8, only.
For a component of type e
2for 2ijn2
4for jn2
s1sn1=s1jsn=sn1sn+1 =snsn+1 =n
sn1sn=s1sn+1 =1
4for jn2
Note that for the proof of Theorem 4.0.2, we need these quantities for e
For a component of type e
E7or e
The quantities (sisj)i,j for the components of type e
E7and e
E8are given
in the following tables.
/21 1
/21 1 1 1 1
/12 1
Admissible pairs
In this appendix, we provide all admissible pairs for the cases of the proof
of Theorem 4.0.2 that are not detailed in Chapter 4. Every table contains
admissible pairs of the form {x, yi}and indicates the value x, yi. Further-
more, when relevant, we provide the Lorentzian products yi, yjif {yi, yj}is
an admissible pair.
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,1) 0
y2(1,3,3; 3,0,0,3,0,3,3) 0
y3(1,3,3; 3,3,3,0,3,0,0) 0
y4(3,3,0; 1,1,1,0,0,1,1) 0
y5(0,3,3; 0,0,0,1,0,1,1) -1
y6(0,3,3; 0,1,1,0,1,0,0) -1
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0 0 0
y40 0
Table 2.0.1: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y2(1,3,3; 3,0,0,0,3,3,3) 0
y3(3,3,3; 0,0,1,1,1,1,0) 0
y4(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,1,1,1) -1
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0
Table 2.0.2: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0) 0
y2(1,3,3; 3,0,0,0,3,3,0) 0
y3(1,3,3; 3,3,0,0,0,0,3) 0
y4(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,1,1,0) -1
y5(0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,1) -1
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0 0 0
Table 2.0.3: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) (1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) 0
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) y1(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0) 0
y2(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
y3(3,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0
Table 2.0.4: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0) (1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,3,0) 0
(3,0,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0; 1,1,1) 0
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0) y1(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) 0
y2(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,3,0) 0
y3(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 3,0,0) 0
y4(3,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0
y20 0
Table 2.0.5: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) y1(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) 0
y2(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,3,0) 0
y3(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,3) 0
y4(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,3,0) 0
x zix, zi
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) y1(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 3,0,0) 0
y2(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,3,0; 3,0,0) 0
y3(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
y4(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0; 0,3,0) 0
y5(3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yjand zi, zj
Table 2.0.6: Admissible pairs for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0; 1,0,0) y1(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) 0
y2= (1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,3,0) 0
y3= (1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,3,0; 0,0,3) 0
y4(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,3,0; 0,3,0) 0
y5(1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,3) 0
y6(1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,3; 0,3,0) 0
y7(1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,3) 0
y8(1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,3,0; 0,3,0) 0
x zix, zi
(0,0,3,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0) z1(1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,0,1; 0,0,1) 0
z2(1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,0,1; 0,1,0) 0
z3(1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,1,0; 0,0,1) 0
z4(1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,1,0; 0,1,0) 0
z5(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1; 0,0,1) 0
z6(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1; 0,1,0) 0
z7(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1),0
z8(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,1,0; 0,1,0) 0
z9(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0; 3,0,0) 0
z10 (3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0) 0
z11 (3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0) 0
z12 (3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0) 0
z13 (3,0,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,0,3) 0
z14 (3,0,0; 3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,3,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yjand zi, zj
y10 0 0 -1
y20 0 -1 0
y30 -1 0
y4-1 0 0
z10 z11 z12 z13 z14
z90 0 0 0
z10 0 0 0 0
z11 0 0
z12 0 0
Table 2.0.7: Admissible pairs for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0),(0,3,3; 3,0,0; 1,1,0,0,1) -1
(3,0,0; 0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,1) -1
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.8: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0,0,0) 0
(3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.9: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0) y(0,0,3; 1,1,1; 0,0,1,1,1) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0) (3,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0,0) 0
(3,0,0,0,3,0,3,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.10: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,0),(0,3,3,3,0,0,1,1,0,0,0) 0
(3,0,0,0,3,3,1,1,0,0,0) 0
(0,0,3,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.11: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,3,0; 0,0,3,0) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,1,0) 0
Table 2.0.12: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1) 0
y2(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0) 0
y3(1,3,3,3,0,0,3,0,0,3,3) 0
y4(1,3,3,3,0,3,3,0,0,0,3) 0
y5(1,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,3,3,0) 0
y6(1,3,3,3,3,3,0,0,3,0,0) 0
y7(3,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0) 0
y8(3,3,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1) 0
y9(0,3,3,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1) -1
y10 (0,3,3,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1) -1
y11 (0,3,3,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0) -1
y12 (0,3,3,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0) -1
y13 (1,3,3,0,0,0,3,3,0,3,3) 3
y14 (1,3,3,0,0,3,3,3,0,0,3) 3
y15 (1,3,3,0,3,0,0,3,3,3,0) 3
y16 (1,3,3,0,3,3,0,3,3,0,0) 3
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y3y4y5y6y8y9y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16
y10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
y23333-1 -1 -1 -1
y3-1 -1 0 0 0 31
y4-1 0 0 30 1
y5-1 0 0 30 1
y6030 0 1
y80 0 0 0
y90 0 0 3
y10 0 0 30
y11 030
y12 30 0
y13 -1 -1
y14 -1
y15 -1
Table 2.0.13: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y2(1,3,3; 3,0,0,0,3,0,0,3) 0
y3(3,3,3; 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0) 0
y4(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1) -1
y5(3,3,0; 0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1) -1
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y23 0
y30 0
Table 2.0.14: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) y1(0,3,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) 0
y2(1,3,3; 0,3,0,0,0,0,3,3) 0
y3(3,3,0; 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1) 0
y4(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0) 0
y5(0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0) -1
y6(3,3,0; 0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0) -1
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0 1
y3-1 0 0
y40 0
Table 2.0.15: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0) (0,3,3; 3,0,0; 1,1,0,0,0,0) -1
(3,0,0; 0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0) -1
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.16: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0) (0,3,3; 1,1,1; 0,0,1,0,0,1) -1
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0,0,0,0) 0
(3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0,0,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.17: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 0,1,1,1; 1,0,0,1,1) -1
y2(0,3,3; 0,1,1,1; 1,0,1,0,1) -1
y3(0,3,3; 0,1,1,1; 1,0,1,1,0) -1
y4(0,3,3; 1,1,0,1; 0,0,1,1,1) -1
y5(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0; 0,0,0,0,3) 0
y6(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0; 0,0,0,3,0) 0
y7(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0; 0,0,3,0,0) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,1) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0; 0,0,1,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
Table 2.0.18: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,03; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y2(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0) 0
y3(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0) 0
y4(1,3,3; 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,3,3) 3
y5(1,3,3; 0,0,0,0,3,0,3,0,3) 3
y6(1,3,3,; 0,0,3,0,0,0,3,3,0) 3
y7(1,3,3; 3,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,3) 0
y8(1,3,3; 3,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,0) 0
y9(1,3,3; 3,0,3,0,0,0,3,0,0) 0
y10 (3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0) 0
y11 (3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0) 0
y12 (3,3,0; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) 0
y13 (3,3,0; 1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1) 0
y14 (3,3,0; 1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y15 (3,3,3; 0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1) 0
y16 (3,3,3; 0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1) 0
y17 (3,3,3; 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0) 0
y18 (3,3,3; 0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0) 0
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y4y5y6y7y8y9y14 y15 y16 y17 y18
y10 0 0
y2-1 -1 0 30
y3-1 -1 0 30
y4-1 -1 0 30
y5-1 -1 0 30
y6-1 -1 0 0 30
y7-1 33
y10 -1 -1
y11 -1 -1
y14 -1
y15 0
y16 0
y17 0
Table 2.0.19: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x yix, yi
(0,03; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) y1(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1),0
y2(0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),-1
y3(1,3,3; 0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3),0
y4(3,3,0; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0) -1
y5(3,3,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) 0
y6(3,3,3; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y10 0 -1
y20 0
y30 0 3
y40 0
Table 2.0.20: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,1) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,0,1,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,1,0,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,1) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,1,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,0,1,0; 0,0,1,0,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0; 0,0,0,1,0) 0
(1,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0) 0
Table 2.0.21: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0) y1(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,3) 0
y2(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,3; 0,0,0,3,0) 0
y3(1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,3; 0,0,3,0,0) 0
y4(1,0,0; 0,0,0,3,0; 0,0,0,0,3) 0
y5(1,0,0; 0,0,0,3,0; 0,0,0,3,0) 0
y6(1,0,0; 0,0,0,3,0; 0,0,3,0,0) 0
y7(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,3) 0
y8(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0,0; 0,0,0,3,0) 0
y9(1,0,0; 0,0,3,0,0; 0,0,3,0,0) 0
y10 (0,3,3; 0,0,1,1,1; 1,1,0,0,0) -1
y11 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,1; 1,0,0,1,1) -1
y12 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,1; 1,0,1,0,1) -1
y13 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,0,1; 1,0,1,1,0) -1
y14 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,1,0; 1,0,0,1,1) -1
y15 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,1,0; 1,0,1,0,1) -1
y16 (0,3,3; 0,1,0,1,0; 1,0,1,1,0) -1
y17 (0,3,3; 0,1,1,0,0; 1,0,0,1,1) -1
y18 (0,3,3; 0,1,1,0,0; 1,0,1,0,1) -1
y19 (0,3,3; 0,1,1,0,0; 1,0,1,1,0) -1
y20 (0,3,3; 1,0,0,1,1; 0,1,0,0,1) -1
y21 (0,3,3; 1,0,0,1,1; 0,1,0,1,0) -1
y22 (0,3,3; 1,0,0,1,1; 0,1,1,0,0) -1
y23 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,0,1; 0,1,0,0,1) -1
y24 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,0,1; 0,1,0,1,0) -1
y25 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,0,1; 0,1,1,0,0) -1
y26 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,1,0; 0,1,0,0,1) -1
y27 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,1,0; 0,1,0,1,0) -1
y28 (0,3,3; 1,0,1,1,0; 0,1,1,0,0) -1
y29 (0,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0; 0,0,1,1,1) -1
Table 2.0.22: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y4y5y6y7y8y9y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16 y17
y11 1 1 1 33333
y21 1 1 1 33333
y31 1 1 1 3333
y41 1 3333
y51 1 33333
y61 1 3333
y18 y19 y20 y21 y22 y23 y24 y25 y26 y27 y28 y29
y20 y21 y22 y23 y24 y25 y26 y27 y28 y29
y10 0
y11 0
y12 0
y13 0
y14 0
y15 0
y16 0
y17 0
y18 0
y19 0
Table 2.0.23: Lorentzian products yi, yjfor σ=e
x yix, yi
(0,03; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) y1(1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3)
y2= (1,0,0; 0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,3,0)
y3= (1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3)
y4= (1,0,0; 0,3,0; 0,0,0,0,0,3,0)
y5= (0,3,3; 1,1,1; 0,0,0,1,0,0,0)
y6= (0,3,3; 3,3,3; 3,0,0,0,0,3,3)
(0,0,3; 1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) (1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
(1,0,0; 0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0)
(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
(1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0)
(3,0,0; 0,0,3; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0)
(3,0,0; 0,3,0; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0)
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
Table 2.0.24: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
Appendix B. Admissible pairs
x yix, y
(0,03; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0), y1(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3) 0
y2(1,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,3,0) 0
y3(3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,1,1,0) 0
y4(3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,1) 0
y5(0,3,3; 3,0,0; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0) -1
y6(3,0,0; 0,3,3; 1,0,1,0,0,0,0) -1
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
Table 2.0.25: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
x y x, y
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) (3,0,0; 3,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
(0,3,3; 3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -1
(3,0,0; 0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -1
(0,0,3; 0,0,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) (3,0,0; 1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3) 0
Table 2.0.26: Admissible pairs {x, y}for σ=e
x yix, yi
a=3y1(1,0,3; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y2(3,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
y3(3,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0) 0
y4(3,0,3; 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1; 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1) 0
(3,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) 0
(3,3,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1) 0
(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0) -1
(0,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -1
(0,3,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) -1
(3,3,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1; 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1; 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1) -1
(3,3,3; 0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0; 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1) -1
(3,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1; 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) -1
(3,3,3; 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1) -1
(3,3,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1; 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0) -1
(3,3,3; 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1) -1
(3,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0) -1
(3,3,3; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1; 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) -1
(1,3,3; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,3; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0) 3
(1,3,3; 0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3; 0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3) 3
(1,3,3; 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0; 0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,3) 3
a= 3 (1,0,3; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) 0
The Lorentzian products yi, yj
y20 0
Table 2.0.27: Admissible pairs {x, yi}for σ=e
E8and where
x(0,0, a; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
Normal vectors and Vinberg form
In this appendix, we provide the normal vectors of the ADEG-polyhedron
Pand the ADE-polyhedron P2in H9. For the proof of Corollary 4.3.1, we
construct the Vinberg forms of their associated Coxeter groups. Very useful
in this context is the material with the worked examples as presented in
[32, 33]. We start by a short description of the procedure.
Establishing the Vinberg form
Let Γ(P) be a hyperbolic Coxeter group of rank N.
Let e1, . . . , eNbe the unit outer normal vectors of its Coxeter polyhedron
PHn. For G= (gij)i,j its Gram matrix, consider all cycles of 2G, that is,
ci1i2...ik= 2kgi1i2···gik1ikgiki1for i1, . . . , ik {1, . . . , N}, k 2 ;
see Definition 1.3.19. The field of definition Kof Γ is the field Q({ci1i2...ik})
of all cycles of 2G.
Define the vectors
v1:= 2e1and vi1i2...ik:= 2kgi1i2···gik1ikeik(C.1)
by multiplication of the vectors e1, . . . , eNwith partial cycles. Then, the
K-vector space Vspanned by the vectors vi1i2...ikhas dimension n+ 1, and
the restriction of the Lorentzian product on Vyields a quadratic form qof
signature (n, 1), called the Vinberg form of Γ.
Next, we apply this procedure for the arithmetic groups Γand Γ(P2), where
the field K=Q; see Theorem 1.3.20.
For the Coxeter polyhedron P
We give below the Coxeter diagram of PH9where the nodes are indexed
by its unit outer normal vectors.
e12 e1e2
e13 e3e4
e14 e5e6
e10 e9e8
e11 e7
The vectors e1, . . . , e14 R10 and their Gram matrix Gare given as follows.
e1= (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
e2= (1
e3= (0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
e4= (0,0,1
e5= (0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0)
e6= (0,0,0,0,1
e7= (0,1
e8= (0,0,0,0,0,0,1
e9= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1)
e10 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,1
e11 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1)
e12 = (3
e13 = (0,0,3
e14 = (0,0,0,0,3
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
/20 0
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 1
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0
/20 0 0 0 0 0
/20 0 0 0 0
/20 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
/20 0 0
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
/21 0 0
0 0 3
/20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
/20 1 0
0 0 0 0 3
/20 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 1
Appendix C. Normal vectors and Vinberg form
Let V) be the Q-vector space of dimension 10 spanned by the vectors as
given by (C.1). The following vectors form a basis of V).
v1= 2 ·e1= (2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
v2= 22g11g12 ·e2= (1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
v3= 23g11g12g27 ·e7= (0,2
v4= 24g11g12g27g74 ·e4= (0,0,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0)
v5= 26g11g12g27g74g43g3,13 ·e13 = (0,0,3,3,0,0,33
v6= 27g11g12g27g74g43g3,13g13,11 ·e11 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,23,0,23,23)
v7= 28g11g12g27g74g43g3,13g13,11g11,12 ·e12 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,1)
v8= 24g11g12g27g78 ·e8= (0,0,0,0,1,3,0,0,0,0)
v9= 25g11g12g27g78g89 ·e9= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2)
v10 = 24g11g12g27g76 ·e6= (3,3,0,0,0,0,33
3,3 + 3)
Therefore, the matrix representing the Vinberg form qof Γis as follows.
(vi, vj)ij =
4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 4 2 0 0 2 2 0 0
0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
000012 6 000 0
0000 6 12000 6
0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0
6000 0 6 00012
With the help of Mathematica [85], we derive that the diagonal form of qis
given by
<1,1,2,3,3,6,6,10,10,2> .
For the Coxeter polyhedron P2
We give below the Coxeter diagram of P2H9where the nodes are indexed
by its outer normal vectors.
The vectors e1, . . . , e12 R10 and their Gram matrix are given as follows.
e1= (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
e2= (1
e3= (0,1
e4= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5
e5= (0,0,1,0,0,0,3
e6= (0,0,1,0,0,7
e7= (0,0,1,0,2
e8= (0,0,0,3
e9= (1
221 ,1
215 ,1
210 ,1
e10 = (1
321 ,1
315 ,2
e11 = (0,0,5
321 ,1
315 ,2
e12 = (0,0,1
12 ,5
321 ,5
/20 0 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0
/20 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0
0 0 1
/20 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
/20 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 0
/20 0 0 0 0 0 1
/21 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
/20 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
/20 0 1
Appendix C. Normal vectors and Vinberg form
Let V(Γ(P2)) be the Q-vector space of dimension 10 spanned by the vectors
as given by (C.1). The following vectors form a basis of V(Γ(P2)).
v1= (2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
v2= (1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
v3= (0,2
v4= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5
v5= (0,0,2,0,0,0,23
v6= (0,0,2,0,0,7
v7= (0,0,2,0,4
v8= (0,0,0,3
v9= (1,1
321 ,2
315 ,22
v10 = (1,1
21 ,1
15 ,1
10 ,1
The matrix representing the Vinberg form q2of Γ(P2) is given below.
(vi, vj)ij =
4 20000002-2
2 42000000 0
0 24200002 0
0 02420000 0
0 00242000 0
0 00024200 0
0 00002420 0
0 00000240 2
2 02000004 0
-200006020 4
With the help of Mathematica [85], we derive that the diagonal form of q2is
given by
<1,1,3,6,7,10,10,15,21,10 > .
The two reprints
This appendix consists of reprints of the following two articles.
N. Bredon, R. Kellerhals, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth
rates in dimensions four and five, Groups Geom. Dyn. 16 (2022), 725–741.
N. Bredon, Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher
dimensions, Canad. Math. Bull. 66 (2023), 232–242.
Groups Geom. Dyn. 16 (2022), 725–741
DOI 10.4171/GGD/663
© 2022 European Mathematical Society
Published by EMS Press
This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates
in dimensions four and five
Naomi Bredon and Ruth Kellerhals
Abstract. For small n, the known compact hyperbolic n-orbifolds of minimal volume are intim-
ately related to Coxeter groups of smallest rank. For nD2and 3, these Coxeter groups are given by
the triangle group Œ7; 3 and the tetrahedral group Œ3; 5; 3, and they are also distinguished by the fact
that they have minimal growth rate among all cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups in Isom Hn,
respectively. In this work, we consider the cocompact Coxeter simplex group G4with Coxeter sym-
bol Œ5; 3; 3; 3 in Isom H4and the cocompact Coxeter prism group G5based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 in
Isom H5. Both groups are arithmetic and related to the fundamental group of the minimal volume
arithmetic compact hyperbolic n-orbifold for nD4and 5, respectively. Here, we prove that the
group Gnis distinguished by having smallest growth rate among all Coxeter groups acting cocom-
pactly on Hnfor nD4and 5, respectively. The proof is based on combinatorial properties of
compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra, some partial classification results and certain monotonicity
properties of growth rates of the associated Coxeter groups.
In memoriam Ernest B. Vinberg
1. Introduction
Let Hndenote the real hyperbolic n-space and Isom Hnits isometry group. A hyper-
bolic Coxeter group GIsom Hnof rank Nis a cofinite discrete group generated by N
reflections with respect to hyperplanes in Hn. Such a group corresponds to a finite volume
Coxeter polyhedron PHnwith Nfacets, which in turn is a convex polyhedron all of
whose dihedral angles are of the form
kfor an integer k2. Hyperbolic Coxeter groups
are geometric realisations of abstract Coxeter systems .W; S/ consisting of a group W
with a finite set Sof generators satisfying the relations s2D1and .ss0/mss0D1where
mss0Dms0s2 ¹2; 3; : : : ; for s6D s0. For small rank N, the group Wis characterised
most conveniently by its Coxeter symbol or its Coxeter graph.
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups are not only characterised by a simple presentation but
they are also distinguished in other ways. For example, for small n, they appear as fun-
damental groups of smallest volume orbifolds OnDHn= where Isom Hnis a
discrete subgroup; see, e.g., [1,2,7,15,20,27]. In particular, for nD2and 3, the compact
2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 20F55; Secondary 26A12, 22E40, 11R06.
Keywords. Coxeter group, hyperbolic polyhedron, disjoint facets, growth rate.
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 726
hyperbolic n-orbifold of minimal volume is the quotient of Hnby a Coxeter group of
smallest rank and given by the triangle group Œ7; 3 and the Z2-extension of the tetrahedral
group Œ3; 5; 3. For nD4and 5, and by restricting to the arithmetic context, the compact
hyperbolic n-orbifold of minimal volume is the quotient of Hnby the 4-simplex group
Œ5; 3; 3; 3 and by the Coxeter 5-prism group based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3, respectively.
In parallel to volume we are interested in the spectrum of small growth rates of hyper-
bolic Coxeter groups GD.W; S /. In general, the growth series fS.t/ of a Coxeter system
.W; S/ is given by
fS.t/ D1CX
where ak2Zis the number of elements w2Wwith S-length k. The series fS.t/ can be
computed by Steinberg’s formula
fT.t/ ;
where WT,TS, is a finite Coxeter subgroup of W, and where W¿D ¹1º. In particular,
fS.t/ is a rational function that can be expressed as the quotient of coprime monic poly-
nomials p.t/; q.t/ 2ZŒt of equal degree. For cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups, the
series fS.t/ is infinite and has radius of convergence R < 1 which can be identified with
the real algebraic integer given by the smallest positive root of the denominator polyno-
mial q.t/. The growth rate GD.W;S/ is defined by
GDlim sup
and Gcoincides with the inverse of the radius of convergence Rof fS.t/. In contrast to
the finite and affine cases, hyperbolic Coxeter groups are of exponential growth.
In [16] and [21], it is shown that the triangle group Œ7; 3 and the tetrahedral group
Œ3; 5; 3 have minimal growth rate among all cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups in
IsomHnfor nD2and 3, respectively. These results have an interesting number theoretical
component since the growth rate of any Coxeter group acting cocompactly on Hnfor
nD2and 3is either a quadratic unit or a Salem number, that is, is a real algebraic
integer ˛ > 1 whose inverse is a conjugate of ˛, and all other conjugates lie on the unit
circle. In particular, the growth rate Œ7;3 equals the smallest known Salem number, and it
is given by Lehmer’s number ˛L1:17628 with minimal polynomial
L.t/ Dt10 Ct9t7t6t5t4t3CtC1:
The constant ˛Lplays an important role in the strong version of Lehmer’s problem about
a universal lower bound for Mahler measures of non-zero non-cyclotomic irreducible
integer polynomials; see [32].
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 727
The proof in [21] of the two results above is based on the fact that for nD2and 3the
rational function fS.t/ comes with an explicit formula in terms of the exponents of the
Coxeter group GD.W; S / Isom Hn.
For dimensions n4, however, there are only a few structural results, and closed for-
mulas for growth functions do not exist in general. In this work, we establish the following
results for nD4and 5by developing a new proof strategy.
Theorem A. Among all Coxeter groups acting cocompactly on H4, the Coxeter simplex
group Œ5; 3; 3; 3 has minimal growth rate, and as such it is unique.
The cocompact Coxeter prism group based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 in Isom H5was first dis-
covered by Makarov [26] and arises as the discrete group generated by the reflections in
the compact straight Coxeter prism Mwith base Œ5; 3; 3; 3. More concretely, the prism M
is the truncation of the (infinite volume) Coxeter 5-simplex Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 by means of the
polar hyperplane associated to its ultra-ideal vertex characterised by the vertex simplex
Œ5; 3; 3; 3. Our second result can be stated as follows.
Theorem B. Among all Coxeter groups acting cocompactly on H5, the Coxeter prism
group based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 has minimal growth rate, and as such it is unique.
The work is organised as follows.
In Section 2.1, we provide the necessary background about hyperbolic Coxeter poly-
hedra, their reflection groups and the characterisation by means of the Vinberg graph and
the Gram matrix. We present the relevant classification results for families of Coxeter
polyhedra with few facets due to Esselmann, Kaplinskaja and Tumarkin. Of particular
importance is the structural result, presented in Theorem 1and due to Felikson and Tumar-
kin, about the existence of non-intersecting facets of a compact Coxeter polyhedron.
In Section 2.2, we consider abstract Coxeter systems with their Coxeter graphs and
Coxeter symbols and introduce the notions of growth series and growth rates. Another
important ingredient is the growth monotonicity result of Terragni as given in Theorem 2.
The proofs of our results are presented in Section 3. The proof of Theorem Ais based
on a simple growth rate comparison argument and serves as an inspiration how to attack
the proof of Theorem B. To this end, we establish Lemma 1and Lemma 2about the com-
parison of growth rates of certain Coxeter groups of rank 4. Then, we consider compact
Coxeter polyhedra in H5in terms of the number N6of their facets. Since compact
hyperbolic Coxeter n-simplices exist only for n4, we look at compact Coxeter poly-
hedra PH5with ND7,ND8and N9facets, respectively. Certain classification
results help us dealing with the cases ND7and 8while for N9, we look for particular
subgraphs in the Coxeter graph of Pand conclude by means of Lemma 1, Lemma 2and
Theorem 2.
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 728
2. Hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and growth rates
2.1. Hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and their reflection groups
Denote by Hnthe standard hyperbolic n-space realised by the upper sheet of the hyper-
boloid in RnC1according to
HnD®x2RnC1jqn;1.x/ Dx2
1C C x2
nC1D 1; xnC1> 0¯:
A hyperbolic hyperplane His the intersection of a vector subspace of dimension nwith
Hnand can be represented as the Lorentz-orthogonal complement HDeLby means of a
vector eof (normalised) Lorentzian norm qn;1.e/ D1. The isometry group IsomHnof Hn
is given by the group OC.n; 1/ of positive Lorentzian matrices leaving the bilinear form
hx; yin;1 associated to qn;1 and the upper sheet invariant. It is well known that OC.n; 1/ is
generated by linear reflections rDrHWx7! x2he; xin;1 ewith respect to hyperplanes
HDeL; see [3, Section A.2].
A hyperbolic n-polyhedron PHnis the non-empty intersection of a finite number
NnC1of half-spaces H
ibounded by hyperplanes Hiall of whose normal unit
vectors eiare directed outwards with respect to P, say. A facet of Pis the intersection of
Pwith one of the hyperplanes Hi,1iN. A polyhedron is a Coxeter polyhedron if
all of its dihedral angles are of the form
kfor an integer k2.
In this work, we suppose that Pis a compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron so that
Pis the convex hull of finitely many points in Hn. In particular, Pis simple since all
dihedral angles of Pare less than or equal to
2. As a consequence, each vertex pof Pis
the intersection of nhyperplanes bounding Pand characterised by a vertex neighbourhood
which is a cone over a spherical Coxeter .n 1/-simplex.
The following structural result of A. Felikson and P. Tumarkin [10, Theorem A] will
be of importance later in this work. For its statement, the compact Coxeter polyhedra in
H4that are products of two simplices of dimensions greater than 1will play a certain role.
There are seven such polyhedra which were discovered by F. Esselmann [8]; see also [9]
and Examples 2,4and 10 below.
Theorem 1. Let PHnbe a compact Coxeter polyhedron. If n4and all facets of
Pare mutually intersecting, then Pis either a simplex or one of the seven Esselmann
polyhedra. If n>4, then Phas a pair of non-intersecting facets.
Fix a compact Coxeter polyhedron PHnwith its bounding hyperplanes H1; : : :; HN
as above. Denote by Gthe group generated by the reflections riDrHi,1iN. Then, G
is a cocompact discrete subgroup of IsomHnwith Pequal to the closure of a fundamental
domain for G. The group Gis called a (cocompact) hyperbolic Coxeter group. It follows
that Gis finitely presented with natural generating set SD ¹r1; : : : ; rNºand relations
iD1and .rirj/mij D1; (1)
where mij Dmj i 2 ¹2; 3; : : : ; for i6D j. Here, mij D 1 means that the product rirj
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 729
is of infinite order which fits into the following geometric picture. Denote by Gr.P / D
.hei; ejin;1/2Mat.N IR/the Gram matrix of P. Then, the coefficients of Gr.P / off its
diagonal can be interpreted as follows:
hei; ejin;1 D´cos
mij if ].Hi; Hj/D
mij I
cosh lij if dH.Hi; Hj/Dlij > 0:
The matrix Gr.P / is of signature .n; 1/. Furthermore, it contains important information
about P. For example, each vertex of Pis characterised by a positive definite nn
principal submatrix of Gr.P /.
Beside the Gram matrix Gr.P /, the Vinberg graph .P / is very useful to describe a
Coxeter polyhedron P(and its associated reflection group G) if the number Nof its facets
is small in comparison with the dimension n. The Vinberg graph .P / consists of nodes
vi,1iN; which correspond to the hyperplanes Hior their unit normal vectors ei.
The number Nof nodes is called the order of .P /. If the hyperplanes Hiand Hjare
not orthogonal, the corresponding nodes viand vjare connected by an edge with weight
mij 3if ].Hi; Hj/D
mij ; they are connected by a dotted edge (sometimes with weight
lij ) if Hiand Hjare at distance lij > 0 in Hn. The weight mij D3is omitted since it
occurs very frequently.
Since Pis compact (and hence of finite volume), the Vinberg graph .P / is connec-
ted. Furthermore, by deleting a node together with the edges emanating from it so that
.P / gives rise to two connected components 1and 2, at most one of the two sub-
graphs 1; 2can have a dotted edge (since otherwise, the signature condition of Gr.P /
is violated).
The subsequent examples summarise the classification results for compact Coxeter
n-polyhedra in terms of the number NDnCk,1k3, of their facets.
Example 1. The compact hyperbolic Coxeter simplices were classified by Lannér [25]
and exist for n4, only. In the case nD4, there are precisely ve simplices Liwhose
Vinberg graphs iD.Li/,1i5, are given in Figure 1. The simplex LDL1
described by the top left Vinberg graph (or by its Coxeter symbol Œ5; 3; 3; 3; see Sec-
tion 2.2 and [18]) will be of particular importance.
Example 2. The compact Coxeter polyhedra with nC2facets in Hnhave been classified.
The list consists of the 7 examples of Esselmann and the (gluings of) straight Coxeter
prisms due to I. Kaplinskaja; see, e.g., [9,31]. The examples of Esselmann are products
of two simplices of dimensions bigger than 1 and exist in H4, only. The prisms (and
their gluings) of Kaplinskaja exist for n5, and the list includes the Makarov prism M
based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3; see Theorem B. Observe that the Vinberg graphs of all Kaplinskaja
examples (including their gluings) contain one dotted edge.
Example 3. The compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra PHn,n4, with nC3
facets exist up to nD8and have been enumerated by Tumarkin [35]. For nD5, his list
comprises 16 polyhedra, and they are characterised by Vinberg graphs with exactly three
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 730
sssss sssss sssss
5 5 4 5 5
s s
Figure 1. The compact Coxeter simplices in H4.
s s
4 4
Figure 2. The Vinberg graphs of an Esselmann polyhedron
EH4and of a Kaplinskaja prism KH5.
5 5
4 4
Figure 3. The Vinberg graph of
Tumarkin’s polyhedron TH5
with one pair of disjoint facets.
(consecutive) dotted edges, up to the exceptional case TH5. The polyhedron Thas
exactly one pair of non-intersecting facets and is depicted in Figure 3.
Remark 1. By a result of Felikson and Tumarkin [11, Corollary], the Coxeter polyhedra
in Examples 1,2and 3contain all compact Coxeter polyhedra with exactly one pair of
non-intersecting facets. In particular, each compact Coxeter polyhedron PHnwith
NnC4facets has a Vinberg graph with at least two dotted edges.
Every compact Coxeter polyhedron PHngives rise to a hyperbolic Coxeter group
acting cocompactly on Hn, and each cocompact discrete group GIsomHngenerated by
finitely many hyperplane reflections has a fundamental domain whose closure is a compact
Coxeter polyhedron in Hn. In the sequel, we often use identical notions and descriptions
for both, the polyhedron Pand the reflection group G.
For further details and results about hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and Coxeter groups,
their geometric-combinatorial and arithmetical characterisation as well as general (non-)
existence results, we refer to the foundational work of E. Vinberg [36,37]. An overview
about the diverse partial classification results can be found in [9].
2.2. Coxeter groups and growth rates
A hyperbolic Coxeter group GD.G; S/ with SD ¹r1; : : : ; rNºas above is the geomet-
ric realisation of an abstract Coxeter system .W; S / of rank Nconsisting of a group W
generated by a subset Sof elements s1; : : : ; sNsatisfying the relations as given by (1).
In the fundamental work [6] of Coxeter, the irreducible finite (or spherical) and affine
Coxeter groups are classified. Abstract Coxeter groups are most conveniently described
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 731
by their Coxeter graphs or by their Coxeter symbols. More precisely, the Coxeter graph
D.W / of a Coxeter system .W; S/ has nodes v1; : : : ; vNcorresponding to the gener-
ators s1; : : : ; sNof W, and two nodes viand vjare joined by an edge with weight mij 3.
In particular, there will be no edge if mij D2and there will be an edge decorated by 1
if the product element sisjis of infinite order mij D 1.
In this way, the Vinberg graph of a hyperbolic Coxeter group is a refined version
of its Coxeter graph. In this context, observe that the Coxeter graph
describes the
affine group z
A1and simultaneously is underlying the Vinberg graph of a com-
pact hyperbolic Coxeter 1-simplex as given by any geodesic segment. Furthermore, the
reflection group in Isom H2associated to the compact Lambert quadrilateral with Vinberg
graph is given by the Coxeter graph
while the Vinberg graph
(coinciding with its Coxeter graph) describes a non-compact hyperbolic triangle of area
In the case that the rank Nof the Coxeter system .W; S / is small, a description by the
Coxeter symbol is more convenient. For example, Œp1; : : : ; pkwith integer labels pi3
is associated to a linear Coxeter graph with kC1edges marked by the respective weights.
The Coxeter symbol Œ.p; q; r/ describes a cyclic Coxeter graph with 3 edges of weights
p,qand r. We assemble the different symbols into a single one in order to describe the
different nature of parts of the Coxeter graph in question; see, e.g., [18, Appendix].
Example 4. The Coxeter symbols of the seven Esselmann polyhedra in H4are charac-
terised by the fact that they contain two disjoint Coxeter symbols associated to compact
hyperbolic triangles and called triangular components that are separated by at least one
edge of (finite) weight m3. Accordingly, the Esselmann polyhedron EH4as depicted
in Figure 2is described by the Coxeter symbol Œ.3; 4; 3/; 4; .3; 4; 3/. Notice that none of
the triangular components .p; q; r/, given by integers p; q; r 2such that 1
r< 1,
of the Coxeter symbols appearing in Esselmann’s list is equal to .2; 3; 7/.
For a Coxeter system .W; S/ with generating set SD ¹s1; : : : ; sNº, the (spherical)
growth series fS.t/ is defined by
fS.t/ D1CX
where ak2Zis the number of words w2Wwith S-length k. For references of the
subsequent basic properties of fS.t/, see for example [17,21,23]. The series fS.t/ can be
computed by Steinberg’s formula
fT.t/ ;(2)
where WT,TS, is a finite Coxeter subgroup of W, and where W¿D ¹1º. By a result
of Solomon, the growth polynomials fT.t/ in (2) can be expressed by means of their
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 732
Group Exponents Growth polynomial fS.x/
An1; 2; : : : ; n 1; n Œ2; 3; : : : ; n; n C1
Bn1; 3; : : : ; 2n 3; 2n 1 Œ2; 4; : : : ; 2n 2; 2n
Dn1; 3; : : : ; 2n 5; 2n 3; n 1 Œ2; 4; : : : ; 2n 2; n
21; m 1 Œ2; m
F41; 5; 7; 11 Œ2; 6; 8; 12
H31; 5; 9 Œ2; 6; 10
H41; 11; 19; 29 Œ2; 12; 20; 30
Table 1. Exponents and growth polynomials of irreducible finite Coxeter groups.
exponents m1D1; m2; : : : ; mpaccording to the formula
fT.t/ D
Here we use the standard notation Œk D1CtC C tk1with Œk; l DŒk Œl and
so on. By replacing the variable tby t1, the function Œk satisfies the property Œk.t/ D
Table 1lists all irreducible finite Coxeter groups together with their growth polyno-
mials up to the exceptional groups E6; E7and E8which are irrelevant for this work. Let
us add that the growth series of a reducible Coxeter system .W; S/ with factor groups
.W1; S1/and .W2; S2/such that SD.S1 ¹1W2º/[.¹1W1º S2/, satisfies the product
formula fS.t/ DfS1.t/ fS2.t/.
By the above, in its disk of convergence, the growth series fS.t/ is a rational function
that can be expressed as the quotient of coprime monic polynomials p.t/; q.t/ 2ZŒt of
equal degree. The growth rate WD.W;S / is defined by
WDlim sup
and it coincides with the inverse of the radius of convergence Rof fS.t/. Since Wequals
the biggest real root of the denominator polynomial q.t/, it is a real algebraic integer.
Consider a cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter group GD.G; S/. Then, the rational func-
tion fS.t/ is reciprocal (resp. anti-reciprocal) for neven (resp. nodd); see, e.g., [23]. In
particular, for nD2and 4, one has fS.t1/DfS.t / for all t6D 0. Furthermore, a result
of Milnor [29] implies that the growth rate Gis strictly bigger than 1so that Gis of
exponential growth. More specifically, for nD2and 3,Gis either a quadratic unit or a
Salem number, that is, Gis a real algebraic integer ˛ > 1 whose inverse is a conjugate
of ˛, and all other conjugates lie on the unit circle; see, e.g., [24]. However, by a result
of Cannon [4,5] (see also [23, Theorem 4.1]), the growth rates of the ve Lannér groups
acting on H4and shown in Figure 1are not Salem numbers anymore; they are so-called
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 733
Perron numbers, that is, real algebraic integers > 1 all of whose other conjugates are of
strictly smaller absolute value.
Example 5. The smallest known Salem number ˛L1:176281 with minimal polynomial
L.t/ Dt10 Ct9t7t6t5t4t3CtC1equals the growth rate Œ7;3 of the
cocompact Coxeter triangle group GDŒ7; 3 with Coxeter graph
which in turn
is the smallest growth rate among all cocompact planar hyperbolic Coxeter groups; see
The second smallest growth rate among them is realised by the Coxeter triangle group
Œ8; 3 with Coxeter graph
and appears as the seventh smallest known Salem number
1:23039 given by the minimal polynomial t10 t7t5t3C1; see [22].
As a consequence, the growth rate of the cocompact Lambert quadrilateral group
Qwith Vinberg graph is strictly bigger than Œ8;3. More precisely, the
growth rate of Qis the Salem number Q1:72208 with minimal polynomial t4
t3t2t1. Notice also that the Coxeter graph of Qequals
; see the proof of
Theorem Bin Section 3.
By applying similar techniques, it was shown in [19] (see also Floyd’s work [12]) that
the Coxeter triangle group with Vinberg graph
has smallest growth rate among all
non-cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups of finite coarea in Isom H2, and as such it is
unique. The growth rate Œ1;3 1:32471 has minimal polynomial t3t1and equals
the smallest Pisot number ˛Sas shown by C. Smyth; see, e.g., [32] and [19, Section 3.2].
Recall that a Pisot number is an algebraic integer ˛ > 1 all of whose other conjugates are
of absolute value less than 1.
For later purpose, let us emphasize the above comparison result as follows:
Œ8;3 < Œ1;3:(3)
Example 6. Among the cocompact Coxeter tetrahedral groups, the smallest growth rate
is about 1:35098 with minimal polynomial t10 t9t6Ct5t4tC1; it is achieved
in a unique way by the group GDŒ3; 5; 3 with Coxeter graph
; see [21].
Example 7. Consider the (arithmetic) Lannér group LDŒ5; 3; 3; 3 with Coxeter graph
mentioned in Example 1. By means of Steinberg’s formula (2) and Table 1, the
growth function fL.t/ DfS.t / can be expressed according to
fL.t/ D15
Œ2 C6
Œ2; 2 C3
Œ2; 3 C1
Œ2; 5
Œ2; 2; 2 C4
Œ2; 2; 3 C2
Œ2; 2; 5 C2
Œ2; 3; 4 C1
Œ2; 6; 10 ±
Œ2; 2; 3; 4 C1
Œ2; 2; 3; 5 C1
Œ2; 2; 6; 10 C1
Œ2; 3; 4; 5 C1
Œ2; 12; 20; 30 :
It follows that
fL.t/ DŒ2; 12; 20; 30
q.t/ ;
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 734
q.t/ D1tt7Ct8t9Ct10 t11 Ct14 t15 Ct16 2t17 C2t18 t19
Ct20 t21 Ct22 t23 C2t24 2t25 C2t26 2t27 C2t28 t29 Ct30
t31 C2t32 2t33 C2t34 2t35 C2t36 t37 Ct38 t39 Ct40 t41
C2t42 2t43 Ct44 t45 Ct46 t49 Ct50 t51 Ct52 t53 t59 Ct60:
The denominator polynomial q.t/ of fL.t/ is palindromic and of degree 60. By means
of the software PARI/GP [30], one checks that q.t/ is irreducible and has beside non-real
roots some of them being of absolute value one exactly two inversive pairs ˛˙1; ˇ˙1of
real roots such that ˛ > ˇ > 1. Indeed, by the results in [4,5], ˛is not a Salem number
anymore. As a consequence, the growth rate LD˛1:19988 of the Lannér group
LDŒ5; 3; 3; 3 is not a Salem number. However, Œ5;3;3;3 is a Perron number. All these
properties can be checked by the software CoxIter developed by R. Guglielmetti [13,14].
Example 8. The Coxeter prism MH5found by Makarov is given by the Vinberg
lwhere the hyperbolic distance lbetween the (unique) pair of
non-intersecting facets of Msatisfies
cosh lD1
In fact, the computation of lis easy since the determinant of the Gram matrix of M
vanishes. As in Example 7, one can exploit Steinberg’s formula (2) and Table 1in order to
establish the growth function fM.t/. The denominator polynomial of fM.t/ splits into the
factor t1and a certain irreducible palindromic polynomial q.t/. As above, the software
CoxIter allows us to identify the growth rate of the reflection group Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 associated
to M, as given by the largest zero of q.t/, with the Perron number M1:64759. Notice
that the factor t1is responsible for the vanishing of the Euler characteristic of M; see,
e.g., [21, (2.7)].
Example 9. For the Kaplinskaja prism KH5depicted in Figure 2, the denominator
polynomial of the growth function fK.t/ splits into the factor t1and an irreducible
palindromic polynomial q.t/ of degree 32. By means of CoxIter, one deduces that the
growth rate is a Perron number of value K2:08379.
In a similar way, one computes the individual growth series and related invariants and
properties of any cocompact (or cofinite) hyperbolic Coxeter group with given Vinberg
Growth rates satisfy an important monotonicity property on the partially ordered set
of Coxeter systems as follows. For two Coxeter systems .W; S/ and .W 0; S0/, one defines
.W; S/ .W 0; S0/if there is an injective map WS!S0such that mst m0
.s/.t/ for all
s; t 2S. If extends to an isomorphism between Wand W0, one writes .W; S / '.W 0; S 0/,
and .W; S/ < .W 0; S 0/otherwise. This partial order satisfies the descending chain condi-
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 735
tion since mst 2 ¹2; 3; : : : ; where s6D t. In particular, any strictly decreasing sequence
of Coxeter systems is finite; see [28]. In this work, the following result of Terragni [34,
Section 3] will play an essential role.
Theorem 2. If .W; S/ .W 0; S0/, then .W;S / .W 0;S0/.
Example 10. Consider the seven Esselmann groups EiIsom H4,1i7, whose
Coxeter symbols consist of two triangular components separated by at least one edge of
weight m3; see Example 4. Each of their triangular components describes a cocompact
Coxeter group in Isom H2of the type .2; 3; 8/,.2; 3; 10/,.2; 4; 5/,.2; 5; 5/,.3; 3; 4/ or
.3; 3; 5/. By means of Theorem 2, we conclude that
Œ8;3 Ei; 1 i7: (4)
Notice. In the sequel, we will work with the Coxeter graph instead of the Vinberg graph
associated to a hyperbolic Coxeter group .W; S/. Hence, we replace each dotted edge
between two nodes sand s0by an edge with weight 1, just indicating that the product
element ss02Wis of infinite order.
3. Growth minimality in dimensions four and five
In this section, we prove the following two results as announced in Section 1.
Theorem A. Among all Coxeter groups acting cocompactly on H4, the Coxeter simplex
group Œ5; 3; 3; 3 has minimal growth rate, and as such it is unique.
Theorem B. Among all Coxeter groups acting cocompactly on H5, the Coxeter prism
group based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3 has minimal growth rate, and as such it is unique.
Proof of Theorem A.Consider a group GIsomH4generated by the set Sof reflections
r1; : : : ; rNin the Nfacet hyperplanes bounding a compact Coxeter polyhedron PH4.
The group GD.G; S / is a cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter group of rank N5. Assume
that the group Gis not isomorphic to the Coxeter simplex group LDŒ5; 3; 3; 3. We have
to show that G> Œ5;3;3;3 1:19988.
In view of Theorem 1, we distinguish between the two cases whether all facets of P
are mutually intersecting or not. In the case that all facets of Pare mutually intersecting,
Pis either a Lannér simplex and Gis of rank 5, or Pis one of the seven Esselmann
polyhedra with related Coxeter groups Ei,1i7, of rank 6.
(1a) The Coxeter graphs of the ve Lannér simplices LDL1; : : : ; L5in H4are given
in Figure 1. The associated growth rates have been computed by means of Steinberg’s
formula and are well known; see also [4,31,33]. The software CoxIter yields the values
Œ5;3;3;4 1:38868; Œ5;3;3;5 1:51662;
Œ5;3;31;11:44970; Œ.34;4/ 1:62282;
implying that the growth rate of LDŒ5; 3; 3; 3 is strictly smaller than those of L2; : : : ; L5.
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 736
(1b) Let us investigate the growth rates of the Esselmann groups E1; : : : ; E7. By
Example 10, (4), we have that
Œ8;3 Ei; 1 i7:
It follows from Example 5and Example 7that
1:19988 Œ5;3;3;3 < 1:2 < Œ8;3 1:23039;
which shows that the growth rate of LDŒ5; 3; 3; 3 is strictly smaller than those of the
Esselmann groups E1; : : : ; E7.
(2) Suppose that Phas at least one pair of non-intersecting facets. Therefore, the
Coxeter graph of Pcontains at least one edge with weight 1. Since Phas at least
N6facets, the graph being connected contains a proper connected subgraph
of order 3with weights p; q 2 ¹2; 3; : : : ; of the form as depicted in Figure 4.
s s
p q
Figure 4. A subgraph of .
By construction, the subgraph gives rise to a standard Coxeter subgroup .W; T /
of rank 3of .G; S / that satisfies .W; T / .G; S/. By Theorem 2, Example 5, (3), and
Example 7, we deduce in a similar way as above that
Œ5;3;3;3 < Œ8;3 < Œ1;3 ;
which finishes the proof of Theorem A.
Proof of Theorem B.Let GIsom H5be a discrete group generated by the set Sof
reflections r1; : : : ; rNin the Nfacet hyperplanes of a compact Coxeter polyhedron P
H5. The group GD.G; S / is a cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter group of rank N6.
Assume that Gis not isomorphic to Makarov’s rank 7prism group based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3.
The associated Coxeter prism Mis described and the growth rate Mis given in Example
8. We have to show that G> M1:64759.
Inspired by the proof of Theorem A, we look for appropriate Coxeter groups of smaller
rank such that their growth data can be exploited to derive suitable lower bounds in view
of Theorem 2. To this end, consider the following abstract Coxeter groups W1; W2and
W3with generating subsets S1; S2and S3of rank 4as defined by the Coxeter graphs in
Figure 5.
The Coxeter systems .Wi; Si/can be represented by hyperbolic Coxeter groups Gi
for each 1i3, and they will play an important role when comparing growth rates. In
fact, the Coxeter graph of W1coincides with the Coxeter graph of the cocompact Lambert
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 737
ssss ssss sss
1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 5. The three abstract Coxeter groups W1; W2and W3.
quadrilateral group QIsom H2with growth rate Q1:72208; see Example 5. Since,
for the Makarov prism M, we have M1:64759, we deduce the following important
M< QDG1:(5)
Each of the remaining Coxeter groups W2and W3can be represented as a discrete sub-
group of OC.3; 1/ generated by reflections in the facets of a Coxeter tetrahedron of infinite
volume. Indeed, one easily checks that the associated Tits form is of signature .3; 1/ and
that some of the simplex vertices are not hyperbolic but ultra-ideal points (of positive
Lorentzian norm). More importantly, the following result holds.
Lemma 1. (1) G1< G2.(2) G1< G3.
Proof. By means of Steinberg’s formula (2), we identify for each Githe finite Coxeter
subgroups with their growth polynomials according to Table 1in order to deduce the
following expressions for their growth functions fi.t/,1i3:
f1.t1/Dh.t/; (a)
f2.t1/Dh.t/ 1
Œ2; 2; 3 ;(b)
f3.t1/Dh.t/ 1
Œ2; 2; 2 :(c)
Here, the help function h.t/,t6D 0, is given by
h.t/ D14
Œ2 C3
Œ2; 2 C1
Œ2; 3 :(6)
By taking the differences between (a) and (b), (c), respectively, one obtains, for all t > 0,
Œ2; 2; 3 > 0; 1
Œ2; 2; 2 > 0:
For xDt12.0; 1/, we deduce that the smallest zero of 1=f1.x/ as given by the radius
of convergence of the growth series f1.x/ of G1is strictly bigger than the one of 1=f2.x/
and of 1=f3.x/. Hence, we get G1< G2and G1< G3.
For later use, we also compare the growth rate of W1DQwith the one of the Coxeter
group W4with generating subset S4of rank 4given by the Coxeter graph according to
Figure 6. Again, the group W4can be interpreted as a discrete subgroup G4OC.3; 1/
generated by the reflections in the facets of a Coxeter tetrahedron of infinite volume.
N. Bredon and R. Kellerhals 738
Figure 6. The abstract Coxeter group W4.
Lemma 2. G1< G4.
Proof. We proceed as in the proof of Lemma 1and establish the growth function f4.t/ by
means of Steinberg’s formula. We obtain the following expression:
Œ2 C3
Œ2; 2 C2
Œ2; 4 2
Œ2; 2; 4 :(d)
By means of (a), (d) and (6), we obtain the difference function
Œ2; 3 2
Œ2; 4 C2
Œ2; 2; 4 Dt4C1
Œ2; 3 .t2C1/ > 0; 8t > 0;
and conclude as at the end of the previous proof.
Let us return and consider a compact Coxeter polyhedron PH5with Nfacets and
associated hyperbolic Coxeter group G. By Example 1, we know that there are no compact
Coxeter simplices anymore so that N7. Furthermore, by Theorem 1,Phas at least one
pair of non-intersecting facets. In the sequel, we discuss the cases ND7,ND8and
For ND7, we are left with the three Kaplinskaja prisms (and their gluings) as given
by the Makarov prism MDW M3based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 3, its closely related Coxeter prism
M4based on Œ5; 3; 3; 3; 4 as well as the Coxeter prism Kwith Vinberg graph depicted in
Figure 2and treated in Example 9. By means of the software CoxIter (or some lengthy
computation), one obtains the growth rate inequalities
1:64759 M< M4< 1:84712 < K2:08379;
which confirm the assertion of Theorem Bin this case.
For ND8, we dispose of Tumarkin’s classification list comprising all compact
Coxeter polyhedra with nC3facets. For nD5, these polyhedra have Vinberg graphs
with exactly three (consecutive) dotted edges except for the polyhedron TH5depicted
in Figure 3.
The Coxeter graph associated to Tcontains the proper subgraph
which is
associated to the Coxeter group W4studied above; see Figure 6. By means of Theorem 2,
Lemma 2and (5), we deduce that
M< G4T:
For the Coxeter graph of a polyhedron Pwith 8facets in H5that is not isometric to T, we
consider its proper order 4 subgraph
. In a similar way, by Theorem 2, Lemma 1
and (5), we obtain
M< QP:
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions 4 and 5 739
Let N9. By Remark 1, the Vinberg graph of the polyhedron PH5with Nfacets
has at least two dotted edges. However, two dotted edges are separated by an edge in view
of the signature condition of the Gram matrix Gr.P /; see Section 2.1.
Consider the Coxeter graph of order Nof the hyperbolic Coxeter group Gassoci-
ated to P. By the above, there is a proper connected subgraph of order 4in , depicted
in Figure 7, with weights p; q; r; s; t 2 ¹2; 3; : : : ; where at least one of them is equal
to 1.
s s
p q
Figure 7. The subgraph D.p; q; r; s; t/.
In view of Figure 5, describing the three Coxeter groups G1; G2and G3, and by means
of Theorem 2, the growth rate of , and hence of P, can be estimated from below accord-
ing to
Gifor at least one i2 ¹1; 2; 3º:
By Lemma 1and (5), we finally obtain that
M< G1P;
as desired. This finishes the proof of Theorem B.
Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Yohei Komori for helpful com-
ments on an earlier version of the paper.
Funding. Naomi Bredon and Ruth Kellerhals are partially supported by the Swiss
National Science Foundation 200021–172583.
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Received 25 August 2020.
Naomi Bredon
Department of Mathematics, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland;
Ruth Kellerhals
Department of Mathematics, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland;
Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. 66 (1), 2023, pp. 232–242
© e Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of e
Canadian Mathematical Society. is is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits
unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal
growth rates in higher dimensions
Naomi Bredon
Abstract. e cusped hyperbolic n-orbifolds of minimal volume are well known for n. eir
fundamental groups are related to the Coxeter n-simplex groups n. In this work, we prove that n
has minimal growth rate among all non-cocompact Coxeter groups of nite covolume in IsomHn.In
this way, we extend previous results of Floyd for n=andofKellerhalsforn=, respectively. Our
proof is a generalization of the methods developed together with Kellerhals for the cocompact case.
1 Introduction
Let Hndenote the real hyperbolic n-space with its isometry group IsomHn.
Ahyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron P Hnis a convex polyhedron of nite volume
all of whose dihedral angles are integral submultiples of π.AssociatedtoPis the
hyperbolic Coxeter group IsomHngenerated by the reections in the bounding
hyperplanes of P.Byconstruction,is a discrete group with associated orbifold
On=Hnof nite volume.
We focus on non-compact hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra, having at least one ideal
vertex vHn. Notice that the stabilizer of the vertex vis isomorphic to an ane
Coxeter group. e group is called non-cocompact,anditsquotientspaceOnhas at
least one cusp.
e hyperbolic Coxeter group is the geometric realization of an abstract Coxeter
system (W,S)consisting of a group Wwith a nite generating set Stogether with the
relations s=1and(ss)mss=1, where mss=mss∈{2,3,...,∞} for all s,sSwith
s= s.egrowth series fS(t)of W=(W,S)is given by
where akZis the number of elements in Wwith S-length k.egrowth rate τWof
W=(W,S)is dened as the inverse of the radius of convergence of fS(t).
We are interested in small growth rates of non-cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter
groups in IsomHnfor n2. For n=2, Floyd [6] showed that the Coxeter group
=[3, ∞] generated by the reections in the triangle with angles π2, π3, and 0
is the (unique) group of minimal growth rate. For n=3, Kellerhals [13]provedthat
Received by the editors November 17, 2021; revised March 25, 2022; accepted March 25, 2022.
Published online on Cambridge Core April 6, 2022.
AMS subject classication: 20F55,26A12, 22E40, 11R06.
Keywords: Coxeter group, growth rate, hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedron, ane vertex stabilizer. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions 233
Table 1: e hyperbolic Coxeter n-simplex group n.
the tetrahedral group generated by the reections in the Coxeter tetrahedron with
symbol [6, 3, 3]realizes minimal growth rate in a unique way.
Consider the hyperbolic Coxeter n-simplices and their reection groups n
IsomHndepicted in Table 1. For their volumes, we refer to [12]. Observe that nis of
minimal covolume among all non-cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter n-simplex groups.
e aim of this work is to prove the following result in the context of growth rates.
eorem Let 2n9. Among all non-cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups of nite
covolume in Isom Hn,thegroupngiven in Table 1 has minimal growth rate, and as
such the group is unique.
Our eorem should be compared with the volume minimality results for cusped
hyperbolic n-orbifolds Onfor 2 n9. ese results are due to Siegel [16]forn=2,
Meyerho [15]forn=3, Hild and Kellerhals [10]forn=4, and Hild [9]forn9.
Indeed, the fundamental group of Onis related to nin all these cases.
e work is organized as follows. In Section 2.1,wesetthebackgroundabout
hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra and their associated reection groups. Furthermore,
we present a result of Felikson and Tumarkin about their combinatorics as given by
[5, eorem B], which will play a crucial role in our proof. In fact, we will exploit the
(non-)simplicity of the Coxeter polyhedra in a most useful way. In Section 2.2,we
discuss growth series and growth rates of Coxeter groups and introduce the notion
of extension of a Coxeter graph. We also provide some illustrating examples. e
monotonicity result of Terragni [18] for growth rates, presented in eorem 2.2,will
be another major ingredient in our proof. Finally, Section 3is devoted to the proof
of our result. We perform it in two steps by assuming that the Coxeter graph under
consideration has an ane component of type
Aor not.
2 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and growth rates
2.1 Coxeter polyhedra and their reflection groups
Let Xndenote one of the geometric n-spacesofconstantcurvature,theunitn-sphere
Sn,theEuclideann-space En, or the real hyperbolic n-space Hn.Asusual,weembed
Xnin a suitable quadratic space Yn+.IntheEuclideancase,wetaketheanemodel
and write En={xEn+xn+=0}. In the hyperbolic case, we interpret Hnas the Published online by Cambridge University Press
234 N. Bredon
upper sheet of the hyperboloid in Rn+,thatis,
Hn={xRn+x,xn, =−1, xn+>0},
where x,xn, =x
n+is the standard Lorentzian form. Its boundary
Hn={xRn+x,xn, =0,
k=1, xn+>0}.
In this picture, the isometry group of Hnis isomorphic to the group O+(n,1)of
positive Lorentzian matrices leaving the bilinear form ,n, and the upper sheet
It is well known that each isometry of Xnis a nite composition of reections
in hyperplanes, where a hyperplane H=Hvin Xnis characterized by a normal unit
vector vYn+.AssociatedtoHvare two closed half-spaces. We denote by H
half-space in Xnwith outer normal vector v.
A (convex) n-polyhedron P =∩
iXnis the non-empty intersection of a nite
number of half-spaces H
ibounded by the hyperplanes Hi=Hvifor iI.Afacet of P
is of the form Fi=PHifor some iI.Inthesequel,forXnSn, we always assume
that Pis of nite volume. In the Euclidean case, this implies that Pis compact, and in
the hyperbolic case, Pistheconvexhullofnitelymanypointsv,...,vkHnHn.
If viHn,thenviis an ordinary vertex,andifviHn,thenviis an ideal vertex of
If all dihedral angles αij =(Hi,Hj)formed by intersecting hyperplanes Hi,Hj
in the boundary of Pareeitherzerooroftheform π
mij for an integer mij 2,
then Pis called a Coxeter polyhedron in Xn. Observe that the Gram matrix Gr(P)=
(vi,vjYn+)i,jIis a real symmetric matrix with 1’s on the diagonal and non-positive
coecients o the diagonal. In this way, the theory of Perron–Frobenius applies. For
further details and references about Coxeter polyhedra in Xn, we refer to [4,19,20].
Let P=∩
iXnbe a Coxeter n-polyhedron. Denote by ri=rHithe reection
in the bounding hyperplane Hiof P,andletG=GPbe the group generated by
r,...,rN.ItfollowsthatGis a discrete subgroup of nite covolume in IsomXn, called
ageometric Coxeter group.
AgeometricCoxetergroupGIsomXnwith generating system S={r,...,rN}is
the geometric realization of an abstract Coxeter system (W,S).Infact,wehaver
and (rirj)mij =1withmij =mji ∈{2,3,...,∞} as above. Here, mij =∞indicates
that rirjis of innite order.
For Xn=Sn,Gis a spherical Coxeter group and as such nite. For Xn=En,Gis a
Euclidean or ane Coxeter group and of innite order. By a result of Coxeter [3], the
irreducible spherical and Euclidean Coxeter groups are entirely classied. In contrast
to this fact, hyperbolic Coxeter groups are far from being classied. For a survey about
partial classication results, we refer to [4].
For the description of abstract and geometric Coxeter groups, one commonly uses
thelanguageofweightedgraphsandCoxetersymbols.Let(W,S)be an abstract
Coxeter system with generating system S={s,...,sN}and relations of the form
j=1withmij =mji ∈{2,3,...,∞}.eCoxeter graph of the Coxeter Published online by Cambridge University Press
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions 235
Table2: ConnectedaneCoxetergraphsoforder
system (W,S)is the non-oriented graph Σ whose nodes correspond to the generators
s,...,sN.Ifsiand sjdo not commute, their nodes ni,njare connected by an edge
with weight mij 3. We omit the weight mij =3sinceitoccursfrequently.e
number Nof nodes is the order of Σ. A subgraph σΣ corresponds to a special
subgroup of (W,S),thatis,asubgroupoftheform(WT,T)for a subset TS.
Observe that the Coxeter graph Σ is connected if (W,S)is irreducible.
In the case of a geometric Coxeter group G=(W,S)⊂IsomXn,wecallits
Coxeter graph Σ spherical,ane,orhyperbolic,ifXn=Sn,En,orHn,respectively.
In Table 2,wereproducealltheconnectedaneCoxetergraphs,usingtheclassical
notation, with the exception of the three groups
E(they will not appear in
the following).
An abstract Coxeter group with a simple presentation can conveniently be
described by its Coxeter symbol. For example, the linear Coxeter graph with edges of
successive weights k,...,kN3isabbreviatedbytheCoxetersymbol[k,...,kN].
e Y-shaped graph made of one edge with weight pand of two strings of kand l
edges emanating from a central vertex of valency 3 is denoted by [p,3
k,l](see [12]).
Let us specify the context and consider a Coxeter polyhedron P=∩
Denote by =GPIsomHnits associated Coxeter group and by Σ its Coxeter graph.
Since Pisofnitevolume,thegrapisconnected.Furthermore,ifPis not compact,
then Phas at least one ideal vertex.
Let vHnbe an ordinary vertex of P.en,itslink Lvis the intersection of Pwith
asmallsphereofcentervthat does not intersect any facet of Pnot incident to v.It
corresponds to a spherical Coxeter polyhedron of Snand therefore to a spherical
Coxeter subgraph σof order nin Σ.
Let vHnbe an ideal vertex of P. en, its link, denoted by L,isgivenby
the intersection of Pwith a suciently small horosphere centered at vas above. e
link Lcorresponds to a Euclidean Coxeter polyhedron in Enand is related to an
ane Coxeter subgraph σof order nin Σ.
More precisely, if vis a simple ideal vertex, that is, vis the intersection of exactly
namong the Nbounding hyperplanes of P,theCoxetergraphσis connected and of
order n.Otherwise,σhas nc(σ)≥2anecomponents,andwehavethefollowing
Recall that a polyhedron is simple if all of its vertices are simple. Published online by Cambridge University Press
236 N. Bredon
Figure 1: e Coxeter polyhedron PH.
As in the spherical and Euclidean cases, hyperbolic Coxeter simplices in Hnare
all known, and they exist for n9(see[1]or[20]). A list of their Coxeter graphs,
Coxeter symbols, and volumes can be found in [12]. Among the related Coxeter n-
simplex groups, the group n,asgiveninTable 1, is of minimal covolume.
e following structural result for simple hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra due to
Felikson and Tumarkin [5, eorem B] will be a corner stone for the proof of our
eorem 2.1 Let n 9,andletPHnbe a non-compact simple Coxeter polyhedron.
If all facets of P are mutually intersecting, then P is either a simplex or isometric to the
polyhedron Pwhose Coxeter graph is depicted in Figure 1.
2.2 Growth rates and their monotonicity
Let (W,S)be a Coxeter system and denote by akZthe number of elements wW
with S-length k.egrowth series fS(t)of (W,S)is dened by
In the following, we list some properties of fS(t). For references, we refer to [11].
ere is a formula due to Steinberg expressing the growth series fS(t)of a Coxeter
system (W,S)in terms of its nite special subgroups WTfor TS,
where W={1}. By a result of Solomon, the growth polynomial of each term fT(t)
in (2) can be expressed by means of its exponents {m,m,...,mp}according to the
where [k]=1+t++tkand, more generally, [k,...,kr]∶=[k][kr].Acom-
plete list of the irreducible spherical Coxeter groups together with their exponents can
be found in [14]. For example, the exponents of the Coxeter group Anwith Coxeter
graph 
are {1,2,...,n}so that
fAn(t)=[2,...,n+1].(4) Published online by Cambridge University Press
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions 237
Furthermore, the growth series of a reducible Coxeter system (W,S)with factor
groups (W,S)and (W,S)such that S=(S×{1W}) ({1WS)satises the
product formula
In its disk of convergence, the growth series fS(t)is a rational function, which can
be expressed as the quotient of coprime monic polynomials p(t),q(t)∈Z[t]of the
same degree. e growth rate τW=τ(W,S)is dened by the inverse of the radius of
convergence of fS(t)and can be expressed by
τW=lim sup
Itistheinverseofthesmallestpositiverealpoleof fS(t)and hence an algebraic
Important for the proof of our eorem is the following result of Terragni [17]
about the growth monotonicity.
eorem 2.2 Let (W,S)and (W,S)be two Coxeter systems such that there is an
injective map ι SSwith mst m
ι(s)ι(t)for all s,tS. en, τ(W,S)τ(W,S).
For n2, consider a Coxeter group IsomHnof nite covolume. By results of
MilnoranddelaHarpe,weknowthatτ>1. More precisely, and as shown by Terragni
[17], ττ1.1380, where is the Coxeter simplex group given in Table 1.
Next, we introduce another tool in the proof of our result, the (simple) extension
of a Coxeter graph.
Denition 2.1 Let Σ be an abstract Coxeter graph. A (simple) extension of Σ is a
Coxeter graph Σobtainedbyaddingonenodelinkedwitha(simple)edgetothe
Coxeter graph Σ.
As a direct consequence of eorem 2.2,ifWis a Coxeter group with Coxeter
graph Σ, any extension Σof Σ encodes a Coxeter group Wsuch that τWτW.
Example 2.3 Consider an irreducible ane Coxeter graph of order 3 as given in
Table 2.Uptosymmetry,thegraph
Ahas a unique extension given by the Coxeter
graph at the top le in Figure 2. is graph describes the Coxeter tetrahedron [3, 3[]]
of nite volume. e Coxeter graphs
Ggive rise to the remaining ve
extensions depicted in Figure 2. By a result of Kellerhals [13], these six Coxeter graphs
describe Coxeter tetrahedral groups Λ of nite covolume in IsomHwhose growth
rates satisfy τΛτ.
Example 2.4 In a similar way, any extension of an irreducible ane Coxeter graph
of order 4 yields a Coxeter simplex group of nite covolume in IsomH.eyare
given in Figure 3.Noticethat=[4, 3,]is part of them.
Remark 2.5 When considering irreducible ane Coxeter graphs of order greater
than or equal to 5, the resulting extensions do not always relate to hyperbolic Coxeter Published online by Cambridge University Press
238 N. Bredon
Figure 2: Extensions of
Figure 3: Extensions of
Figure 4: An innite volume 5-simplex.
n-simplex groups of nite covolume. For example, among the extensions of
graph depicted in Figure 4 describes an innite volume simplex in H.
3 Proof of the Theorem
Let 2 n9, and consider the Coxeter simplex group nIsomHnwhose Coxeter
graph is depicted in Table 1. In this section, we provide the proof of our main result
stated as follows.
eorem For any 2n9,thegroupnhas minimal growth rate among all non-
cocompact hyperbolic Coxeter groups of nite covolume in IsomHn,andassuchthe
group is unique.
For n=2andforn=3, the result has been established by Floyd [6] and Kellerhals
[13]. erefore, it suces to prove the eorem for 4 n9.
Observe that the growth rates of all Coxeter simplex groups in IsomHnare
known. eir list can be found in [17]. In particular, one deduces the following strict
τ1.1380 <<τ1.2481 <τ1.3717,(5)
For a xed dimension n,onealsochecksthatnhas minimal growth rate among
(all the nitely many) non-cocompact Coxeter simplex groups Λ IsomHn.
As a consequence, we focus on hyperbolic Coxeter groups IsomHngenerated
by at least Nn+2 reections in the facets of a non-compact nite volume Coxeter Published online by Cambridge University Press
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions 239
Figure 5: e Coxeter group W=[,3,3].
Figure 6: e Coxeter groups W=[3, ,3]and W=[,3
polyhedron PHn.Wehavetoshowthatτn<τ,whichyieldsunicityofthegroup
nwith this property.
Suppose that the Coxeter polyhedron Pis simple. By eorem 2.1,Pis either
isometric to the polyhedron PIsomHdepicted in Figure 1,orPhas a pair of
disjoint facets. For the growth rate τof the Coxeter group associated to P,oneeasily
checks with help of the soware CoxIter [7,8]thatτ<τ2.8383. Hence, we can
assume that Pis not isometric to P.IfPhas a pair of disjoint facets, then the Coxeter
graph Σ of Pand its associated group contains a subgraph .
e property that the Coxeter graph Σ contains such a subgraph of type
allows us to conclude the proof, whether the polyhedron Pis simple or not. In the
following, we rst look at this property and analyze it more closely.
3.1 In the presence of
We start by considering particular Coxeter graphs of order 4 containing
related growth rates will be useful when comparing with the one of .isapproach
is similar to the one developed in [2].
Let W=[,3,3]be the abstract Coxeter group depicted in Figure 5.Bymeans
of the soware CoxIter, one checks that
Furthermore, consider the two abstract Coxeter groups W=[3, ,3]and W=
,]given in Figure 6.
For their growth rates, we prove the following auxiliary result.
Lemma 3.1 τW<τWand τW<τW.
Proof For 0 i2, denote by fi∶= fWithe growth series of Wiand by Riits radius
of convergence. Recall that Riis the smallest positive pole of fi,andthatτWi=
We establish the growth functions fiaccording to Steinberg’s formula (2). ey are
given as follows:
[,,]. Published online by Cambridge University Press
240 N. Bredon
Hence, for any t>0, one has the positive dierence functions given by
erefore, for i=1, 2, and for u=t∈(0, 1), the smallest positive root Rof
is strictly bigger than the one of
fi(u). is nishes the proof.
As a rst consequence, combining (5), (7), and Lemma 3.1,oneobtainsthat
for all 4 n9and0i2.
Next, suppose that the Coxeter graph Σ of contains a subgraph
is connected of order Nn+26, the subgraph
Ais contained in a connected
subgraph σof order 4 in Σ, which is related to a special subgroup Wof .Byeorem
2.2, one has that τWiτWfor some 0 i2. By combining (8) with these ndings,
and by eorem 2.2 and Lemma 3.1,onededucesthat
is nishes the proof of the eorem in the presence of a subgraph
Ain Σ.
3.2 In the absence of
Suppose that the Coxeter graph Σ with Nn+2 nodes does not contain a subgraph
of type
A.Inparticular,byeorem2.1, the corresponding Coxeter polyhedron P
Consider a non-simple ideal vertex vP.ItslinkLEnis described by
areducibleanesubgraphσwith nc=nc(∞) 2 components which satises
n1=order(σ)−ncby (1). In Table 3, we list all possible realizations for σby
using the following notations.
σkbe a connected ane Coxeter graph of order k3aslistedinTable 2,and
denote by
σkthe Coxeter graph consisting of the components of type
Observe that for any graph
σkin Table 3,onehas3min
kk5, and that the case
Among the dierent components of σ, we consider the ones of smallest order 3
together with their extensions.
Assume that the graph σof the vertex link Lcontains an ane component
σof order 3. By Example 2.3, we know that any extension of
σencodes a Coxeter
tetrahedral group Λ IsomHof nite covolume. e graph Σ itself contains a
subgraph σof order 4 which in turn comprises
σ. e Coxeter graph σcorresponds
to a special subgroup Wof , and by eorem 2.2,wededucethatτΛτW. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions 241
Table 3: Reducible ane Coxeter graphs σwith nc2components
of order k3suchthatn=order(σ)−nc+1.
n5 6 7 8 9
τ1.678 τ1.599 τ1.668 τ1.702
Figure 7: e Coxeter groups Δi,i=1,...,4.
Since ττΛ,andinviewof(5)and(6), eorem 2.2 yields the desired inequality
which nishes the proof in this case, and for n=5andn=6; see Table 3.
Assume that the graph σcontains an ane component
σof order 4. We
apply the same reasoning as above. By Example 2.4, any extension of
to a Coxeter 4-simplex group Λ of nite covolume, and ττΛ.Againcontains
σ. Hence, there exists a special subgroup Wof described
by σso that
By (10)and(11),theproofisnishedinthiscase,andforn=7andn=8; see
Table 3.
Assume that σcontains an ane component
σof order 5. By Table 3,one
has 7 n9. It is not dicult to list all possible extensions of
σ. ere are exactly
15 such extensions. It turns out that there are 11 extensions that encode Coxeter
5-simplex groups of nite covolume, whereas the remaining 4 extensions describe
5-simplex groups Δi,i=1,...,4,ofinnite covolume. ese last four simplices arise
by extending
F.eyaregiveninFigure 7, together with their associated
growth rates computed with CoxIter.
In view of (5), it turns out that
As above, the component
σlies in a subgraph σof order 6 in Σ, and the latter
corresponds to a special subgroup Wof so that
either τΛτWor τiτW,1i4 Published online by Cambridge University Press
242 N. Bredon
where Λ is a Coxeter 5-simplex group of nite covolume. Since ττΛ,andby(5)
and (12), one deduces that
is nishes the proof of this case.
Finally, all the above considerations allow us to conclude the proof of the eorem.
Acknowledgment e author would like to express her gratitude to her supervisor
Ruth Kellerhals for all the expert advice and support throughout this project.
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Naomi Bredon Birth: 11.10.1996
Citizenship: French
Gender: Female
Current Position
Since 12.19 Graduate Assistant,University of Fribourg.
Since 12.19 PhD Studies in Mathematics,University of Fribourg.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ruth Kellerhals.
09.17 07.19 Master of Science in Mathematics ALGANT International,
University of Bordeaux.
03.15 07.17 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics,University of Bor-
09.14 02.15 Preparatory classes MPSI,Lyc´ee Camille Julian, Bor-
[3] Coxeter systems with 2-dimensional Davis complexes, growth
rates and Perron numbers, with T. Yukita. Accepted for publication in
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2022.
[2] Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimen-
sions, Can. Math. Bull. 66 (2023), 232–242.
[1] Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in dimensions
four and five, with R. Kellerhals. Groups Geom. Dyn. 16 (2022), 725–741.
Invited Talks
04.24 On the classification of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra
Geometry Seminar, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig.
03.24 Hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra with mutually intersecting
facets S´eminaire Groupes et eom´etrie, University of Geneva.
01.24 Sur la classification des groupes de Coxeter hyperboliques
S´eminaire de eom´etrie et Topologie, University of Marseille.
11.23 On the classification of hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra
Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs en eom´etrie et dynamique, GDR Platon,
University of Grenoble.
04.23 Coxeter polyhedra and reflection groups
Geometry graduate colloquium, ETH Zurich.
03.23 Growth rates of Coxeter systems and Perron numbers
SMS Doctoral day, University of Neuchˆatel.
01.23 Groupes de Coxeter hyperboliques et taux de croissance
S´eminaire virtuel francophone de groupes et eom´etrie.
12.22 Minimal growth rates for hyperbolic Coxeter groups
Geometry and Topology seminar, Israel Institute of Technology.
11.22 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and their growth rates
Bern-Fribourg Graduate Seminar, University of Bern.
Departmental Talks
12.23 Hyperbolic Coxeter polyhedra with dihedral angles π
3and π
Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Fribourg.
11.22 Coxeter systems, growth rates and Perron numbers
Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Fribourg.
05.22 Hyperbolic manifolds and Coxeter groups
Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Fribourg.
05.22 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates
SMS Doctoral day, University of Fribourg.
12.20 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates a follow
up. Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Fribourg.
11.20 Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rates in
IsomH4Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Fribourg.
Conference Participation
11.23 CUSO Graduate Colloquium, University of Fribourg.
11.23 Parole aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs du r´eseau Platon,
Institut Fourier, Grenoble.
07.23 Borel Seminar - Lattices in Negative Curvature, SwissMAP Re-
search Station, Les Diablerets.
03.23 Groups of Dynamical Origins, Automata and Spectra,
SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets.
11.22 Discrete and locally compact groups, ENS Lyon.
07.22 Complex hyperbolic Geometry, CIRM, Luminy.
07.21 Swiss Knots, University of Fribourg.
Attended Weekly Seminar
Oberseminar Geometrie (UniFr).
Bern-Fribourg Graduate Seminar (UniFr, UniBe).
Teaching Experience
Graduate Assistant at University of Fribourg for the following courses.
Linear Algebra SP2020, SA2021-SP2022, SA2023–SP2024
Algebra and Geometry SA2020–SP2021, SA2022–SP2023
Discrete Mathematics From SP2020 to SP2024
Propedeutic Analysis 12.2019
Volontary tutoring at University of Bordeaux from 2016 to 2019.
2022 Active participation for the “Math Week”, University of Fribourg.
2017-2019 Contribution to the events “Filles et Maths”, University of Bordeaux.
Language skills
French: Native. English: Full professional proficiency.
Personal interests
Climbing, Hiking, Music.