Lecture: Self-deception and Self-renewal in
American Literature
American literary canon is rich in texts of dreams and ambition. Failed
dreams and thwarted ambitions often are the outcome, and personal
failures call into question the American project at large. But there are
also periodic efforts at self-renewal, hope, or wholesale destruction and
a fresh start. We will trace the
varieties and the persistence of these tropes in their social and
political ramifications in the Spring 2025 lecture, as we read texts that
are rarely grouped together yet prove enlightening when considered as
enduring documents of self-deception and self-renewal.
texts will be provided on MOODLE, among them
Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter"
Melville, Benito Cereno
Johnson, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"
Jackson, "The Lottery"
Morrison, "Recitatif"
purchase (at Librophoros) a print copy of
Yates, Revolutionary Road
syllabus available on MOODLE at start of term
Tuesdays 10-12h 3115