Welcome, Students.

Prof. Austenfeld's Classes and Other Teaching Material





Spring 2025

















Lecture: Self-deception and Self-renewal in American Literature    


The American literary canon is rich in texts of dreams and ambition. Failed dreams and thwarted ambitions often are the outcome, and personal failures call into question the American project at large. But there are also periodic efforts at self-renewal, hope, or wholesale destruction and a fresh start.  We will trace the varieties and the persistence of these tropes in their social and political ramifications in the Spring 2025 lecture, as we read texts that are rarely grouped together yet prove enlightening when considered as enduring documents of self-deception and self-renewal.  


Key texts will be provided on MOODLE, among them


-Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Rappaccini's Daughter"

-Herman Melville, Benito Cereno

-Dorothy Johnson, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"  

-Shirley Jackson, "The Lottery"

-Toni Morrison, "Recitatif"  


Please purchase (at Librophoros) a print copy of

-Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road


Full syllabus available on MOODLE at start of term

Tuesdays 10-12h      3115





Proseminar: Louise Erdrich


Louise Erdrich (born 1954), the leading Native American novelist of her generation, has created a fictional universe unrivalled in complexity—and in approachability.  After a brief introductory look at her poetry—to familiarize ourselves with her themes and style—this proseminar will be devoted to studying three of Erdrich's novels in thematic, cultural, and narrative terms.  In class discussion and through student presentations, we will seek to understand Erdrich's perspectives on the complex relationships between Indigenous nations and white settlers, native spirituality and Catholicism, as well as traditional marriages and tribal unions.  Erdrich has developed her own characteristic narrative style which gestures towards both traditional and magical realism and occasionally is downright zany.  Reading Erdrich is thus both a challenge and an opportunity for aesthetic pleasure. 


Poems will be provided. 

Novels (picked from all phases of her long creativity):


The Bingo Palace   (1994)  

The Round House   (2012)

The Mighty Red    (2024)


Full syllabus available on MOODLE at start of term

Mondays 13-15h     2120






Seminar: One Novel, One Poem, One Play


The title of this class reveals that we will study—or review—the key features of three fundamental literary genres and watch these features at work in three texts of extraordinary quality within their respective genre. For this, my last and final seminar at UNIFR, I have permitted myself to pick texts that are among my personal favorites but that remain, in all likelihood, unknown among the current student generation. To place them into the discourse of genre, we will take an intermittent look at some genre theorists from Heather Dubrow and Northrop Frye to Terry Eagleton.


Theory essays will be provided.



Jean Stafford, The Mountain Lion (1947)

Margaret Edson, W;t  (also titled Wit)  (1995)

Robert Hayden, "Middle Passage"  (1945/1962)


Full syllabus available on MOODLE at start of term

Tuesdays, 17-19h    3014








Office coordinates


Office: Miséricorde  

Office hours (during semester): Mondays 15-16h


Office Tel.: (+41) 26 300 79 04





American Literature

team members 



Chargée de cours / assistante diplomée



Corin Kraft   corin.kraft@unifr.ch







Lou Odermatt  lou.odermatt@unifr.ch

Guest scholar

Lina Serir


Practical hints


·         Protocol for the timely completion of a BA or MA thesis (Version: 2024)

·         For updated MLA Stylesheet instructions, please check out the wonderful resources at OWL, the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (and give them credit if you use them!): http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

·         Reading List for "Oral Exam" option in the Capstone Experience Module, B.A. in American Literature (Page under repair: contact Professor A. for details)

·          Additional information and submission form for MA thesis from the Dean's office     


This page last modified February 3, 2025

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