Workshop on Symmetries in Geometry & Topology
Université de Fribourg, July 3-5, 2008

Registration form

Please register if you plan to attend. However, registration is not
mandatory, and there is no registration fee. If you need a hotel reservation please register as soon as possible.

This form requires your browser to cooperate with the email program.
As an alternative, use our low tech registration.

  Name, title

  University or affiliation

  Email address


Days you will be attending the workshop:
July 3   July 4   July 5

Conference dinner on Friday (ca. CHF 60)

I need a hotel reservation:  yes
Arrival date
Departure date

We will be able to schedule additional talks, and in particular younger
mathematicians at the doctoral or post-doctoral stage are encouraged
to present their work. Limited funding for participants is available.

I would like to give a talk (please provide details below): yes
I would like to present a poster (please give details below): yes

Comments or remarks:


Submitting the form will send an email message to Dessai, Semmelmann and Tuschmann.